| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | The Son of Suda On Line A next generation collaborative editing tool
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Overview Collaborative Editing Suda On Line Integrating Digital Papyrology Son of Suda On Line
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Collaborative Editing Many people working on the same document at the same time –Wikis –Google Docs XML? Issues: version control, conflicts, editorial control
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Suda On Line Suda: 10 th century Byzantine Greek historical encyclopedia of the ancient Mediterranean World Suda On Line: Online collaborative annotated translation of the Suda
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Cascading Feature Set Guests: search, view, read logs Translators: create translations, implement links to external sources Editors: modify entries, assign status Managing Editors: approve registrations, see status of entries, review progress Collaboration with complete editorial control (see example)
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Integrating Digital Papyrology DDbDP: Transcriptions and metadata in SGML HGV: Metadata in Filemaker Pro HGV: Translations in custom XML APIS: Translations from database Poster from 2007 TEI Member’s Meeting
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | SoSOL Functionality of SOL for editing papyrology Give control of the data to the papyrological community - scholarly forum Opening up the “black box” Scholarly credit for contributions Open, transparent editorial control
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | SoSOL Design Hierarchical design and cascading capability set ‘Sandbox’ for submitted texts/translations Three layers –XML editor (tagless and XML views) –Version control manager (Subversion) –Workflow manager (from ingest through publication
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Cascading capability set Registered Users –Make suggestions and comments, publish individual new papyri, generate reports Editorial Board –Vet readings and translations, assign status, promote for publication Super-Editors –Add new texts without public vetting, review progress, general oversight
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Sandbox Holds submitted texts and translations during vetting process As conceived: individual branches, not a single branch Viewable, not editable, by other users Editorial board has final say & control of committing to main
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | XML Editor Browser-based - extend XHTML editor Incorporate existing EpiDoc tooling –Leiden Conventions EpiDoc –Handle font encoding differences –Add translations or metadata to existing texts or texts to existing translations or metadata EpiDoc friendly, schema agnostic
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Version control manager Abstraction layer: –Hide technical details from users –Editing not dependent on underlying VCS –Enforce fine-grained editorial control Multiple branches, controlled merging
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Workflow Manager From ingest through publication Ingest –Individual texts or batch import –Import multiple formats Peer-review process Final approval and publication
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach |
Beyond IDP2 A tool built for one project only is of limited use Importance of extensibility –Organization of texts –Editorial hierarchy and responsibilities –Additional functionality (image mapping) Homer Multitext Carolingian Canon Law
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Acknowledgments Suda On Line: –Published by the Stoa Consortium –Founded by Ross Scaife –Managing editors: Raphael Finkel, William Hutton, Catharine Roth, Patrick Rourke, Elizabeth Vandiver, David Whitehead Integrating Digital Papyrology –Andrew W. Mellon Foundation –Advanced Papyrological Information System –Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri –Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen –Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens –Project Leaders: Roger Bagnall (Columbia University), Deborah Jakubs (Duke University), Joshua Sosin (Duke University). –Collaboration between Duke Univeristy, CCH, Columbia University, and Universität Heidelberg
| Dedicated to Research, Education and Industrial Outreach | Finis Questions? Comments? Concerns?