ADAPT it! Teaching Approach 2nd Quarter 2008, The Wonder of Jesus The POWER of HIS RESURRECTION Adult Sabbath School Lesson PowerPoint Presentation June 14, 2008
Memory Verse “I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever!” REVELATION 1:18
HOPE IN THE RESURRECTION STEPS WE NEED TO TAKE Believe the resurrection story Claim the power of Christ’s resurrection
Resurrection Story All of the events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus give indisputable evidence of its occurrence A. How authentic was the resurrection? EVI DEN CES
Resurrection Story PUBLIC EVIDENCES OF CHRIST’S RESURRECTION MATTHEW 27:50-53 – Rending of the temple curtain MATTHEW 27:54-56 –Earthquake MATTHEW 27:57-61 – Jesus was placed in the tomb MATTHEW 27:62-66 – The witness of the Roman Centurion EVI DEN CES
Resurrection Story The Christian faith is dependent on the validity of the resurrection All other Christian doctrines are dependent upon the proclamation of the resurrection...” (Alan Richardson, ed., “Resurrection of Christ,” A Dictionary of Christian Theology, p. 290). B. How important is the Resurrection to our faith? I Cor. 15:17 EMPTY TOMB
Power of the Resurrection A. How did the disciples experience the power of the Resurrection? Phil. 3:7-10 The resurrection of Jesus gave His disciples the power for witnessing How should the Resurrection affect our social and community interactions?
Power of the Resurrection B. What hope does Christ’s resurrection hold out for us? Revelation 1:18 Christ’s resurrection gave us the hope of resurrection The resurrection is the evidence of our salvation
SUMMARY WE CAN FIND HOPE IN CHRIST’S RESURRECTION By believing the resurrection story By claiming the power of His resurrection
APPLY How can this knowledge about Christ’s resurrection affect my life today? Do I have the desire to believe the resurrection story? Do I have the desire to claim the power and hope of Christ’s resurrection? Q
PLAN How can I use this knowledge about Christ’s resurrection this coming week? What are the practical things I can do to share the hope and comfort of the resurrection to others? Q
TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? What biblical principle from the lesson can I use today? Q
TRANSFER TRUTH What changes do I need in my life? I need to share the hope and comfort of Christ's resurrection to others I have no time for others 1. By sharing the hope of His resurrection to my love ones, neighbors and friend through Bible study This coming week, I will appropriate special time for sharing the good news to others PRINCIPLEAPPLICATIONPROBLEMDECISION Let’s make the decision! Q
ASSOCIATE truth – Why should I study this lesson? DISCOVER truth – What does the Bible say about this truth? APPLY truth – How can this truth affect my life today ? PLAN using the truth – How can I use this truth today? TRANSFER truth to life – What changes do I need in my life? ADAPT it! Teaching Approach Teach With Power Ministry Effective for SMALL GROUPS