Coconut Inventory Activities Supported by UAV GIS&RS User Meeting Suva 24 th June 2014 Test conducted by Teja Kattenborn
Palm Resource Mapping with VHR Satellite Images A.Separation of coconut palm from other vegetation possible B.Density stratification is possible C.Counting is possible in scattered and semi dense stands with 95% accuracy (dense underestimation) D.Field work necessary but reduced to statistical minimum
Display VHR Image Data Texture of pan-sharpened VHR image data allows to separate palm and natural forest
Delineation of Palm Density 50 x 50 m grid helps interpretation
Counting Palms in Plots Placing a dot on top of every visible palm Placing a dot on top of every visible palm Digital overlay with grid and counting in MapInfo (GIS software) dots per grid cell Digital overlay with grid and counting in MapInfo (GIS software) dots per grid cell Transfer to Access Transfer to Access
Counting in MapInfo MapInfo automatically counts the number of palms within the plots using SQL select SQL Result
Field Sample Plots Needed Counting palms / hectare in dense stands Counting palms / hectare in dense stands Counting amount of hybrids Counting amount of hybrids Estimation coconut production Estimation coconut production Recording extent of diseases Recording extent of diseases Estimation of palm age Estimation of palm age Estimation of timber volume (diametre and height) Estimation of timber volume (diametre and height) 50 – 100% under estimation of palms / hectare in dense stands 50 – 100% under estimation of palms / hectare in dense stands
Copter Type UAV Good quality camera Good quality camera Camera can swing to oblique view Camera can swing to oblique view
Structure of Coconut Stands
Stitched Image
Oblique View
3D Space Visual interpretation possible Semi automatic palm counting possible
Point Cloud
Practical Solution? Method seems to workMethod seems to work Will reduce but NOT replace field workWill reduce but NOT replace field work Total cost has to match the cost of field work can be reducedTotal cost has to match the cost of field work can be reduced