1 Genderwise The role of men as agents of change in reconciling work and family life COMMISSION EUROPÉENNE Transnational Peer Review in Brussels – 30th November 2006
2 Plan of intervention Presentations Introduction to the Peer Review’s theme Interventions Propositions– Questions for debate
3 The LAG members Christine RUE Trained as a lawyer In charge of mission for the Regional Group of Action and Information of Women (GRAIF) Has been working in the associative sector specialized in “Women and gender approach” since 1994
4 The LAG members Gérard REVEREND Father of 2 children Liberal physiotherapist Master of Neuro-cognitive sciences President of the association [the dads = the moms]
5 THE AIMS : Born of fathers’ movements however messages and aims are different from it (gender and positive approach) Association [the dads = the moms ] Promotion of the real co-parentality within the couples and after separation Accompaniment of families in difficulties towards children during separation
6 THE ACTIVITIES : To Sensitize the public to gender questions and its connections with the diversified parentality Association [the dads = the moms ] Organization of an inter-associative meeting “the good parents are both parents” Contribution to Parliamentary mission of information about family and children rights Associative reporter and co hearing to the Senatorial Delegation of the women right and to the Ministry of Justice
7 The Regional Group of Action and Information of Women Association created in 1975 at the service of regional policy, associations and towns districts Staff and Missions : Place of resources on equality and gender approach Technical tool to realize diagnosis of needs and initiatives of women on the territories Diffusion of information, publications Organisation of events, partnerships … We do not welcome publics
8 Introduction to the Peer Review’s theme
9 Introduction Our theme : “Sharing of domestic tasks” : RRegarding the term “Sharing” … RRegarding the expression “domestic tasks” …
10 Introduction The term “Sharing” means, implicitly, that two persons are in negotiation …that corresponds to one model … In France, the model of ‘one parent family’ (monoparentality) is more and more frequent : * Main monoparentality cause : separations for 74 % In 30 years : these statistics have doubled Monoparentality is feminine at 90 % It concerns 2.5 millions of children (-25 years old) * 2006, Senate report, delegation of women rights. 20 % of the families are ‘monoparent’ family (1.5 millions)
11 Introduction The term “Sharing” means, implicitly, that two persons are in negotiation …that corresponds to one model In France, the model of ‘one parent family’ (monoparentality) is more and more frequent : 12 % of the children live in recomposed family 12,7 % of the men and 4.5 % of the women raise children of the other partner Until 50 % of single-parent families in area of precariousness A mother has 30 % less chances to build a new union after separation, than a father
12 Introduction Our theme : “Sharing of domestic tasks” : RRegarding the term “Sharing” … RRegarding the expression “domestic tasks” …
13 Introduction The term “Domestic tasks” : In the French dictionary : “concerns house, household” For the National Institute of Statistics (INSEE) : Household Errands, shopping Child care Gardening, do-it-yourself (odd jobs)
14 Demands around equal sharing of responsibilities are very strong in France But it is important to note that if the domestic roles are since 80’s solidly established, they are now questioned and are the object of bitter negotiations within the couples! Conclusion
15 Questions and propositions for the debate
16 Parental capacity to play with gender rules and representations Couple capacity to organize and play with the tasks repartition : To negotiate ‘who does what’ (organization and confidence) To set up a turning planning To use free times to make ‘separated’ activities To create some spaces of security or freedom (“run for your life”, “worries box”…) Capacity of women and men to translate the competences acquired in the management of housework's in professional skills Propositions to go deeper and to reinforce parity …