SMEs and Entrepreneurship Policy: European Actions for Women Entrepreneurs 1 st FORUM FOR SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS 21 September 2010, Istanbul ANNA DANTI DG Enterprise and Industry, Unit E1, Entrepreneurship
What is Entrepreneurship? (Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning COM(2005)548 Entrepreneurship refers to an individuals ability to turn ideas into action (Commission) creativity, innovation risk acceptance, the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives.
Desirability Source: Flash Eurobarometer 192, December January 2007 How desireable is it to become self-employed in the next 5 years?
Source: Flash Eurobarometer 192, December January 2007 Still a classical profile Desirability by social group
PROMOTING WOMEN ENTERPRENEURS IS WISE AND NECESSARY At the heart of the Lisbon strategy: ensure that the proportion of women in active employment exceeds 60% by The entrepreneurial potential of women constitutes an underdeveloped source of economic growth and of new jobs Women constitute, on average, 30% of entrepreneurs in the EU. (36% start-ups 20% industry) They often face greater difficulties than men in starting up businesses and in accessing finance and training. It is essential to provide women the support they need in order to start-up and manage their own enterprise.
1.THE EUROPEAN NETWORK TO PROMOTE WOMENS ENTREPRENEURSHIP (WES) launched in June 2000 It is composed of government representatives responsible for the promotion of women entrepreneurship. It has 30 members from the European Union, EEA and candidate countries. Meetings twice a year Annual activity report Advice on future policy orientation
WES OBJECTIVES Raising the visibility of existing women entrepreneurs Create a climate that is favourable to woman entrepreneurs Increase the number of new women entrepreneurs Increase the size of existing women-led businesses
2. NETWORKING: CO-OPERATION WITH BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS Contacts and exchange of information, with many national business organisations of women entrepreneurs from all the EU 27 countries and also from abroad. For example: FEM-UEAPME - Female Europeans of Small and Medium Enterprises FCEM - The Worldwide Network of Women Business Owners EWN - Eurochambres Women's Network etc.
3. WOMENS ENTREPRENEURSHIP PORTAL Provides links to the websites of women entrepreneurs representative organisations, networks, projects and events that relate to the promotion of female entrepreneurship. The information on 5 areas: National organisations of women entrepreneurs International organisations of women entrepreneurs Networks Projects Events related to women entrepreneurship
4. Small Business Act 1.Create an environment in which entrepreneurs and family businesses can thrive and entrepreneurship is rewarded This includes (politically binding principles) -the creation of the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors -mentoring schemes for women to set-up their own business -encourage entrepreneurship amongst women graduates part of the entr. education call. 2.General Block Exemption Regulation on State Aids (GBER) (Legislative measures- already adopted) Enable state aid for small enterprises newly created by female entrepreneurs without DG COMP procedure up to 1M
THE EUROPEAN NETWORK OF FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMBASSADORS Launched on 5 October 2009 in Stockholm Currently has 10 European Countries as members: Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden Second call:12 more European countries ready to enter pending final approval (Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Serbia and UK). Event on December with Belgian Presidency.
THE AMBASSADORS Serve as role models and highlight the role that women can play in creating jobs and promoting competitiveness. Promote entrepreneurship in schools, universities, community groups and the media, aiming to inspire women of all ages to set up their own businesses. Telling their own stories will help to raise confidence in setting up and creating successful businesses in all areas. First feedback from ambassadors very positive.
1/ ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION FOR WOMEN GRADUATES Project: EL, ES, IT, CY, UK The project main objectives are: to create the correct conditions for young female graduates and young women from ethnic minorities or immigrant backgrounds, to be encouraged to pursue entrepreneurship to produce an innovative and sustainable model of a full consultancy package to promote entrepreneurship 2/ MENTORING SCHEMES FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS call November 2010
STUDY ON WOMEN INNOVATORS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Data shows: No more than 8.3% of patents awarded by the European Patent Office are awarded to women. 20.3% of businesses started with venture capital belong to female entrepreneurs. In Europe 5%-15% of high-tech business is owned by women. Women score less than men when assessing the level of innovation of their own business (expl. process innovation: 4.1% women - 7.8% men; marketing innovation: 9.1% women % men).
Further results Women are lagging behind on innovative entrepreneurship and encounter specific challenges. Womens ideas for innovation are as marketable as mens, but… Innovative ideas are not recognised by predominantly male stakeholders. Stereotypes about women in innovative sectors and difficulties in balancing work and family still persist. Stakeholders not aware of womens different needs and there are no measures attempting to attract women.
THE WAY TO IMPROVEMENT Systematic intervention should tackle: -contextual obstacles (i.e. running informative events and providing entrepreneurship training in schools and universities, challenging stereotypes by raising awareness on womens contribution in entrepreneurship.), -economic obstacles (i.e. access to capital to develop and growth their business ideas), and -soft obstacles: (access to business networks, business training, role models and entrepreneurship skills). Nature and type of challenges are consistent across Member States.
HAULISTIC APPROACH Work to encourage and support entrepreneurship but, besides access to finance and access to business opportunities also… Create the environment that would enable women to reach their potential and become sucessful entrepreneurs Ensure reconciling professional –personal life balance is possible. Fight Stereotypes-change perceptions- role models Access to information and care take facilities– tailored made training – networking
CONTACTS WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS entrepreneurship/women/index_en.htm FEMALE ENTR AMBASSADORS NETWORK entrepreneurship/women/ambassadors/index_en.htm ENTERPRISE EUROPE NETWORK ON LINE TOOL FOR SME FUNDING funding/index_en.htm