An HDF-EOS DataBlade using Informix’s Object- Relational Database Renu
Topics zWhat is an ORDBMS ? zINFORMIX-Universal Server Architecture zDataBlade Architecture zHDFEOS DataBlade Components zHDFEOS DataBlade Benefits zUser Scenario zSummary
ORDBMS : Object-Relational Database Management System What is an ORDBMS ? zOO features ycomplex data object ydata behaviors (functions) yinheritance and overloading zRDBMS features yflexibility, security, transactions, recovery yNative SQL parsing, optimization ydata access methods (use of R-tree & B-tree indexes)
INFORMIX-Universal Server Architecture DataBlade API Extensible OR Engine ScaleableDataManager DataBladeModule Text Image Spatial Web INFORMIX-Universal ServerExtending the server by adding DataBlades
Tables Routines Types AccessMethods DataBlade Module Client Code DataBlade Architecture zData Types to define new information or data structures zRoutines that act upon the new data types zTables containing new data types zFast indexing and access for new data types zClient API
Tables Routines Types AccessMethods DataBlade Module Client Code z New data types: Grid, Swath, Point z Routines: data inquiry functions, subsetting functions as referred in HDF- EOS library z HDFEOS indexing methods for sorting and storing data z Tables containing HDF-EOS metadata and data z Client oriented code for data processing HDF-EOS Datablade components will include: HDFEOS Datablade
HDFEOS DataBlade Benefits yAccess cross granule information via SQL yEasy browsing yImproved performance with use of built-in index yPortability - data and functions packaged inside database server yEase of integration with other data types Queries Results INFORMIX-Universal Server
A user wishes to perform a correlation study between different physical parameters for a specific geographical area. example: Correlation between cloud amount and precipitation HDFEOS User Scenario zUser issues query to view all grid data objects that covers Bermuda. yThe query returns all granule names, grid information (names, dimensions, projection, fields etc.) matching the criteria. zUser issues query to retrieve data of interest. yQuery returns data of interest
Sample Scenario select Grd.filename,, Grd.projection, Grd.dimensions, Fld.fieldname from HEOSgrid Grd, HEOSgdfield Fld where ((Grd.filename = Fld.filename and Grd.objid = Fld.gridid) and Contains(Grd, '(32, 70, 42, 60)');
User Scenario cont’d zQuery to retrieve subset of data (“Precip” field) select LatLonSubset(Fld, '(32, 70, 42, 60)') from HEOSgdfield Fld where Fld.filename = 'pathfinder_flat_month.8708.psg.hdfeos' and Fld.gridname = ’SSMI' and Fld.fieldname = ’Precip'; zQuery to retrieve entire granule yexecute HEOSretrv((granulename, outfile, location);
HDFEOS Datablade Summary zEasy access and manipulation of HDF-EOS grid, swath, point data types via SQL3 zData and the functions reside inside database for better performance zStructural metadata search across granules by simple SQL zOnly SQL knowledge required by novice USERS to access HDF- EOS data zDatabase provides data reliability, security, portability, extensibility, transaction, performance zDatablade provides flexibility to incorporate HDF data objects
A user wishes to perform a correlation study between different physical parameters for a specific geographical area. example: Correlation between cloud amount and precipitation HDFEOS User Scenario zUser issues query to view all grid data objects that covers Bermuda. yThe query returns all granule names, grid information (names, dimensions, projection, etc.) matching the criteria. zUser issues query to view fieldnames from granules/grids of interest yQuery returns fieldnames contained in the grid zUser issues query to retrieve data of interest. yQuery returns data of interest
Sample Scenario select * from HEOSgrid Grd where Contains(Grd, '(32, 70, 42, 60)');
Scenario - select fields z Query to list all fieldnames contained in the specified grid objects select filename, gridname, fieldname from HEOSgdfield where ((gridname = ‘SSMI’ and filename = ‘xxxx’) and (gridname = ‘CloudAmt’ and filename = ‘yyyy’)); OR select filename gridname fieldname
HDF- EOS search queries z To get summary of all filenames, their size and the number of objects in each data file residing in the database: y select orgfile, size, numobj from HEOSfile; zTo retrieve core, product specific, or archive metadata from specific HDF-EOS data file: y select core-metadata, product-metadata from hdfeos where orgfile=‘toms_monthly_498.HEOSfile’;