New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary.


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Presentation transcript:

New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary

The Apostle Paul

Background of Paul’s Epistles First Pauline epistles: Galatians or 1 Thess. First Pauline epistles: Galatians or 1 Thess. The occasional nature of Paul’s letters. Paul’s letters of response to certain problems and situations. Contextually specific letters addressing specific problems. The occasional nature of Paul’s letters. Paul’s letters of response to certain problems and situations. Contextually specific letters addressing specific problems.

Reading Paul’s Letters Two analogies Two analogies Phone conversation Phone conversation Reading someone else’s mail Reading someone else’s mail We must construct a plausible scenario from Paul’s letters that help us to interpret them. We must construct a plausible scenario from Paul’s letters that help us to interpret them.

Circulation Read by more than immediate audience-- Colossians Read by more than immediate audience-- Colossians Others more context specific—Corinthians Others more context specific—Corinthians 1 Peter mentions collection of Paul’s letters 1 Peter mentions collection of Paul’s letters

The Person of Paul Citizen of two worlds: Citizen of two worlds: Jewish: radical, destroy the threat to Judaism of the church [Pharisees with Zealot tendencies] Jewish: radical, destroy the threat to Judaism of the church [Pharisees with Zealot tendencies] Citizen of Rome: familiar with Greco-Roman world, citizenship exploited getting him out of trouble Citizen of Rome: familiar with Greco-Roman world, citizenship exploited getting him out of trouble

Traditional Paul? Acts 9—Paul’s conversion Acts 9—Paul’s conversion Traditional approach to Paul Traditional approach to Paul Paul tried the law and became frustrated and felt more and more guilty that he couldn’t keep it, failure  accepts salvation through Christ—Is this accurate? Paul tried the law and became frustrated and felt more and more guilty that he couldn’t keep it, failure  accepts salvation through Christ—Is this accurate? Galatians 1: Persecuting the Church, advanced in Judaism… Galatians 1: Persecuting the Church, advanced in Judaism… Philippians 3: Circumcised, Benjamin, Pharisee, zeal persecuting the church, as to the law blameless– Does this reflect guilt? Philippians 3: Circumcised, Benjamin, Pharisee, zeal persecuting the church, as to the law blameless– Does this reflect guilt?

Road to Damascus in Acts 9 conversion and commissioning/call of Paul to preach to Gentiles [Acts: Paul  Rome] Road to Damascus in Acts 9 conversion and commissioning/call of Paul to preach to Gentiles [Acts: Paul  Rome]

Introducing Romans Opening a piece of mail metaphor Opening a piece of mail metaphor Romans had played a significant role in the church Romans had played a significant role in the church

Those who Read Romans

Authorship of Romans Romans 16:22– I, Tertius wrote this letter. Amanuensis – you dictate letter to them to be written down, author signed it Romans 16:22– I, Tertius wrote this letter. Amanuensis – you dictate letter to them to be written down, author signed it Romans seems not to reflect a specific crisis or problem like other letters Romans seems not to reflect a specific crisis or problem like other letters

Reason for writing Romans 1) Mission – to secure Rome as a base for missionary activity—Rom. 15:23ff 1) Mission – to secure Rome as a base for missionary activity—Rom. 15:23ff 2) Apologetic – to provide an explanation and defense of his gospel 2) Apologetic – to provide an explanation and defense of his gospel 3) Pastoral – to unite Jew and Gentile factions 3) Pastoral – to unite Jew and Gentile factions

Key Texts on Faith Justification “Now, apart from the law, the righteousness of God has been revealed…a righteousness of God through faith in Christ” ( ) “For…a person is justified by faith apart from works of the law” (3.28) What did he mean by this?– Why keeping law doesn’t justify but by faith does?

The “New Look” on Paul Luther – legalism: trying to earn salvation by performing good works Luther – legalism: trying to earn salvation by performing good works Sanders – nomism: works of the law were a response to God’s grace Sanders – nomism: works of the law were a response to God’s grace Dunn – nationalism: the promise of salvation was too closely tied to being a Jew Dunn – nationalism: the promise of salvation was too closely tied to being a Jew

New and Old Perspectives on Paul Problem: Problem: Old: Human inability (sin) to keep the law Old: Human inability (sin) to keep the law New: Jewish exclusivism New: Jewish exclusivism Question: Question: Old: How is a sinner made right with a holy God? Old: How is a sinner made right with a holy God? New: How do Gentiles become the people of God? New: How do Gentiles become the people of God? Focus: Focus: Old: Individual Old: Individual New: Communal New: Communal

Old and New Paul “Solution” Solution Solution Paul is addressing the issue of Jewish and Gentile relations. Who are the true people of God? (New Perspective) Paul is addressing the issue of Jewish and Gentile relations. Who are the true people of God? (New Perspective) But this only raises the issue of what is required for salvation? Is it faith, or reliance on the law? How does one stand righteouss before God? (Old Perspective) But this only raises the issue of what is required for salvation? Is it faith, or reliance on the law? How does one stand righteouss before God? (Old Perspective)