When you leave school you understand that time to choose your future profession has come. It's not easy to make the right choise of a job. Leaving school is beginning of your independant life. You have asked yourself a lot of times:»What do I want to be than I leave school?» It's difficult to make up your mind and choose one of the hundreds jobs which you might be better suited. The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important.The profession a person chooses in many ways determines his future life.This is a universal problem of our epoch
There are several factors that influence the decision of young people to make their choice: The career of the parents; The career of the parents; Social environment; Social environment; Material aspects; Material aspects; Your friend's example; Your friend's example; Your interest, talent, ambition, inclinations; Your interest, talent, ambition, inclinations; Social privilages provided from the profession; Social privilages provided from the profession; Spiritual aspects; Spiritual aspects; The prestige and interest of the future profession. The prestige and interest of the future profession.
It is impossible to forget the material aspect of the future profession. It indicates the level of the sociaty's values. Today all profession can be classified as prestigious and not prestigious. The problem of prestige is subgective. Nobody can explain the meating of this notion. «Prestigious» jobs give a chance to an individual to enter the upper circles of the society. When the jobs is prestigious money is of secondary importance. The future profession should be interesting and meet the demands of the person.
Prestigious: Not prestigious: Compute operator Compute operator Designer, fashion designer Designer, fashion designer Fashion model Fashion model Interior decorator Interior decorator Architect Architect Lawyer Lawyer Travel agent Travel agent Surgeon Surgeon Librarian Librarian Conductor Conductor Teacher Teacher Doctor Doctor Carpenter Carpenter Electrician Electrician
The professions and their definitions. 1.Director 1.Director 2.Doctor 2.Doctor 3.Chef 3.Chef 4.Musician 4.Musician 5.Photographer 5.Photographer 6.Interpreter 6.Interpreter 7.Lawyer 7.Lawyer 8.Computer operator 8.Computer operator 1.A person who controls a company 1.A person who controls a company 2.A person who treats people from different diseases 2.A person who treats people from different diseases 3.A person who cooks a meal in restaurants 3.A person who cooks a meal in restaurants 4.A person who composes music 4.A person who composes music 5.A person who takes pictures professionaly 5.A person who takes pictures professionaly 6.A person who knows foreign languages and helps people to understand them 6.A person who knows foreign languages and helps people to understand them 7.A person who knows the laws and works in the court 7.A person who knows the laws and works in the court 8.A person who knows how computer progrommes works 8.A person who knows how computer progrommes works
There are a lot useful professions!
Teacher. Teachers also should be patient and kind. Teachers should not only give knowledge to their pupils but understand their problems,help them to become real citizens,of their counttry, be honest and hard working. For education to be successful,teachers and pupils should work together. Every word and every gesture of the teacher should becarefully chosen, otherwise the misunderstanding is inevitable. Certainly, it is very difficult to be a teacher, because sometimes pupils do not behave properly. Teachers should maintain disciplain among the troublemakers.Teachers should encourage their pupils to do things successfully. Teachers should be well educated themselves.
Historians. I think that to be a histirian is also very important today. People think that it is possible to live without looking back in the historical past. But it is a mistaken view. We cannot live without history because it is around us. Historias interpret the prosesses of the past to explain the processes of the present and foresee the processes of the future. I think that to be a histirian is also very important today. People think that it is possible to live without looking back in the historical past. But it is a mistaken view. We cannot live without history because it is around us. Historias interpret the prosesses of the past to explain the processes of the present and foresee the processes of the future.
Physicians. Physicians help people to be healthy and live a long life. They save the lifes of their patients. Physicians help people to be healthy and live a long life. They save the lifes of their patients. This profession requires well-educated people. Mistakes are impossible in this profession. Physicians should be very patient and attentive with their patients. This profession requires well-educated people. Mistakes are impossible in this profession. Physicians should be very patient and attentive with their patients.
Vet. Vet is a person who helps people to take care about their pets and treats them. Vet is a person who helps people to take care about their pets and treats them. Vets should be kind and attentive with animals. Vets should be kind and attentive with animals. This profession requires love to animals. This profession requires love to animals.
Biologist. To be a biologist is very prestigious and interesting today, because the biologist are at the forefront of clonning. They are the threshold of great discoveries. To be a biologist is very prestigious and interesting today, because the biologist are at the forefront of clonning. They are the threshold of great discoveries.
Surgeon and Dentist. Dentist is a person who treats people's teeth. Dentist is a person who treats people's teeth. Surgeon is a person who performs an operations and help people live a long life. Surgeon is a person who performs an operations and help people live a long life.
Lawyers and Economists. Today the most popular professions are lawyers and economists. These professions are prestigious. After graduating from Law and Economics Faculties it is possible to find good jobs. Law and Economics students are better motivated to do their best because they have clearly set goals. Their competence and knowledge, required by the developing business economy are well paid.
Computer operator. One of the most fashionable and prestigious profession of today is that of a computer operator. Althought computers came into our life only in the 1960s they quickly gained the ground of the contemporary society having become its indispensable part. Today our life is entirely connected with computers. With the help of computers people can do a lot of wonderfull things from controlling spaceships up to buying books and participating in virtual comferences. One of the most fashionable and prestigious profession of today is that of a computer operator. Althought computers came into our life only in the 1960s they quickly gained the ground of the contemporary society having become its indispensable part. Today our life is entirely connected with computers. With the help of computers people can do a lot of wonderfull things from controlling spaceships up to buying books and participating in virtual comferences.
Fashion Designer. To be a designer is very attractuve. This profession can fit creative people who know how to makes things around them look nice.
Photographer and Fashion model. Fashion model is a person who presents designer's clothers. Photographer is a person who makes a photos and know how to make a photo beautiful.
Hairdresser and Barber. A barber is a person (usually a man) who cuts man's hair, sometimes shaves them, and who usually works at the barber shop. A hairdresser is a person who cuts washes and styles people's (especially women's) hair.
Airhostess and Pilot. Airhostess is a person who accompanies people in their flight, helps them in many problems. Airhostess is a person who accompanies people in their flight, helps them in many problems. Pilot is a person who aviates. Pilot is a person who aviates.
Architect. Architect is a person who planes houses. Architect is a person who planes houses. This profession requires accuracy, a good imagination and working long hours. This profession requires accuracy, a good imagination and working long hours.
Librarian and Journalist. Librarian is a person who works with books, this profession requires a lot of experience. Librarian is a person who works with books, this profession requires a lot of experience. Journalist is a person who takes an interview of the famous people and writes articles. This profession requires meeting people. Journalist is a person who takes an interview of the famous people and writes articles. This profession requires meeting people.
Police Officer and Fireman. Police officer is a person who strikes justice. This profession requires courage, working long hours. Police officer is a person who strikes justice. This profession requires courage, working long hours. Fireman is a person who extinguishes a fire. This profession requires physical strenght. Fireman is a person who extinguishes a fire. This profession requires physical strenght.
Carpenter, Plumber and Electrician. Carpenter is a person who works with wood. Carpenter is a person who works with wood. Plumber is a person who works bathroom- and- lavatory- equipment. Plumber is a person who works bathroom- and- lavatory- equipment. Electrician is a person who works with electrical appliances. Electrician is a person who works with electrical appliances.
There are many professions for Olimpic Games: Architect Architect Mechanic Mechanic Computer operator Computer operator Doctor Doctor Translator Translator Interior decorator Interior decorator Journalist Journalist Electrician Electrician
The results of the survey. 15 pupils were asked 4 questions 15 pupils were asked 4 questions Here are the results % - don’t think about their future profession; - 80% - think about their future profession; % - have made their choice; - 80% - haven’t made their choice; % - says that interest influenced of their choice; - 33% - says that other reasons influenced of their choice; - 13% - says that friends advice influenced of their choice; - 6% - says that the profession of their parents influenced; % - says that the interest of the work is more important; - 40% - says that well-paid work is more important; - 20% - says that social privileges are more important.
My opinion about future proffession!