Activities of National Association of Small and medium Business /NASMB/ regarding Implementation of EU Small Business Act First Forum for South East European Women Entrepreneurs 21 – 22 of September, 2010, Istanbul Eleonora Negulova – Chairperson of NASMB
NASMB - Bulgaria Mission – the organization is working for improvement of business environment in Bulgaria and Europe Main responsibilities: To represent its members in the dialogue with local and central authorities To supports the members to increase their competitiveness
NASMB - Bulgaria SMEs in Bulgaria SMEs represent 99.6 % of the total number of enterprises with 1 to 249 persons employed ( ). Only 0.4 % of these are public, and their number in 2008 was 869 – That means the small businesses in Bulgaria are private!
NASMB - Bulgaria A recent research was conducted with 848 women at the age from 20 to ,4% of them have their own businesses and the rest are employees. 62,97% of the women entrepreneurs in Bulgaria are university graduates, 35,14% are with secondary education, and 0,59% - with primary education. 0,35% of the business ladies have doctoral degrees. According to the last index Bulgarian women entrepreneurs outrank their EU counterparts.
NASMB - Bulgaria According to National Statistic Institute figures, the relative share of women entrepreneurs has been about one-third of the SMEs. The percentage of women entrepreneurs in the total number of self-employed persons is 37.7 % according to the analysis carried out by CITUB trade union experts published in 2006.
NASMB - Bulgaria By these numbers Bulgaria ranks 38 out of 134 countries. Among the EU countries, it holds a place in the middle of the 27 Member States. Data from the National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria on labour force survey results for 2009 show: economic participation rates at 72.3 % for men and 67.7 % for women; employment rates /age 15-64/ at 67.7 % for men and 59.0 % for women
NASMB - Bulgaria NASMB is supporting women entrepreneurship in Bulgaria and on Balkans; 51 % of NASMB members have Ladies as managers; NASMB Chairperson and Secretary General are women ENTREPRENEURS; 80% of NASMB staff are women!
NASMB - Bulgaria NASMB is supporting women entrepreneurship in accordance to EU Small Business Act by providing: Integrated consultancy services Access to organization networks and EU funds/other capital/financial sources Support in business planning and management Helps in diversifying/restructuring the business And in implementing innovations
NASMB - Bulgaria NASMB creates partnerships with national & international authorities/organizations to Exchange experience /knowledge To learn more about how to be better in advocating the interests of its members and To share values of civil society participative democracy acting as Civil Society Organization signed the Global Compaq of United Nations
NASMB - Bulgaria Think small first – Small Business Act /SBA/ of Europe principle! I - IMPROVING THE ACCESS TO FINANCE II - ENHANCING MARKET ACCESS III - A REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT IN SUPPORT OF SMEs' NEEDS Is guiding NASMB in its activities!
NASMB - Bulgaria Think small first – SBA of Europe principle! We implement projects in the scope of the three SBA priorities: LLL – EUFCINET project; EUROCERTICON project; SOCIALSME project; CREATIN Project; ICT and LLL project European citizens working for the Global Agenda 21;
NASMB - Bulgaria Think small first – SBA of Europe principle! Green energy project – OP Regional Development; LIDER in Bulgarian rural municipalities; Cross-Border cooperation projects with RO/SER/GREECE/TURKEY and FYROM And others….
NASMB - Bulgaria Think small first – SBA of Europe principle! NASMB is the establisher of South East European Business Network – SEE Net We invite you to join SEE Network! Thanks for your attention!