~ JSPA Initiative – Proposals to cope with challenges Zoltán Gáti Strategic Advisor Presentation on behalf of the JSPA Preparatory team 29 April 2013
Those who are just following the steps behind others, will never see the way ahead. (Indian proverb) Key message : JSPA could be a pro-active way ahead and a common tool to deal with the challenges of SES.
JSPA in European context – The storm is slower, but it is still coming… STATFOR Traffic forecast 2018 v Joint Service Provision Area (JSPA) JSPA in European context – The storm is slower, but it is still coming… STATFOR Traffic forecast 2018 v. 2011
Cope with changing European ATM landscape (especially the impact of SES); Be pro-active and show short term results; Integrate prioratized projects and structure them in an overall plan; Keep the ownership of the JSPA initiative in the region; Keep JSPA volunteer and keep the door open for possible future participants from the region; Establish proactive relationship/interface with all 3 neighbouring FABs; Create stronger voice at international level; Provide economic benefits by sharing implementation costs (e.g. SESAR); Share scarce resources and make use of lessons learnt from other regional initiatives. Cope with changing European ATM landscape (especially the impact of SES); Be pro-active and show short term results; Integrate prioratized projects and structure them in an overall plan; Keep the ownership of the JSPA initiative in the region; Keep JSPA volunteer and keep the door open for possible future participants from the region; Establish proactive relationship/interface with all 3 neighbouring FABs; Create stronger voice at international level; Provide economic benefits by sharing implementation costs (e.g. SESAR); Share scarce resources and make use of lessons learnt from other regional initiatives. Proposed Principles JoinJoint Service Provision Area (JSPA) Proposed Principles
DGs & CEOs from CAAs & ANSPs JSPA Projects JSPA Initiative Focal Points (Planning & Monitoring Processes ) JSPA Preparatory Team (Executing and Working Body) Proposed Governance and Working arrangements: Joint Service Provision Area (JSPA) Proposed Governance and Working arrangements: Make it as simple as possible
6 The way forward: April 29, 2013: Official launch of the JSPA initiative; May 2013: Preparation of JSPA project management plans for RNP, PBN and Training; May - June 2013: Coordination with TAIEX and with ISIS II; June – November 2013: Initiation of JSPA projects, including a regional Airspace Study; November 2013: Gate review of JSPA results and possible extension of participation. The key for success: JSPA should have a constant focus on MOTIVATION based on: REALISM - COMMITMENT – TRUST – TRANSPARENCY – FLEXIBILITY Lessons learnt by the Nordic States: Greed does not lead anywhere – Morten Dambaek, CEO Naviair A Vision for 2020, CANSO AGM meeting Bangkok The way forward: April 29, 2013: Official launch of the JSPA initiative; May 2013: Preparation of JSPA project management plans for RNP, PBN and Training; May - June 2013: Coordination with TAIEX and with ISIS II; June – November 2013: Initiation of JSPA projects, including a regional Airspace Study; November 2013: Gate review of JSPA results and possible extension of participation. The key for success: JSPA should have a constant focus on MOTIVATION based on: REALISM - COMMITMENT – TRUST – TRANSPARENCY – FLEXIBILITY Lessons learnt by the Nordic States: Greed does not lead anywhere – Morten Dambaek, CEO Naviair A Vision for 2020, CANSO AGM meeting Bangkok The way forward and the key for success Joint Service Provision Area (JSPA) The way forward and the key for success
Concluding remark: Aviation and Air Traffic Management is key contributor to the economic growth in SEE, therefore JSPA initiative should be included in the South-East Europe 2020 Strategy* *Being developed by the Regional Cooperation Council. Concluding remark: Aviation and Air Traffic Management is key contributor to the economic growth in SEE, therefore JSPA initiative should be included in the South-East Europe 2020 Strategy* *Being developed by the Regional Cooperation Council. JSPA: a pro-active development based on volunteer participation JSPA: a pro-active development based on volunteer participation Joint Service Provision Area (JSPA)
Thank you for your attention ! Those who are just following the steps behind others, will never see the way ahead. (Indian proverb)