JSPA INITIATIVE from an idea to the reality Sarajevo, 29 April 2013
CONTENTS Genesis of the idea Formulation of the idea The reality Fine-tuning and current status Deliveries Intl Organizations Support Our vision
The genesis of the idea ISIS Programme and DG MOVEs workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of implementation of a FAB, held on June 7, 2012 at the Royal Danish Embassy premises in Brussels Borealis Programme
Formulation of the idea Informal discussions among the most inspired CEATS Programme, SEE FABA, ISIS Programme TOP-DOWN APPROACH BOTTOM-UP regional approach WE know how Aim: commonly agreed harmonization of SES activities in the region How: as an outcome of decision making process, on the grounds of and exclusively for, mutually recognized benefits
The reality (1/2) Invitation to participate in the discussion regarding regional Joint Service Provision Area Initiative, sent by the ANS Division Director of Montenegro CAA on July 23, 2012 Demings cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) We are ALL going to make it applicable to us This first meeting to provide answers on interest and to show benefits out of the Initiative Proven TRUTH on the round-table meeting held in Podgorica on November 26, 2012 (1 st Preparatory JSPA Initiative Meeting)
The reality (2/2) The encouraging and numerous conclusions deliberated from the 1 st Preparatory Meeting, i.a.: Joint Service Provision Area (JSPA) is an initiative for promotion of Single European Sky concept Establishing JSPA would create a new impetus to trigger multilateral/bilateral relationships among CAAs and ANSPs Agreed : Montenegro CAA to coordinate preparatory activities and works Production of JSPA Safety Plan/Framework Document, Questionnaires for NSAs and ANSPs 2 nd Preparatory JSPA Initiative Meeting agreed to be held in Budapest
Fine-tuning and current status Production of the agreed documents 2 nd PREPARATORY JSPA INITIATIVE MEETING (JAN 31-FEB 1, 2013) Framework document put on hold, instead JSPA Working Arrangement: Working Group (Focal Point(s) from each participating organization) Chairman (6 months, rotation, English alphabetical order) Preparatory Team (working body)
Deliveries FIRST PROJECT: ATM Training - a Key Enabler for the Successful Implementation of Single European Sky, seminar held in Budapest on April 2013 Signing the LoI, aka the Sarajevo Conference The FUTURE: Environment domain: PBN Concept and Free Route Airspace related to it, Safety domain: Changes to a functional system, Safety domain: Just Culture, Human Resources domain: Pool of Experts and Training (ANSP and CAA staff), FIS legislation et cetera.
Intl Organizations' Support The support has been received from: Regional Cooperation Council European Commission ICAO Paris Office Eurocontrol TAIEX
Vision is based on real needs and possibilities, win-win situations, equity, feasible projects, cooperation but not duplication with ongoing and planned initiatives in the region Our vision
Therefore, we need: To synchronize the potential and capabilities of the region in terms of strengthening the presentation towards third entities. To use, to the full extent, the possibility of joint acting reducing useless dissemination of energy, time and costs. To confront the inertia, non-inventing customs, lethargy, irrationality of any kind, and non-realistic perceptions of our size, significance and capabilities.
Thank you for your attention ! JSPA Initiative is to liberate all good within in us and to eliminate all the bad.