1 Training Program on
2 Objectives of the Programme Explain the usage of the different functions of the child enrolment client lite -CEL Explain the process of enrolling children below 5 years of age Enable the user to enrol the target population using the client.
3 Aadhaar is to be issued to all residents In case of children below 5 years, only demographic data and photograph is captured Why Child Enrolment Client (CEL) Unlike adults, fingerprints and iris image is not captured in case of children below 5 years of age To handle the case of children below 5 years a dedicated client was needed
4 Enrolment using CEL : Features Android application Can be operated on tablet User friendly Prior exposure to AEC not required to run this client No Documents collected Aadhaar of parent is mandatory Online biometric authentication
5 Using CEL: Steps User Registration Adding Operator. Operator Authorization Review of Enrolment Details and authentication by operator Entering guardian’s aadhaar and Guaridan authentication 5 Upload and Sync 7 Capturing child’s demographic details,& photograph and entering mobile number Child Enrolment Steps
6 Understanding Child Enrolment Client Lite User can open the enrolment page by clicking this icon This function is used to add the operator in the client This function is used to upload the data and send it to CIDR This function is used to register the client This function is used to perform client settings like deletion of operator, sync etc. This is discussed in details later in this document
7 Working With CEL : client registration Step 1: Click on Registration Icon Click on Register Icon to register the client Step 2: After filling the different fields Click on Register Icon to register the client
8 Working With CEL : Adding Operator Step 1: Click on add operator icon Step2: Fill in these details Step 3: Authenticate Operator Step4 : Click here to add operator
9 Working With CEC: Enrolment of Child Step 1 :Click here to open Enrolment page
10 Working With CEL: Enrolment of Child (cntd.) Step 1: Fill Demographic Information of child Step 2: Fill in acknowledge ment Mobile & capturing enrolment location Step3: capture photograph Step 4: capture the Aadhaar of the Guardian/Parent Step 5: authenticate the guardian Step 6: Click Review
11 Working With CEL: Enrolment of Child (cntd.) : Review Screen Very important step Spend time on this screen, read out the details loudly to the enrolee’s guardian/ parent
12 Working With CEL: Enrolment of Child (cntd.) Step 7: Click here to authenticate operator Step 8: Complete Enrolment
13 Understanding Client settings Function
14 Client Setting helps perform following Upload of enrolment data Sync Viewing enrolment detail Facility for “Head of Family” to introduce their family Deregistering of the client Adding /removing Operator
15 Client Settings Function Click settings Only the operators registered with the client,have the permission to perform settings functions
16 Client Settings Function: Operator authentication Step 1: operator provides his/her Aadhaar Step2: Operator captures fingerprint/iris for authentication Step 3: Operator Authenticates Step 4: upon successful authentication click settings to proceed
17 Client Settings Function: Add or Remove operator Step 2: Click on :”add” or “remove” to add or remove operator Step 1: After successful auth click operator
18 Client Settings Function: Upload Function enables the user to upload the data in the UIDAI database. It has two subsections: Enrolment Complete: This shows the historical information of uploaded data like number of enrolments done and number of enrolment packets uploaded. Pending Upload: This shows the information about the packets pending for upload. Click on upload button to upload data
19 Client Settings Function: Client Sync This function is used to sync the client with UIDAI data base. It has two sections: Sync Information: shows the number of enrolment packets uploaded and number of enrolment packets synced Not Synced : shows the status of number of packets pending for upload and number of packets pending for sync Click here to sync client
20 Client Settings Function: Enrolment Register “Enrolment Register” : shows the name of the person enrolled and their EIDs. Upload : gives the facility to upload the data in UIDAI data base. It also allows deletion of records
21 Client Settings Function: Deregister This function enables the user to deregister the client. This has two sections- Registration Information. This section shows the registration information like Registrar Code, EA code Station ID Portal Credentials: The user has to log in by giving user name and password After logging in by entering portal credentials click here to de register
22 Training of trainer (ToT) workshops to be organized at ROs. The EA trainers, ROs’ nominees to participate. 2 Those trained in the ToT to train the participants in training programs (or mega camps)organized by ROs. The participants could be existing certified operators* or the ones identified by district or state administration (such as aganwadi workers etc who do not have an operator certification) The existing certified operators can enrol on CEL without any additional certification. However the EAs to ensure that such operators get prior training on CEL in wither mega training camp or any other training program organized by the EA Training & Certification Plan for CEL Candidates that are identified by administration, to be given certificate on successful completion of training. The list of such candidates to be shared with training division by ROs for import in the portal. They can be added as operators after successful import.
23 Certification for Child client Enrolment Thank You