Data Exploration Chapter 9
Introduction Where to begin? Data exploration is data-centered query and analysis Better understand the data and provide a starting point Linking between components
Interactive Data Exploration Histograms and scatterplots to explore data and discover patterns Exploratory data analysis is first step in statistical analysis Dynamic graphics enhances exploration Precursor to more formal and structured analysis
Interactive Data Exploration Selection, deletion, rotation, and transformation Brushing: a technique for selecting and highlighting subset and compare to other highlighted subset Box plot, variogram Similar kinds of functions in GIS
Interactive Data Exploration Display attribute and spatial data in different wind Windows dynamically linked We have seen in ArcView For vector data Not able to do with raster
Vector Data Query Attribute data query (we’ve used Query Builder) Logical or Boolean expression = > = = > = Boolean connector AND, OR, XOR, NOT NOT=COMPLEMENT
Vector Data Query AND=INTERSECT OR=UNION XOR (one and only one) ArcView: new, add to set, select from set, switch ARC/INFO RESELECT (new), ASELECT (add), and NSELECT (switch) Two way linkage
Use SQL to Query a Database SELECT SELECT FROM FROM WHERE WHERE ArcView has SQL Connect ARC/INFO uses CONNECT command Descriptive statistics (min, max, range, mean, standard deviation) can be included in SQL
Spatial Data Query Retrieving data by working with map features Cursor selection Feature selection by graphic (circle, rectangle, etc) Feature selection by spatial relationship Containment Containment Intersect Intersect Proximity Proximity Adjacency Adjacency Combined attribute and spatial data query
Raster Data Query Value Attribute Table (VAT) for integer grid Query by cell value Also Boolean Query by graphic
Charts Limited for ArcView Export to another statistical product
Geographic Visualization Geographic visualization has same objective as exploratory data analysis. Four methods Data classification Data classification Spatial aggregation Spatial aggregation Multiple maps in a view Multiple maps in a view Map comparison Map comparison
Data Classification Classification method and number of classes Make multiple versions and choose Link and what-if questions Reclassification for raster data. Data simplification, data isolation, data ranking Data simplification, data isolation, data ranking Integer easier to use
Data Classification Spatial Aggregation States, county, census tract, block group, block Raster aggregation more coarse resolution.
Map Comparison Same schema On/off display Multiple Views Chart symbols Bivariate choropleth (limited number of classes)