Mate Gjorgjievski, Transport Law expert Regional cooperation for development of the SEETO Comprehensive Network Western Balkans and Europe 2020-Towards Convergence and Growth Regional Coordination Meeting, Brussels, 31 March 2011 Mate Gjorgjievski, Transport Law expert
Content SEETO role Regional Transport Planning Cooperation- activities and achievements SEETO Comprehensive Network SEETO regional added value Future activities and targets Key challenges
SEETO role facilitates the implementation of the MoU - improvement and modernization of the Comprehensive Network for achieving social and economic development cooperation and exchange of the information with EC, international agencies and financial institutions- maximum compatibility between development strategies and integration in the Trans European Network framework Accelerates development of multimodal network; monitors and analyses the CN performance; promotes harmonisation of regional transport polices and standards
National Coordinators SEETO Network Ministerial Meeting Steering Committee SEETO Working Groups National Coordinators Project Task Force
Regional transport planning cooperation recognised organisation in the transport sector with strong added value to the development of the CN and the national transport planning process SEETO sustainability- serious commitment by the Regional Participants and financial contributions to the SEETO budget; EC places SEETO process in the core of the accession process for TEN-T and Transport Policy 6 rolling Multi-annual plans published- platform for better prioritisation of projects and funds and streamlining transport reforms; latest data on every transport mode; “window” to the IFI’s, EC, and sector relevant stakeholders horizontal measures in the fields of railway reforms and road safety auditing implemented solid regional data base on transport data - created and maintained
MAP 2011 Structure Introduction Description of the Core Network Assessment of the Core Network performance Projects on the Core Network Transport policy and soft measures Download from
Transport Regional Networking Intensive and high level cooperation within the SEETO process (6 AMM, 28 SC meetings, numerous NC, WG, TF meetings) facilitates the regional approach and the access of the Regional Participants authorities to the relevant stakeholders Enables access to expertise and disseminates best practices strong impetus on a political and expert level for further transport and Comprehensive Network development Wide and deep cooperation with other regional and European initiatives and structures: RCC, Danube and Sava River Commission, Corridors’ Secretariats, SEETAC… coherent coordination with horizontal financing instruments-WBIF
Regional added value of the SEETO process and relevance to Europe 2020 objectives Large and developed network of people and institutions- basis for coordinated and synchronized actions and integrated planning policy Definition of comprehensive network that closely follow the principles of TEN-T Guidelines (revised) for a balanced network between modes and Participants, ensuring visibility of the network, interconnection, efficient transport, integral market and sustainable growth Optimum use of know-how, resources, expertise and advises Common prioritisation criteria for the infrastructure projects- improved credibility in front of IFI’s, potential donors and coordination mechanisms (WBIF) ;
Regional added value of the SEETO process and relevance to Europe 2020 objectives Improved coordination and project preparation- leading to sustainable project proposals, Comparability with TEN-T: respecting and supporting the criteria for regional importance, economic impact, bankability of project, social-environmental impact and technical standards Promotion of soft measures and transport policy reforms that add to the national efforts for aligning with the EU transport acquis, generate greater regional benefit from the investments in the infrastructure and achieve better transport operations; Supporting the creation of an integrated and liberalised market for transport services through a Transport Community Treaty; Use of latest technology in data collection, data presentation and network map creation (GIS)
Future Plans Maintain and further enhance the regional cooperation Increase the visibility of regional projects with high regional impact in front of the EC, IFI’s and private sector and encourage joint presentation by Regional Participants – ( Transport Investment Conference TRINCON 2011, Sarajevo, April 19th, 2011) Improve efficiency of data collection and quality of the analysis of the Comprehensive network Assure full compliance with TEN-T (participate in dialogue on the policy revision process), Implement soft measures in order to improve standards, interoperability and traffic management on the Comprehensive Network,- (in pipeline: data collection harmonisation; gap analysis of TEN-T standards implementation on the CN; training courses for Road Safety Auditors and Inspectors; and addressing regional transport non-physical barriers, as well as Study on development of inter-modal transport and infrastructure)
Key challenges Constant increase of the investments needs of the SEETO Regional Participants- total investment cost requirements for the 38 priority projects from the MAP 2011 are € 3.607 billion; Limited fiscal space of the Regional Participants; additional efforts needed to attract the private sector Additional financial resources for soft measures and for SEETO networking (meetings of the Working Groups and participation to other relevant events) are needed Addressing the main non-physical barriers and particularly, simplifying the border crossing procedures- the focus and investments must be reinforced to overcome this issue of concern in order to reap the benefits from an integrated transport market and stimulate the trade and growth; cross cutting issue, rather than a mere transport one, that deserves the attention from the regional initiatives and structures, as well as a political support and commitment
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