Legislative Update Summary of significant bills affecting the Records & Technology Division 7/31/07
2 AB 226 (Crimes Against Elderly) – 7/1/07 Establishes the Unit for the Prosecution of Crimes against Older Persons within the Office of the Attorney General. Creates the Repository for Information Concerning Crimes against Older Persons within the Criminal History Repository. Requires the Records Bureau (UCR Unit) to collect a “complete and systematic record of all reports of crimes against older persons within Nevada.” Requires the Bureau to compile and analyze all data collected on crimes against older persons. Data to be reported in annual Crime in Nevada publication that is delivered to the Governor and the Legislature.
3 AB 510 (Good-Time Credits) – 7/1/07 Increases good-time credits for certain offenders for good behavior, educational achievements, treatment for alcohol/drug problems, and vocational training. Allows good-time credits for certain offenders assigned to probation. Good-time credits apply retroactively in certain cases. Affects the Technology Bureau/OTIS. Coordination needed between P&P and R&T Division
4 AB 579 (Adam Walsh Act) - 7/1/08 Standardizes criteria for Tier Level Assessments & Community Notification based upon the specific offense. Adds new requirement for first-time sex offenders to register with local law enforcement before release from prison or within 3 days of sentencing. Changes re-verification requirements from annually to every 90 days for Tier III offenders, every 180 days for Tier II offenders, and annually for Tier I offenders. Makes all sex offenders subject to community notification requirements regardless of Tier level. Mandates changes to the DPS Community Notification Website to be searchable by a user-defined ZIP code or geographical radius and to include in its design “all the search field capabilities needed for full participation in the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender public Website maintained by the Attorney General of the United States.” Adds license plate number and description of any motor vehicles owned/operated by the offender as a field in the statewide registry. Requires the registration record to include the offender’s palm prints in addition to fingerprints. (New Livescan machines to be purchased/installed by Motorola are palm-print capable.)
5 SB 38 (R&T Division) – 7/1/07 Formally establishes the Records & Technology Division within the Department of Public Safety. Transfers responsibility for the Criminal History Repository from the NHP to the R&T Division. Allows the Repository to distribute criminal history record information to persons/entities acting on behalf of an employer. (Effective 3/1/08.)
6 SB 237 (Concealed Weapons) – 10/1/07 Allows for non-residents to carry a concealed weapon in Nevada if they have a CCW permit from another state whose CCW criteria is “substantially similar or more stringent than” the criteria used to grant a CCW permit in Nevada. By July 1 each year, the DPS Records Bureau must research the CCW laws of each state to determine if those laws are “substantially similar to or more stringent than” Nevada’s CCW laws, make a list of which states’ laws meet the criteria, and forward that list to the Sheriffs’ and Chiefs’ Association for concurrence. Other states’ CCW information must be available electronically and searchable by law enforcement. Does not codify the Brady exemption (cross-reference AB 21, died in committee).
7 SB 389 (Trust Account) – 5/29/07 Cleans up language from the 2005 session that allowed free background checks for any nonprofit agency, regardless of their mission or clientele. Requires the Records Bureau to adopt regulations that specify which agencies qualify for use of the Child Trust Account for free background checks.
8 SB 471 (Sex Offenders) – 7/1 & 10/7/07 Combination of Governor’s and Dina Titus’s sex offender bills. Establishes residency restrictions (1,000 feet of places frequented by children) and electronic monitoring for certain sex offenders. Establishes “loitering” restrictions (500 feet of places frequented by children) for certain sex offenders. Increases the number of years an individual must serve in prison for committing certain sexual offenses. Courts to transmit notices of arrest warrants to the Central Repository for violation of lifetime supervision within 3 days of issue. Requires sex offenders in prison to register with local law enforcement before being paroled; requires them to give a DNA specimen if they haven’t already done so. Various other provisions relating to Parole Board and appropriations to Motor Pool and Division of Parole & Probation.
9 Discussion, Questions, & Answers