1 What is “Threat”? Adversary with intent and capability to act against friendly interests. Other countries Business competitors Criminals Insider threats Terrorists
2 Threats Target…. People Critical technologies Proprietary economic data U.S. officials National defense information Who is a Potential Threat? ANY PERSON – this includes our nation’s adversaries Employees Visitors Other defense contractors Overly curious family, friends or neighbors Foreign nationals Students Whoever they are, foreign or home-grown, they are generally well educated and technologically sophisticated.
3 Collection Methods Unsolicited requests Joint ventures and research Visits to facilities Solicitation and marketing of services Conventions, Seminars, and Exhibits Cyber Threat Targeting Insiders
4 Reportable Events or Behaviors Recruitment Contact with an individual associated with a foreign intelligence, security, or terrorist organization Any offer of financial assistance by a foreign national other than close family Any request for classified or sensitive information outside official channels Engaging in illegal activity or a request to do so Information Transmittal Unauthorized removal of classified or protected material from the work area without appropriate authorization Use of unclassified fax or computer to transmit classified material Improper removal of classification markings from documents
5 Reportable Events or Behaviors Information Collection Requests to obtain classified or protected information without authorization Unauthorized storage of classified material Unauthorized access to classified or unclassified automated information systems Expressing radical statements or actions threatening violence against a coworker or others in the workplace Suspicious Behavior Indicators of terrorist activity Inappropriate, unusual, or excessive interest in classified information Short trips to foreign countries or travel within the U.S. to cities with foreign diplomatic activities for reasons that appear unusual or inconsistent with a person’s interests or financial means
6 Traveling to South Korea US citizens must have a passport valid for a minimum of 6 months beyond stay. This means that your passport should not have less than 6 months remaining before it expires. All foreign visitors entering the Republic of Korea will have their biometric data collected. A digital photograph of your face is taken and your fingerprints will be electronically scanned. Despite political tensions with North Korea, there are no imminent threats to US citizens traveling to South Korea and no special security precautions at this time. The Embassy will issue information if security situation changes. State Department strongly encourages US citizens to register with the US Embassy in the countries they visit. Register your travel and contact details. Enroll in the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) website: (receive travel updates/info and updated security info) American citizens outside the U.S. can call for emergency assistance. Available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday – Friday. American Citizen Services US Embassy Seoul 188 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu Seoul , Korea
7 Reporting an Incident Remain calm Do not under any circumstances, conduct your own investigation or attempt to follow the other persons involved If the incident involves a possible approach by a foreign intelligence, remain noncommittal, neither refusing nor agreeing to cooperate Make note of the date, time, and place of the incident Remember details about people, places, conversations, and vehicles (including license plates) Report all threat related incidents to your security office
8 CONTACTS If you have any questions or need more information please contact IIF Data Solutions security: Tania Leppert (703) Lynn Argueta (571) Remember Security is your Responsibility!