Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Tool #7 Short Form “Core Technological Foundations For Innovation And Assessment” Topics 1. Background on the toolkit, systems 2.Kaizen defined and introduced 3.Infrastructure, leadership, innovation 4.Change, culture and the technologist 5.Tool applications………
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Develops leaders for participatory team-based technical problem solving, change. Addresses broad technical organizational issues, systems, global competition, change. Tools, techniques, problem solving practices for quality and productivity improvements. Basis of quality system organizationally, with empowered teams doing technical projects. Systems defined around, within ITTM courseware to facilitate teams, projects……….. Background On The Toolkit, Systems
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Documentation Tools, Lean Data Tools, Six Sigma Service, Tools Manufacturing, Non- Manufacturing Synchronous Tools, New Product Development Project Team Cultural Change And Continuous Improvement Information Analysis, Communication Systems Applied Research, Project Structure Enhanced Problem Solving, Decision Making Internal, External, E- commerce Relationships Quality Management Systems (QMS) International Standards Organization (ISO) Professional Outcomes, Growth, Knowledge Technological Infrastructure Industrial Technologists’ Toolkit For Technical Management Background On The Toolkit, Systems
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Information technology, quality system converging? Unique relationship, opportunity, challenge…….. Shifting toward, based on, electronic infrastructure Driving organizational changes, improvements Communication systems merge with quality systems Documentation, improvement, quality system base Electronic infrastructure, , a good indicator given, in place………done via broad band Is main communication? Real work as ? Remote hook-up? Wireless? Laptops configured? Attachment size, upload, download speed matters Server reliability, capacity, sufficient growth, speed Secure, using e-protocols, track failure incidences? Background On The Toolkit, Systems
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM How do we assess, evaluate performance? How do we assess e-projects? Performance based on documented deliverables? Review, assess work documentation, portfolio? How do we supervise, empower, delegate, assign? How does e-team behavior play into assessment? Are we able to assess those we do not see? How objective are we, use data, documentation? How do we organize, manage teams, projects? Supplier-customer relationships, supply chain… Visitors, guests, allowed and facilitated, secure? Problem solving, decision-making, e-based? Background On The Toolkit, Systems
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM All on same page, hardware and software? PC equipment functionalities similar, compatible? Windows driven, MS Word software base? All Office suite functionalities? Maintenance, support in place to keep all going? Assessing general infrastructure performance…. Measure of systems, mobility, e-team capability? Objectivity, data, documentation clarity, robust? Able to function without physically being there… Responding to customer requests electronically… ISO 9000, main rubrics are applicable, useful Background On The Toolkit, Systems
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM 1. Shell As Base For Commun- ication 2. Same Hardware And Software Capabilities 3.e-teams, In Place, Main Drivers 4. Review, Assessment, Systems Documented 5. Systems Define And Manage Culture 6. Portfolio Demonstrates Objectivity, Deliverables Infrastructural flow and relationships……… Background On The Toolkit, Systems
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Chat is where, when, all gather for simultaneous work Instant group dialogue, problem solving, decision making Immediate planning, organization and management Questioning, assessment, review of concepts, projects Chats recorded, “meeting” minutes, showing team growth Like regular classroom discussion—requires same time Discussion boards, forums, are for focused postings Generally designed, purposefully setup by instructor Threading is done in discussion boards, forums Growth in knowledge is evolutionary, gathered at forum Well organized, systematic, reflects team management style Background On The Toolkit, Systems
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Set Standards Appraise Conformance Taking Action Planning, Implementing Improvements Maintaining Quality Systems Process Control Ongoing Basic Ingredients For Total Quality Systems, Ongoing Improvement Total Quality Systems. Facilitating Empowering Delegating Controlling Kaizen Defined And Introduced
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Kaizen Defined And Introduced Gemba is where the work is done Waste, non-value added, to be eliminated Reduced variation, product and process Worker driven, knowledge on teams Takt is target time value for improvement Operation cycle times averaged Average provides target value for reduction Standardized work, times must result Standard operating procedures (SOP) Train and educate Kaizen is about continual improvement Kai = change, Zen = good, change to the good Small, incremental, cost effective, resourceful Work area waste focus, disciplined, systemic
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Old Paradigm New Paradigm Higher authority decision making Conflict, confrontation Disarray Fear, distrust Inspect quality in Customer last, profit first Company last Discipline Lower authority decision making Trust, internal/ external, required Customer first, company concerns Build quality in Consensus, cooperation, consideration Who, what? Empowerment? Change? Who are leaders? Role of supervisor? Management, operator responsibility, role? Relationships? Old And New Paradigm, Changes Overlapping. Kaizen Defined And Introduced
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Disciplined People, All Levels, Functions Problems, Opportunities, Improvement, Change Tools For Data, Documentation, Analysis Kaizen Improvement Through Disciplined People, Tools, Systems. Kaizen Defined And Introduced
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Inputs Processing Outputs Materials Transformations Products Resources Change/Value Added Wants/Need The Technological Functions Model Technological functions supplies needs Capitalistic, free enterprise, system Production oriented, competition assumed Communities, regions, individuals Values, attitudes, ethical, moral issues Global, organizational infrastructure Infrastructure, Leadership, Innovation
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Technology Defined Technology is defined as applying techniques, tools, resources and systems to circumstances for improvement. This is the definition, and philosophy, the toolkit relies on to support team based, ongoing, technical improvements in quality and productivity--world class. Infrastructure, Leadership, Innovation
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM EngineeringManufacturing Product Design Traditional Approach To Organizations In Industrial And Technical Circumstances. Technological Organization, Re-engineering Resources Tools And Techniques Systems Applied Science Technical Improvements In Industry And Society Technology Science Convergence Of Technology And Science For Technical Improvements. Infrastructure, Leadership, Innovation
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Service functions are people functions May need to educate customer, use SOP, instructions Juggle, synchronize, multiple demands Did we satisfy the customer? Deliver service to customer, but does customer accept? Customer repeats? Good, tell one-two, bad, tell six-eight Did the product perform as stated? How to improve service? Simply adjust, patch, band aid? Communications, marketing, sales, quality, technical staff Did we effectively communicate? Customer and supplier communications, documented? What did we learn, as value added, in services provided? Infrastructure, Leadership, Innovation
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Understand product, process = improvement Must be knowledgeable in innovation, design Product development, necessary, future competitiveness Applications engineering, process improved, leaned Process, applications engineering, tied to cultural change Team-based, technical problem solving, applied research Options, improvements available for the future? Costs, availability, trade-off’s, quantity opportunities? Innovation is development, change Based on existing core product, process, knowledges May be cost effective to change, upgrade, incremental Must remain objective, not “ego engineer” Resistance, disorderly, must be disciplined, managed…. Infrastructure, Leadership, Innovation
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Collect, document, use, accurate data for analysis, leading Educate, train and evaluate ourselves, others in team Change is about competing, improving, solving problems Role of the supervisor? Leadership? Managed change processes for improvement Understand core values, cultural context, innovation Technology is driving change, supervision, leadership People must be involved, will resist change if not involved Change-related attitudes can be modified Participatory change works Autocratic change less desirable, understood change helps People “in control” via self directed work teams can help Infrastructure, Leadership, Innovation
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Technological core values, pivotal to change Efficiency: our sense of how things get done, quicker not slower, more from less Specialization and complexity: continuously enhanced, not simpler Mobility and convenience: we are on the move, must have convenience Luxury, necessity, newness and throwaway: cannot use it until it is worn out…… Conformity, change and progress: defining progress as change, implicitly conforming to the systems Dependence: all systems inter connected, dependent on one another Rationality and order: technology demands order, logically put together Technological confidence: technology is the salvation Change contingency, must understand values Change, Culture And The Technologist
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Technology is driving the change Change relates to competition Change requires education, leadership Improvement means change, education Technologists must be leaders, teachers Technologists must be change agents We must transfer the technology We must prepare, reshape, the workplace We must form, lead, teams--redefine work Technology, technologists, must empower Change, Culture And The Technologist Technology and academia Change requires educational leaders, improvement Technical change in universities is evident Not everyone welcomes changing education Students, faculty empowered, teach, learn independently
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Tool Applications……. Tool 7 applications are: OPCP, introduced, continuously built, not just at start PASPC also introduced, built gradually, evolved Documentation System Design, Communication, DSDC ISOQSAOPP, designed to help set a plan for team CSCVCBR, core values, change, cultural relationships All follow through, do and post, independently Toolkit applications are a key part of the courseware Located in separate folder of the CD Provides the template for team portfolio Each application s part of team project, portfolio Designed to be done by all, each team member First read long form, then short review, applications Total contribution in application form is compiled Portfolio is gradually evolved around applications
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Tool Applications……. Part Name:Process Location:OPCP Form Of Supplier:Revision: Other Pertinent General Information: Process Description. Provide a written description of process in text format and a process flow chart depicting the same: Tools For Manufacture/Production. Describe equipment required to produce the product, consistent with the flow chart above: Process Parameters. Describe unique elements involved in processing the product which require additional explanation: Product Characteristics. Describe all characteristics of the product, primarily as attributes or variables which are critical: Class. Describe any codes or other unique identifiers per the specific industry or organization to help further distinguish the product: Product/Process Specification. Provide specific measurable definitions for each product characteristic identified above: Evaluation Method. Describe how specifications of characteristics are evaluated, what the measurement systems are: Sample Size, Frequency of Inspection. Describe the sample, how it is derived, including devices used to inspect in a step by step manner: Analysis Methods. Describe the methods and systems used to analyze the sampled data, such as statistical, experimental, and so on: Reaction Program. Describe steps to be taken when product or process is found to be functioning inappropriately: Ongoing Process Control Plan (OPCP) Continuously built over entire course Gradually evolved based on team, project growth Becomes key part of team project, portfolio Key ISO technical document for improvement Partial form shown below, gradually addressed……..
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Tool Applications……. P-Attribute Statistical Process Control (PASPC) First logical step for SPC, based on attributes Interactive with GSIC, integrated systems Inspect, track attributes as key characteristics Do key statistical analysis, charting around on this Analysis tool for improvement, leads to variable data Partial table below is start for collection, calculation Supplier:Customer:Product or process: Inspection/data gathering description: Operation:Part:Part characteristic being analyzed: Date Time Sample n # def (np) P = np/n Sample
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Tool Applications……. CSCVCBR, Cultural System Core Values, Change……. Built on, added to over entire course, by all Helps get all on same page, continues project definition Terms are in toolkit, to be researched, beyond course A sampling of the form (partial) is shown…….. ResearcherTechnological Defining Element/Core Value, Observed, Explained: Technological Change Issues, Actions, Behaviors Assessed: Core Value Innovation Relationship, Opportunity To Improve: 1. Identify and explain possible opportunities to use data and documentation, systemically, to facilitate assessment and innovation opportunities in technological systems for positive change: Identify and explain possible opportunities to tie the quality system and information system together systemically, in an organization, to facilitate assessment and innovation opportunities in technological systems for positive change:
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Tool Applications……. ISO/QS Audit, Objective Prioritization Plan (ISOQSAOPP) Preliminary plan, setup of assessments, work for team Familiarize with ISO, auditing, all on same page, terms Strategic planning, team level, change and improvement Project 50% done when “problem” nailed down “hot spots” focus, project objectives, gradually PPDPOA Gantt from SDA form or template, for time, sequence Partial form is shown…….. Organization Under Discussion:Current Operation:Location: General Description Of Operations/Production Functions/Systems Being Assessed As An Internal Audit: ISO/QS Element (TS —Others)Technical Function DescriptionAudit Preliminary InformationActions, Recommendations For Change (list each element separately for analysis/audit)(describe technical function being audited)(How does function compare to standard)(explain anticipated necessary actions, changes) Planning Statement Or Issue, Particularly As Associated With The Service Environment:Criticality Level: HML (H = 5; M = 3; L = 1) Fac = Facility issues; Cost = Cost issues; Time = Time issues; Pers = Personnel issues Objectives Prioritized, 5 Being Highest:Criticality HML FacCostTimePers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Problem Background:Resources? (Budget/Other Concerns)? Task/Deliverable/Objective:Who Will Do?How Measured?
Short Form Tool 7 ITTTM Tool Applications……. Documentation System Design, Communication (DSDC) Initial design, plan for how the team will work Given that all work is about communications……. Documentation is blackboard is critical Must consider initially how this will happen, DSDC DSDC provides opportunity to reflect on, discuss ResearcherCommunication Method, Internal And External Customers: Toolkit/Blackboard Design Element, How Does It Work? How To Improve Professional Relationships, Communication? 1. Identify How The Systems’ Design You Are Advocating Can Assist IN Tieing Together PPDPOA, TPMSS, FACR, TRIRPA And Other Elements Of Team Problem Solving And Improvement: Explain ISO/QS Characteristics And Other Necessary Entities To Be Possessed By Documentation And Communication Systems, Categorically, Particularly Focused On Service Functions: Using The Template At The End Of The Applications Complete A Cause And Effect Diagram Indicating Issues And Opportunities For Systemic Documentation Relationships/Improvements, Particularly Focused On Service Functions: Identify And Explain Why Your Organization Is Well Suited To The Documentation And Communication System Being Developed, Particularly Focused On Service Functions: