Patrick Mwesigye (UNEP) Value Chains and Transforming Smallholder Agriculture Addis Ababa 6 -9 November 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Patrick Mwesigye (UNEP) Value Chains and Transforming Smallholder Agriculture Addis Ababa 6 -9 November 2012

Programmes to Green VCs Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) (Marrakech process and 10-YFP) Eco-labelling (AEM and EMA) Joint UNIDO-UNEP Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) Programme National Cleaner Production Centres and Programmes (NCPCs/NCPPs; since 1994) Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation FAO-UNEP Agri-Food Task Force Green Economy

FAO and UNEP joint project Global cooperation in promoting SCP in Agri-food sector Implementer of Sustainable Food Systems Programme (SFSP) FAO and UNEP joint project Global cooperation in promoting SCP in Agri-food sector Implementer of Sustainable Food Systems Programme (SFSP) Long Term Identify existing SCP policies& practices Promote awareness and adoption of SCP Develop monitoring Tools Capacity building Long Term Identify existing SCP policies& practices Promote awareness and adoption of SCP Develop monitoring Tools Capacity building Short Term Multi-stakeholder dialogue Partnership Building Information platform on SCP Intensify SCP communication Short Term Multi-stakeholder dialogue Partnership Building Information platform on SCP Intensify SCP communication Agri-food Task Force.....

Agri-food Task Force (2)..... Global representation All regions of the world Global representation All regions of the world Operation 4 Activity Clusters (AC) 4 Working Groups (WG) Operation 4 Activity Clusters (AC) 4 Working Groups (WG) Stakeholders Governments Private sector Civil Society Stakeholders Governments Private sector Civil Society

Coordinated by UNEP and FAO in collaboration with corresponding working groups (WG) AC 1: Info sharing on SCP in Agri-food (WG 1) AC 2:Consumer-related Communications for SCP in Agri-food (WG 2) AC 3: Create enabling conditions for the uptake of SCP in food systems(WG 3) AC 4: Market based approaches for supply chains actors (WG 4)

Countries:South Africa, India, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Barbados, Netherlands, UK, Indonesia, Morocco, Ghana, China, USA, New Zealand and Brazil Private sector: World Farmers Organization, Nestlé/ EU SCP Round Table, CropLife International, Sustainable Agriculture initiative, and International Fertilizer Association Civil society: Bioversity International, WWF, IUCN, ISEAL Alliance, Consumers International, South Centre, Action Contre la Faim, WBCSD, ICTSD and Ecoagriculture Partners, ARSCP Inter-governmental: UNEP, IFAD, FAO, UNIDO, UNCTAD, UNDESA, OECD, and European Commission

November 2010 Inaugural meeting; at this meeting the ATF agreed on the areas of focus on promoting sustainable consumption and production in agriculture April 2011 Meeting to review and finalise the SFSP document for possible inclusion in the 10 YFP on SCP April 2012 Creation of four working groups to promote activities in the corresponding activity clusters Definition of short medium and 10 year goals as well as development of two year roadmap

10 YearInitial activity (May 12 – May 13) ICreate a global, portal on sustainability of food systems Inventory of extension systems and information platforms IIEducate consumers to facilitate lifestyles change to a more sustainable behaviour Project and campaign on food waste management in partnership with FAO, WRAP and other III 50 national governments active in implementing policy frameworks, activities, and initiatives on SCP agri-food Development of 3 agri-food national roundtables in Africa in collaboration with of ARSCP IV Increase supply chain stakeholders access to SCP tools and incentives that ensure food system efficiency and long-term sustainability Scoping Study to assess benefits and challenges of existing market tools and provide incentives for increasing resource efficiency for actors in the food supply chain

To be housed in the Sustainable Food Systems Community Hub of tools and information to enable scaling up of SCP in agric and food sectors Dynamic and evolving online platform Accessible to all contributors to SCP on agri-food

Sector specific Multi-stakeholder collaboration Includes all actors of the supply chain Example: Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP)

Multi-stakeholder platform to promote resource efficiency and sustainable trade flows, production and consumption operations, and supply chains in the global rice sector Officially Launched in November 2011 Mission Contribute to an increase of global supply of affordable rice, improved livelihoods of rice producers and a reduction of the environmental impact of rice production

Develop Sustainable Rice Standard Set of principles and practices (tools) to be used by all actors in the rice supply chain Outreach Models Development Models for the promotion of the standard Supply chain mechanism market incentive Communication & Stakeholder engagement

Co-convened by UNEP and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Public sector GIZ, Indonesia (Center for Rice Research), Thailand (Rice Department), United Nations Environment Programme and Vietnam (Department of Crop Production South – Vietnam) Research Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Civil Society Aidenvironment, UTZ Certified, International Fertilizer Association, CropLife Asia Private sector DuPontA, ICA-Ahold European Sourcing, Kellogg, Louis Dreyfus, Mars Foods Europe, Nestle, Migros, Olam International and Syngenta

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