Your Name: Tristan Celestial Class Period 7th Subject of Biography: Justice Tom C. Clark Title of Book: LONE STAR JUSTICE Author: EVAN A.YOUNG
facebook Tom C. C. Clark In the relationship between man and religion, the state is firmly committed to a position on neutrality. Washington D.C WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout Tom Goin 2 go c my son #airplane Tom C. Just founded a new organization to help the justice system Ramsey Dads comein over in a few C. Clark Tom C. Just retired from the supreme court #nomorework Tom C. My sons becomein the new attorney general So proud of 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE 335 TWEETS 988 FOLLOWING 1000k FOLLOWERS Tweets Following Followers Favorites Lists Recent Fake Twitter About Help Terms Privacy Blog Status Apps Resources Jobs Advertisers Businesses Media Developers
facebook Tom C. Clark View My Profile Page k TWEETS FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout Tom C. Just got promoted to supreme court Tom C. Goin to cali for a case Tom C. Its really cool in D.C dad Tom C. Just became attorney general movein to Washinton D.C #roadtrip Tom C. Just got a new job as a lawyer 2 1 RETWEETS FAVORITE Tom C. Im goin to relocate all the Asian Americans Tom C. Im goin to make a difference for all americans right #dontgiveup Tweets Compose new Tweet… Example Promoted Follow Example Follow Example Follow Who to Follow Refresh View All Browse Categories Find Friends Trends Change #edchat Promoted EducationIsMyLife #obama2012 #romney2012 iPhone ISTE Flat Classroom