E-Learning standards and meta-data: Case study ดร. น้ำทิพย์ วิภาวิน Sripatum University Library
Learning Management System(LMS) ia a software application that manage the deployment, management,and traking online learning resources.LMS use database for storing information about learner and courses. Learning object is a digital file intended to use for pedagogical purposes.
Meta-Data A structured description of characteristics such as the meaning, content, structure & purpose of a resource สรุปการปฏิบัติการที่จำเป็นสำหรับผู้ฟังของ คุณ สรุปรายการปฏิบัติการที่ต้องติดตาม The dominant purpose of learning object metadata is to increase the effectiveness of retrieval systems.
Searching learning resources Simple search / Advanced search
Meta-data Using Meta-data Searching learning resources
Role of XML in a Repository Transport of data
IEEE LTSC Learning Object Metadata / SCORM
LOM / IMS Data Element Categories
LOM Schema
IMS Metadata system IMS Meta Data Hierarchical data Elements: Root--Branches--Leaves
Interoperability: Maps between Metadata Schema Developing a Metadata Strategy
Stages of building meta-data. Stage 1: 1. Select a small number of meta-data fields. 2. Create a document template for a meta-data entry form.form 3. Create a simple meta-data review process. 4. Create an empty XML meta-data record that contains only the fields you have selected using the IMS DTD or XML- Schema. 5. Create one complete sample form with meta-data values in every field you have selected. 6. Review the meta-data. Adjust if you must. 7. Teach someone how to move the data fields from the form to an empty XML record using an XML editor. 8. Make a directory linking record file names to module titles. 9. Store the resulting XML record. 10. Write a meta-data entry instruction guide for your users. 11. Make a small library of XML records.
Stages of building meta-data. Stage 2: The data base. 1. Define the searchable record. Will it be a few fields or a few buckets that aggregate fields? 2. Create the database record structure. 3. create a method for mapping or aggregating the XML record fields into the data base records. 4. Populate the data base from the XML library. Stage 3: Searching the data base. 1. Develop the search interface. 2. Use test the search interface. 3. Deploy the search interface.
1.Database /meta-data?
2.Select the fields
3. A sample Meta-Data entry form
4.Creating the XML record
5.A simple search strategy
Metadata editor
Metadata Tools / ImseVimse Java application GPL
Case Study
Case Study