Infection Control *Some policies and procedures may be facility specific.
Nosocomial Infections Health Care Acquired Infections n Nosocomial Infections are infections that patients obtain while in the hospital n There are 40 million hospital admissions annually n 2 million patients develop hospital acquired infections and 88,000 die n Hospital acquired infections cost $4.5 billion annually n 60% of Nosocomial Infections are caused by Drug Resistant Organisms
Chain of Events n Three Elements must be present for an infection to spread to hospital patients: –Source of Pathogen – Causative Agent –Susceptible Host – Patients and/or Care Providers –Mode of Transmission - Transmission route for microorganisms from person to person or object to person
Chain of Infection Causative Agent Reservoir Portal of Exit Mode of Transmission Portal of Entry Susceptible Host
Breaking The Chain n Infection control policies exist to help break the chain of events that leads to the spread of infection. n Infection Control Activities Include: –Handwashing –Isolation Techniques –Use of Personnel Protective Equipment –Occupational Exposure Plan
HANDWASHING n n Handwashing is the most important activity you can do to prevent the spread of infection. n n seconds of friction n n Rinse from wrist to fingertips n n Turn faucet off with paper towel n n Wash before and after each patient contact n n Wash after removing gloves n n Wash after using the restroom n n Wash before eating n n Alcohol handrinse should be used if hands are not visibly soiled
Artificial Nails n CDC advisory – do not wear artificial nails, tips, overlays or decorations on nails for healthcare workers who have direct contact with patients n Do not wear old or chipped nail polish n Keep nails short-no longer than ¼ of an inch n Scientific studies indicate increased fungal and bacterial colonization in healthcare workers with artificial nails
Isolation Precautions n Currently there are two types of Isolation Precautions: –Standard Precautions: Used when caring for all patients, also known as Universal Precautions –Transmission Based Precautions: Used in addition to standard precautions for specific disease processes. n Contact n Droplet n Airborne n Protective
Standard or Universal Precautions The Key Principle Treat all Blood, Body Fluid, Secretions and Excretions as if potentially infectious for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS), Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or other blood borne pathogens Hepatitis C, or other blood borne pathogens
BloodBorne Pathogens n Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are the most commonly known bloodborne pathogens. n The main ways to become infected with these pathogens is through sexual contact and contact with blood and other body fluids. n Since we can’t look at a person and tell if they have HIV or HBV, we have to treat everyone as if they are infected, and follow standard precautions at all times. n The average risk of infection after accidental exposure is: –HIV –0.3% –HBV-5-30% - There is a HBV vaccine series that is available to reduce healthcare workers risk of infection.
Standard Precautions n n Wash hands between patient contact n n Use Alcohol hand gel when hands are not visibly soiled n n Use proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) n n Clean up spills with proper technique and disinfectants n n Never re-cap needles n n Discard Sharps in approved puncture resistant containers only n n Keep food away from possible infectious materials n n Never pick up glass with bare hands n n Identify places in your work area for eye and face washing if contamination occurs
Personal Protective Equipment PPE n PPE is specialized clothing or equipment used to prevent exposure to health and safety hazards n Gloves should be worn anytime you could potentially come in contact with blood, body fluids or other potentially infectious materials n Gowns, Masks, Face Shield / Eyewear should be worn anytime a splash of body fluids is possible n Any contaminated PPE should be disposed of properly in biohazard waste containers n PPE is supplied by the hospitals n PPE should be in the correct size n You should know where PPE is located n Gloves - latex free and powder free are available
Handling of Needles n Never recap needles using 2 hands n Never bend or break needles n Dispose of all needles in nearest sharp’s disposal container n Replace sharps containers when 2/3 – 3/4 full n Must use safety devices when available
Cleaning Bloodspills n PPE – Wear gloves. Also gown and eye goggles if a large spill n Contain spill with paper towels or cover; clean with 1:10 fresh bleach / water solution, or EPA approved germicidal cleaner then place in red bag n Disinfect by applying 1:10 bleach / water solution ; let air dry
n All used linens are to be put in soiled linen containers / bags without separating
n The biohazard symbol should be used to identify anything or any area that may present possible exposure to Blood and Body Fluids
Transmission Based Isolation Precautions n Contact Precautions – Used to reduce transmission of microorganisms via the contact route. Examples include Antibiotic Resistant Organisms n Droplet Precautions – Used to reduce transmission of microorganisms by coughing, sneezing and talking. Examples include Bacterial Meningitis, Flu, Mumps and Rubella. n Airborne Precautions – Used to reduce transmission via the airborne route. Examples include TB, Smallpox, SARS and Chicken Pox – Do not allow non-immune to go in this room n Protective Precautions – For immune-compromised patients with less than 1000 white blood cells.
Contact Precautions n Follow Standard Precautions. n Follow instructions posted on the door. n Always wear gloves when entering the room. n A gown should be worn if you anticipate that your clothing will contact the patient environment surface. n Patients with MRSA and Entercoccus are examples of patients who should be placed in Contact Isolation.
MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus) n MRSA is transmitted via direct contact between people or contaminated objects. n S. aureus produces an ENZYME, betalactamase, which allows it to become RESISTANT to penicillins n In 1960, Methicillin became available for treating penicillin resistant S. aureus n S. aureus developed strains resistant to Methicillin and by the mid 1970’s MRSA became a problem n MRSA are resistant to many antibiotics, but can be treated with Vancomycin, some VRSA (Vancomycin Resistant Staph Aureus) are now being reported
ENTEROCOCCUS n Located in normal flora of the GI and female reproductive tract, also transmitted via the contact route. n Third most common cause of hospital acquired infections. n Infection occurs in: urinary tract, wounds, central lines n VRE – Enterococcus has acquired vancomycin resistance n VRE – 70% from urinary site – nursing home residents n VRE – Reportable to state from sterile body sites
Risk Factors for Developing Antibiotic Resistance n ICU Patients n Patients with extended length of stay n Patients with previous admissions n Overuse and misuse of antibiotics n Nursing home residents
Preventing The Spread of Drug Resistant Organisms n Wash hands between each patient contact n Place patient in Contact Isolation Precautions n Use and dispose of PPE correctly n Follow strict isolation technique n Use antibiotics appropriately
Droplet Precautions n Follow Standard Precautions. n Follow Instructions Posted on the Door. n Wear an Isolation Mask if coming within 3 feet of the patient. n Some hospitals may require a mask upon entering the patient room. n Patients with the flu should be placed in Droplet Precautions.
Influenza n 10% to 20% of U.S. population will get the flu n 36,000 will die, 114,000 will be hospitalized n Most who die will be over 65, but children younger that 2 will be as likely as elderly to be hospitalized n Healthcare employee vaccination rate has been about 35%, CDC goal is over 80% n Recommendation for flu vaccine –Elderly >65 –Young children <2 (6 months or younger not eligible) –Immunocompromised and/or with chronic disease –Healthcare worker taking care of or living with above *Per CDC current data
Airborne Precautions n Standard Precautions should be followed n Place patient in a negative pressure room n Door remains closed n Personnel entering room must wear an N95 Particulate Respirator n Employees must be medically screened and fit tested to wear the respirator. n Due to the fit test requirement, students are not to enter the room of patients in TB isolation. n Visitors/Family are encouraged to refrain from entry to the TB patient’s room. If entry is elected these individuals are strongly encouraged to wear an approved dust-mist mask, supplied by the hospital.
Airborne Pathogens n TB n Chicken Pox n Measles n Disseminated Herpes Zoster n Smallpox n SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
TB n Mycobacterium tuberculosis n One third of the world has been infected with TB n TB Infection: Body holds the germ in check, but PPD is positive n TB Disease: 10% of persons infected will develop active disease, half within 2 years of exposure n Active disease is defined as having the bacteria, being contagious, and symptomatic. A person can be infected with TB but not be symptomatic or contagious. n 40-50% of TB patients have a delayed diagnosis an average of 6 days resulting in exposure of workers for each undiagnosed patient n Health Care Workers should have annual PPD testing done
QUESTIONS to detect TB n Have you been coughing for over 3 weeks? n Have you been coughing at all and have any of the following: a. Coughing up blood? b. Sweats at night? c. Loss of weight without trying? d. Persistent fever?
Exposure Control Plan n OSHA requires that all hospitals develop an Exposure Control Plan designed to: –Reduce your risk of exposure to blood and body fluids –Provide the use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) –Provide the use of Engineering Controls – ex. Negative pressure rooms for TB patients, sharps disposal containers –Provide a Hepatitis B vaccine program –The plan is located in the Epidemiology Manual (Infection Control) in your area
Needlestick or Blood Exposure “Actions to Take if Exposure Occurs” n First Aid – thoroughly wash area n If your eyes get splashed, flush them with water n Notify supervisor immediately n Notify Occupational/Employee Health n Complete Needlestick/Exposure forms- this will allow for testing of the source patient n Counseling n HIV source - begin post -exposure prophylaxis within 2 hours