Sunday 28 th October 2007 Morning Service Jesus the Early Years Luke 8:26-39 Jesus in a Battle for One Man’s Soul.


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Presentation transcript:

Sunday 28 th October 2007 Morning Service Jesus the Early Years Luke 8:26-39 Jesus in a Battle for One Man’s Soul

Reformation Sunday Call to Worship from Psalm 95 MINISTER: O come, let us sing to the LORD; let us every one A joyful noise make to the Rock of our salvation.

Reformation Sunday Call to Worship from Psalm 95 PEOPLE: Let us before His presence come With praise and thankful voice.

Reformation Sunday Call to Worship from Psalm 95 MINISTER: Let us sing psalms to Him with grace, And make a joyful noise.

Reformation Sunday Call to Worship from Psalm 95 ALL: AND ON OUR KNEES BEFORE THE LORD OUR MAKER LET US FALL!

Paraphrase 30 - Based on Hosea 6 Come, let us to the Lord our God with contrite hearts return; our God is gracious, nor will leave the desolate to mourn.

Paraphrase 30 – 2 / 6 His voice commands the tempest forth, and stills the stormy wave; his arm is sure and strong to smite, but also strong to save.

Paraphrase 30 – 3 / 6 Long has the night of sorrow reigned, the dawn shall bring us light: God shall appear, and we shall rise with gladness in his sight.

Paraphrase 30 – 4 / 6 Our hearts, if God we seek to know, shall know him, and rejoice; his coming like the morn shall be, like morning songs his voice.

Paraphrase 30 – 5 / 6 As dew upon the tender herb diffusing fragrance round; as showers that usher in the spring, and cheer the thirsty ground:

Paraphrase 30 – 6 / 6 So shall his presence bless our souls, and shed a joyful light; that hallowed morn shall chase away the sorrows of the night.

Prayer & Children’s Talk Could you grow a harvest here?

Dooking and Guising

Knowing the future…?  Jeremiah 29:11-13  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Psalm 148:1-14 (p. 194) 1O praise, O praise the LORD! Praise him from heavens’ height! 2All angels, give him praise; Praise him, you hosts of light. 3 Praise him, sun, moon and stars on high, 4 You highest heavens and cloudy sky.

Psalm 148:1-14 (2/5) 5O let them praise his name, The name of God the LORD, For he created them By his almighty word. 6 He set their place eternally; For ever fixed is his decree.

Psalm 148:1-14 (3/5) 7The LORD praise from the earth, You creatures of the deep, 8Fire, hail, snow, clouds and winds, Which his commandments keep. 9 You hills and trees, beasts wild and tame, 10 Small creatures, birds, exalt his name.

Psalm 148:1-14 (4/5) 11All nations and earth’s kings, Princes and all who reign; 12Young men and maidens too, Both children and old men: 13The LORD’s great name by them be praised; His name alone on high is raised.

Psalm 148:1-14 (5/5) His glory shines abroad Above the earth and heaven; 14 And he to his own folk A mighty king has given. Let Israèl give praise to God; They are his people. Praise the LORD!

Scots Confession of 1560 Chapter 12 - Faith in the Holy Spirit  This our faith and its assurance do not proceed from flesh and blood, that is to say, from natural powers within us, but are the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; whom we confess to be God, equal with the Father and with his Son, who sanctifies us, and brings us into all truth by his own working, without whom we should remain forever enemies to God and ignorant of his Son, Christ Jesus.

Scots Confession of 1560 Chapter 12 - Faith in the Holy Spirit  For by nature we are so dead, so blind, and so perverse, that neither can we feel when we are pierced, see the light when it shines, nor assent to the will of God when it is revealed, unless the Spirit of the Lord Jesus quicken that which is dead, remove the darkness from our minds, and bow our stubborn hearts to the obedience of his blessed will.

Scots Confession of 1560 Chapter 12 - Faith in the Holy Spirit  And so, as we confess that God the Father created us when we were not, as his Son our Lord Jesus redeemed us when we were enemies to him, so also do we confess that the Holy Spirit sanctifies and regenerates us, without respect to any merit proceeding from us, be it before or after our regeneration.

Scots Confession of 1560 Chapter 12 - Faith in the Holy Spirit  To put this even more plainly; as we willingly disclaim any honour and glory from our own creation and redemption, so do we willingly also for our regeneration and sanctification; for by ourselves we are not capable of thinking one good thought, but he who has begun the work in us alone continues us in it, to the praise and glory of his undeserved grace.

PSALM 2:1-6* (p. 2) 1Why do the heathen nations rage? Why do the peoples plot in vain? 2Earth’s kings combine in enmity; Her rulers join against God’s reign.

PSALM 2:1-6* (2/4) They take their stand against the LORD And challenge his anointed one: 3“Let us break off their chains from us; With their restraints let us be done.”

PSALM 2:1-6* (3/4) 4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs; The Lord on high derides them all. 5 Then he rebukes them in his wrath; His rage and terror on them fall.

PSALM 2:1-6* (4/4) 6 The LORD has made it known to them: “My chosen king I have installed On Zion, my own holy hill. He is the one whom I have called.”

Reading: Luke 8:26-39 (p. 1038)  26 They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee.  27 When Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a demon-possessed man from the town. For a long time this man had not worn clothes or lived in a house, but had lived in the tombs.

Reading: Luke 8:26-39 (p. 1038)  28 When he saw Jesus, he cried out and fell at his feet, shouting at the top of his voice, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don't torture me!"  29 For Jesus had commanded the evil spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was chained hand and foot and kept under guard, he had broken his chains and had been driven by the demon into solitary places.

Reading: Luke 8:26-39 (p. 1038)  30 Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "Legion," he replied, because many demons had gone into him.  31 And they begged him repeatedly not to order them to go into the Abyss.  32 A large herd of pigs was feeding there on the hillside. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into them, and he gave them permission.

Reading: Luke 8:26-39 (p. 1038)  33 When the demons came out of the man, they went into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned.  34 When those tending the pigs saw what had happened, they ran off and reported this in the town and countryside,

Reading: Luke 8:26-39 (p. 1038)  35 and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus' feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.  36 Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured.

Reading: Luke 8:26-39 (p. 1038)  37 Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left.  38 The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying,

Reading: Luke 8:26-39 (p. 1038)  39 "Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.

Sermon: Luke 8:26-39 KINGDOMS IN CONFLICT  After the storm at sea, Jesus stepped ashore to face a spiritual battle with demons  LEGION – why so many? 4000 to 6000? Invasion

1 - The Battle of the Gerasenes  A decisive Battle. A vast army facing one man…  All previous attempts to help the possessed man had failed…  28 –No fight left in the “Legion” of demons. A battle over with one word

1 - The Battle of the Gerasenes  2 Thess. 2:8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. Not equivalent forces!

1 - The Battle of the Gerasenes  Rev. 19:19-20 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet… The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. Not equivalent forces!

2 - The Victor is Recognised by His Enemy  28: “Son of the Most High God.”  How did they know? (Also, Acts 16:17).  Fallen angels – who simply wish to avoid punishment in the Abyss.  Revelation 20… Surrender terms

2 - The Victor is Recognised by His Enemy  Revelation 20… And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him… Surrender terms

3 – We Need to Recognise Our Saviour  The Non-Western world is much more aware of spiritual darkness.  Recognise that Jesus ALONE is Lord of all.  Speak to the only one that evil forces fear.  Spiritual parasites – choosing pigs rather than destruction. Liberation

3 – We Need to Recognise Our Saviour  Why did Jesus allow them to enter the herd of pigs?  J C Ryle: “Demons must always be doing harm.” – Their true destructive nature is revealed.  Satan: the “destroyer”. Revelation 9:11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon.

3 – We Need to Recognise Our Saviour  Christ - the creator: John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  Is your response different to the population of that region? (35-37)  The human heart runs away from Jesus… but Jesus appointed a new missionary then. Has his mission touched you today?

Psalm 130:1-8* (p. 173) 1/4 1LORD, from the depths I call to you; 2Lord, hear me from on high And give attention to my voice when I for mercy cry.

Psalm 130:1-8* (p. 173) 2/4 3LORD, in your presence who can stand, if you our sins record? 4But yet forgiveness is with you, that we may fear you, LORD.

Psalm 130:1-8* (p. 173) 3/4 5I wait—my soul waits—for the LORD; my hope is in his word. 6More than the watchman waits for dawn my soul waits for the Lord.

Psalm 130:1-8* (p. 173) 4/4 7O Isr’el, put your hope in God, for mercy is with him 8And full redemption. From their sins his people he’ll redeem.

God Calls Us to delight in Christ and to Share His Hope. Join us for Tea, Coffee and Juice in the Church Hall