CANADIAN SOCIETY DURING THE FRENCH REGIME (MODULE 2) Section I: Settlement and Economic Activities of the Canadian Colony -Factors Affecting Settlement -Role & Functioning of the Seigneurial System -Impact of Economic Diversification
Section I: 1. Factors that AFFECTED Settlement First Settlements Religious Factors Economic Factors Birthrate & Immigration Policies
First Settlements Tadoussac 1600-1610 - First attempt by French to create fur trading post (settlement). - Along North Shore of St. Lawrence River. - Post was too far from main source of furs. - Soil in the area poor for farming. - Outcome: FAILED
Tadoussac Mission
First Settlements cont’d Port Royal 1605-1607 - Second attempt by French to settle through fur trading post. - Located in Nova Scotia near Bay of Fundy. Fertile soil but….. - Few furs in the area. - Post could not support itself. - Outcome: FAILED…sort of!
Port Royal Post/Settlement
First Settlements cont’d Quebec 1608 to present! - Champlain selected area along edge of St.Lawrence where the river narrows (a.k.a. Kebec!). - Easier to control water traffic (import / export). - Built fortified trading post: l’ Habitation. Go HABS Go! - Fur rich area to the west of the settlement. - Missionaries arrive to convert Natives 1615. - Fertile soil (Louis Hebert first farmer 1617). - English (Kirke bros.) occupied Quebec 1629-1632. - Carignan-Salieres Regiment sent to defend colony. - Champlain dies in Quebec in 1635. - Outcome: Successful.
Samuel de Champlain Louis Hebert
First Settlements cont’d 1627 – French Government wanted a strong colony. King of France calls upon Cardinal Richelieu (his chief minister) to set up a central fir trading company = Company of One Hundred Associates. The Company was given a trade monopoly and title to French possessions in the St. Lawrence Valley and Acadia. In return, company promised to bring 4000 colonists in 15 years and establish missions. Not successful because colonists would cut into profit making.
First Settlements cont’d Trois Rivieres 1634 to present! - Laviolette sent by Champlain to locate new fur trading post 1634. - Important fur trading post (assist in transportation to Quebec’s post). - Missionaries sent to convert Natives.
Trois Rivieres
First Settlements cont’d Montreal (Ville Marie) 1642 to present! - Societe Notre Dame (SND) created in France to set up mission to convert Natives. - Jerome Le Royer leader of SND. - Paul Chomedy de Maisonneuve led expedition to Ville Marie. - Jeanne Mance set up Hotel Dieu Hospital (1643). - Marguerite Bourgeois opened first school. - Became center of Fur Trade because it was closer to rich fur areas & supply routes (St.Lawr./ Ottawa Rvs). - Outcome: Successful
Paul Chomedy de Maisonneuve Founding Ville Marie
Jeanne Mance Marguerite Bourgeois
Recap: Factors Affecting Settlements Basis for initial settlement Economic: - Fur Trade (FT) attracted the French to St.Lawrence Valley. - Establish Fur Trade network and relationship with Natives. - Quebec (fur trade center) & Trois Rivieres (post closer to fur supplies) founded for economic reasons = FT. Religious: - Religious Mission created to convert Natives.