Menands Union Free School District Budget Hearing May 11, 2015
ANNUAL BUDGET HEARING New York State Education Department requires that it be held not earlier than 14 days and not later than 7 days before the annual budget vote. Provides district residents with an overview of the proposed spending plan in the required 3 part (Capital, Administrative and Program) format. Impact of Tax Levy Limit on the school budget. Informs residents of what else they will be voting on. The District’s opportunity to keep taxpayers informed of changes that impact the school budget. Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015
Influencing factors facing Menands; Continued increases in tuition costs, both regular education and special education. Meet all contractual obligations. Continue to provide the educational and extracurricular opportunities our school community has shown it values and has come to expect. Tax Levy Limit, gap elimination adjustment (GEA), and slight increase in foundation aid. Fluctuations in public high school tuition costs resulted in less revenue- no way to plan for this. Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015
Budget to Budget Expenditure Increase Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015 Description $ Increase% Increase Adopted Budget Proposed Budget(Decrease)or (Decrease) Expenditures $8,032,323$8,306,605 $274, %
3 Part Budget Administrative -Program-Capital Menands Budget Hearing May 11,2015 Description $ Increase% Increase Adopted Budget Proposed Budgetor (Decrease) Administrative$903,999$914,315$10, % Program$6,302,502$6,523,649$221, % Capital$825,822$868,641$42, % Total$8,032,323$8,306,305$274, %
Administrative Component Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015 Description $ Increase or Adopted BudgetProposed Budget(Decrease) Board of Education $ 4,400 $ 4,900 $ % District Clerk and Meetings $ 13,052 $ 15,500 $ 2, % Chief School Administrator Office $ 221,817 $ 226,576 $ 4, % Business Office $ 216,305 $ 217,845 $ 1, % Auditing and Legal $ 30,000 $ 29,000$ -1, % Printing and Records Mngnt. $ 10,200 $ 15,400 $ 5, % Insurance & Assoc. Dues $ 6,600 $ -0% BOCES Administrative Costs $ 38,623 $ 41,281 $ 2, % Unclassified $ 30,000 $ -0.00% Curriculum Development $ 18,483 $ 19,117 $ % Supervision Regular School $ 102,660 $ 101,422 $ -1, % Research and Planning $ 8,575 $ -0% Employee Benefits $ 203,284 $ 198,099 $ -5, % TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE$ 903,999$ 914,315 $ 10, %
Program Component Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015 Description $ Increase or Increase or Adopted BudgetProposed Budget(Decrease) In-service and Training$ 500 $ -0.00% Teaching Regular Schools$ 3,158,031 $ 3,240,085 $ 82, % Programs for Students w. Disabil.$ 1,111,051 $ 1,287,894 $ 176, % School Psychologist$ 23,698 $ 27,121 $ 3, % School Library Audio Visual$ 67,363 $ 75,923 $ 8, % Computer Assisted Instruction$ 121,145 $ 130,411 $ 9, % Guidance Regular School$ 54,023 $ 63,042 $ 9, % Health Service Contracts$ 76,251 $ 77,500 $ 1, % Co-Curricular Activities$ 24,000 $ 00.00% Inter Scholastic Activities$ 9,200 $ 00.00% District Transportation$ 16,511 $ 10,000 $ -6, % Contract Transportation$ 663,750 $ 687,750 $ 24, % Public Transportation$ 4,000 $ 5,000 $ 1, % Youth Program$ 4,100 $ 0 $ % Employee Benefits$ 921,379 $ 837,723 $ -83, % Transfer to Café and Special Aid$ 47,500 $ 00.00% Total Program Component$ 6, $ 6,523,649 $ 221, %
Capital Component Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015 Description $ Increase or% Increase Adopted Budget Proposed Budget(Decrease)or (Decrease) Operation of Plant$ 289,977 $ 327,813 $ 37, % Maintenance of Plant $ 49,461 $ 55,500 $ % Debt Service $ 429,925 $ 422,150 $ -7, % Employee Benefits $ 56,459 $ 63,178 $ 6, % Total Capital Component $ 825,822 $ 868,641 $ 42, %
Revenue Assumptions Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015
What are you voting on? Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015 A budget that is within the tax levy limit making district residents eligible for the tax rebate. The tax levy increase is 1.36% or $86,498. The authorization to establish a Capital Reserve with an initial deposit from the existing repair reserve of $500,000. If approved the District will hold a public hearing on June 8 th in regard to the transfer of funds from the repair reserve. The Budget requires a simple majority to pass, 50% +1 yes votes.
What happens if the voters do not approve the proposed budget on May 21, 2015? Menands Budget Hearing May 11, 2015 The district could put the same expenditure budget up for a re- vote. The District could put an amended expenditure budget up for a re-vote. The district could go directly to a contingency budget, not requiring a re-vote. After two unsuccessful budget votes, the district has to go to a contingency budget in which case the tax levy can not be greater than the previous year. That would require expenditure reductions in the amount of $86,498.
Menands Budget Hearing May 12, 2014 What do we do now? Get family and friends to vote on school budget on Tuesday, May 19, 12:00-9:00. New voter registration on Wednesday May 13, 3:00-7:00. Publicize the upcoming Community Forum & encourage community involvement in the process. Continue to investigate cost saving measures.