WHAT IS EDITING TEXTS preparing a new representation of wording aspects work: virtual entity document: concrete entity text: abstract entity
TYPES OF EDITION pragmatical edition creating new representation on base of any former record critical edition creating the right wording of the text (canonical text – archetype – Ur-Text) contextual edition finding intra-textual relations = individual style finding inter-textual connections = context sensu stricto identifying trans-textual level = context sensu largo
EDITOLOGY user-oriented reader or any other interested person truthworthy text/wording editor-oriented scholar-resercher textology
APPROACH historical text is transparent to other level of reality philological text is a final reality
DIGITAL EDITION open = not closed prepared for linking: context unfinished = never finished prepared for both deeper work and automatic processing: metinformation, transinformation
MARKUP LANGUAGES XML eXtensible Markup Language internal/rational structuration of information metalanguage (in logical meaning) HTML HyperText Markup Language external/visual structuration of information metalanguage (in logical meaning)
STANDARDS TEI: Text Encoding Initiative for text encoding written in XML interoperable in frame of the digital environment elements: for human user attributes: for machine user elements & attributes: virtualization of information
METHOD TEI XML: editor ▼ CSS: correcting ▼ XSLT: automatic transformation ▼ HTML: user/reader
CRITICAL APPARATUS historical point of view blablabla laudetur laudetur laudatur blablabla philological poinf of view …
TEXT TO IMAGE CORRELATION blablabla ▼ linking of the text following after to the correponding image/digital copy of the leave "1v"
TEXT TO TEXT RELATION [author-text level] blablabla Augustinus hohoho blablabla ▼ [editor-text level] blablabla Augustinus Hipponensis: De civitate dei. In: PL, etc. hohoho blablabla
FURTHER THINKING… context levels collection item microtext motif linking to other documents other resources annotations interoperable environment various levels of information
THANK YOU! Zdeněk Uhlíř ♥☺♥