If you only could have one N.T. book to study, learn, live, and teach, which would you chose? One of the Gospels to get the story of Christ and His ‘sermons’ would certainly be a good choice. The Acts of the Apostles to have the history of the church, its development and spread, and all those cases of conversion would also be a wise choice. Perhaps the Revelation with all its prophetic hope would be another good choice. But I think I would, if pressed to choose only one, select Romans for its completeness in revealing and relaying God’s Scheme of Redemption for mankind.
The Scheme of Redemption in Romans The “Scheme of Redemption” (God’s plan for saving man) has two critical parts: sin & salvation. From Romans, we learn about “sin.” What is “sin”? 4:15; 3:20 Who is guilty of “sin”? Gentiles, 1:18-23ff Jews, 2:1-8 Everyone, 2:9 – 3:18,23 What is the penalty of “sin”? 6:16-23
The Scheme of Redemption in Romans The “Scheme of Redemption” (God’s plan for saving man) has two critical parts: sin & salvation. From Romans, we also learn about God’s part in man’s “salvation.” God’s motivation for saving man- Love, Rom.5:8 God’s provision for saving man- Christ, Rom.5:6-8 God’s redemptive price for saving man- Jesus’ Blood, Rom.5:9 God’s power for saving man- Gospel, Rom.1:16
The Scheme of Redemption in Romans The “Scheme of Redemption” (God’s plan for saving man) has two critical parts: sin & salvation. From Romans, we also learn about our part in “salvation.” Have faith in Christ, Rom.5:1; 10:17 Confess Christ as Lord of our lives, Rom.10:9-10 Turn to Christ in repentance, Rom.3:12; 2:4-5 Contact the blood of Christ by dying and being buried with in baptism, Rom.6:1-4 Dedicate our lives in service to Christ, Rom.6:12- 22; and to His Cause and Brethren, Rom.12.
The Scheme of Redemption in Romans Folks, that’s the “Scheme of Redemption” as seen in the letter to the Romans in as simple of terms as I know to put it. If you’ve done your part in this plan, then go help others do likewise. If you haven’t done your part, why not start right now?