The Paper How to put it all together and make it work!
Plagiarism Review
The Sections of a Paper Heading Title Opening Paragraph Body Closing Paragraph Works Cited Page
Heading Your Name Your Teacher Class Mod Date Your Name Your Teacher Class Period Date Your Name Your Teacher Class Mod Date
Getting Set Up Format your page –Times New Roman –Size 12 –Double space OR hand-written in blue or black ink
Title Below the heading Centered Can be simple: –“The Hygrometer” Or creative: –“Predicting a Bad Hair Day” Your Name Your Teacher Class Period Date Predicting a Bad Hair Day: The Hygrometer
Opening Paragraph Brief introduction of your topic and what you plan on covering in your paper Be creative and keep it interesting…you want people to keep reading your paper Indent by tabbing one time at the beginning Approximately 3-5 sentences in length Did you ever wake up in the morning and find yourself looking at a complete stranger in the mirror. Hair that was once smooth and straight has transformed into a mess of twisted spaghetti. There is only one reason behind this mystery…the humidity and I can prove it with the help of the hygrometer!
The Body Re-read all of your notes and then put them away and out of sight For each paragraph indent by tabbing one time at the beginning Write down as much as you can about your instrument Meteorologist use the hygrometer to measures… The hygrometer works by…. All of the weather tools are important but what make the hygrometer special is… because… Some interesting facts about the hygrometer are… Did you ever wake up in the morning and find yourself looking at a complete stranger in the mirror. Hair that was once smooth and straight has transformed into a mess of twisted spaghetti. There is only one reason behind this mystery…the humidity and I can prove it with the help of the hygrometer!
The Body Use the list on the first page of the assignment to make sure you have covered everything Keep the order the same. It will make sense and have a nice flow Meteorologist use the hygrometer to measures… The hygrometer works by…. All of the weather tools are important but what make the hygrometer special is… Some interesting facts about the hygrometer are… Did you ever wake up in the morning and find yourself looking at a complete stranger in the mirror. Hair that was once smooth and straight has transformed into a mess of twisted spaghetti. There is only one reason behind this mystery…the humidity and I can prove it with the help of the hygrometer!
Closing Paragraph This is the easy part…like the opening paragraph, the closing paragraph will restate the purpose of the paper and some of the main findings It should not be more than a few sentences long It should wrap up the ideas and findings in a nice, neat paragraph Don’t forget to be creative! Meteorologist use the hygrometer to measures… The hygrometer works by…. All of the weather tools are important but what make the hygrometer special is… because… Some interesting facts about the hygrometer are… Did you ever wake up in the morning and find yourself looking at a complete stranger in the mirror. Hair that was once smooth and straight has transformed into a mess of twisted spaghetti. There is only one reason behind this mystery…the humidity and I can prove it with the help of the hygrometer! Not only does weather determine what you need to wear for the day, but I can also impact the look of your hair. Thanks to…
Works Cited Page Always, follow the format given by your teacher (MLA style) and keep it by your side while typing this section of your paper. This should be easy being you have all your citations at the top of your notes This is done alphabetically by author (or website or organization), single space with double space between each citation.
Works Cited Page Works Cited "Energy: Sources Of Energy." The World Almanac for Kids Facts For Learning. Weekly Reader Publishing Group. 26 Nov Pasqualetti, Martin J. “Wind Power.” Environment Sep 2004, Vol. 46 Issue 7: p EBSCOhost Research Databases, Port Jefferson Middle School, Port Jefferson, NY. November 26, SIRS staff. “Energy from Wind.” SIRS DIGESTS Spring 1997: n.p. SIRS Discoverer On the Web, Port Jefferson Middle School Library, Port Jefferson, NY. November 26,
Hold on, you’re not finished! Proof read your paper for the following: –Spelling errors –Typos –Punctuation & grammar –Commonly confused words (when in doubt, look it up!) –Run-on sentences –Layout of paper, follow the format required by your teacher –Be sure to cite any direct quote or paraphrase by following the sentence with (author, page) then the. ***Have someone else read your paper after you make your corrections to see if you may have overlooked any other errors.***
Whew! Congrats, you did it! You have made all the corrections and read and re-read your paper This is your final copy Save, Save & Save!!! Print out your final copy and either staple it together or put it in a sharp looking report folder. Get it in on time (after all that work, you don’t want to lose points by handing it in late.)