ISECON Feinstein1 IM’ LATE FROM THERE TO HERE – FROM HERE TO THERE A FEW BITS AND BYTES David Feinstein Educator of the year 2004
ISECON Feinstein2 The Changing Content Of Our Literature Communications of the ACM Published continuously since 1958 (The ACM has digitized everything published almost) Communications of the ACM, Volume 1, Issue 1 (January 1958) A machine method for square-root computation Tables for automatic computation A recursive program for the general n-dimensional integral
ISECON Feinstein3 Volume 6, Issue 1 (January 1963) Revised report on the algorithm language ALGOL 60 Arithmetizing declarations: an application to COBOL Storage and search properties of a tree-organized memory system Terms frequently combined in problem description FORTRAN subroutines for time series analysis A recursive program for the general n-dimensional integral Generating discrete random variables in a computer
ISECON Feinstein4 Volume 48, Issue 10 (October 2005) Did MGM really win the Grokster case? Software in Ireland: a balance of entrepreneurship and… lifestyle management Academic dishonesty and the Internet The growth of information workers in the U.S. economy Digital aids for an aging society Consumer power in the digital society ….. IT skills in a tough job market Current practices of leading e-government countries The Change from bits to software to the business of our profession
ISECON Feinstein5 Education and Curriculum models Computer Science Information Systems Information Technology ACM 2005 ACM DPMA ACM DPMA 1990 DPMA 1997 ACM, AIS, AITP 2002 ACM, AIS, AITP
ISECON Feinstein6 Content of the 1968 CS model at the introductory and intermediate level included Programming Debugging Computer Organization Analysis of numerical problems Data Representation Machine Language
ISECON Feinstein7 Content of the CS 1968 model included (cont.) Addressing techniques Machine code Logic design and microprogramming Program Segmentation and Linkage Discrete structures – set theory Numerical Calculus Data Structures Programming Languages Computer Organization Note the hardware orientation
ISECON Feinstein8 The CS 2001 Model was divided into “Knowledge Focus Groups Discrete Functions Human Computer Interaction Programming Fundamentals Graphics and Visual Computing Algorithms and Complexity Intelligent Systems Architecture and Organization Information Management Operating Systems Social and Professional Issues Net Centric Computing Software Engineering Programming Languages Computational Science
ISECON Feinstein9 The Computer Science Curriculum Reflects much of the changes in literature. Interest is removed from the hardware New topics have appeared such as net-centric and HCI A Broader interest on the societal issues impacted by computing
ISECON Feinstein10 Representative Content of the DPMA IS 1972 model Characteristics of computing systems Applications Programming Assembly Programming (elective) Database DSS (elective) EDP Audit (elective Project The curriculum is applied application orientated
ISECON Feinstein11 Representative Content of the ACM IS 1982 model Programming Operations Analysis and Modeling Systems Concepts Programming Structures Systems Information Analysis Computer-ware Computer Systems Systems design and Implementation PLUS Business core Business School Orientation AACSB
ISECON Feinstein12 Joint ACM, AIS, AITP 2002 IS Model Personal Productivity with IT Fundamentals of IS E-Business IS Theory and Practice IT Hardware and Software Systems Programming, Data and File Structures Analysis and Logical Design Networks and Telecommunications Physical Design and Implementation with DBMS Physical Design and Implementation In Emerging Technologies Project Management and Practice
ISECON Feinstein13 The IS 2002 model is designed compatible with but not limited to AACSB Forward looking
ISECON Feinstein14 IT 2005 Draft Model Fundamentals HCI Information Assurance and Security Information Management Interactive programming and Technologies Networking Programming Fundamentals Platform Technologies Systems Administration and Maintenance System Integration and Architecture Social and Professional Issues Web Systems and Technologies
ISECON Feinstein15 The IT Model Looks Like the Direct Link to the First DPMA Model with its Application Orientation
ISECON Feinstein16 What have been the trends since 1958 The body of knowledge has grown enormously We have diversified while the fundamentals of our disciplines have remained constant We are now much more aware of the world in which we reside The developed world now depends on us as its glue