Brandy Johnson, Michigan College Access Network Chery Wagonlander, Michigan Early Middle College Association Holly Heaviland, Michigan New Tech Network March 23, 2012
4 Barriers to Post Secondary Completion Academic Preparation Social Capital College Knowledge on Navigating the Process Financial
Collective Impact Response 4 Barriers to Post Secondary Completion Academic Preparation Social Capital College Knowledge on Navigating the Process Financial Organization Focus ISD, MEMCA, ignitED MEMCA & ignitED MCAN, MEMCA
Good Enough Vision Partnerships to assure that all students are prepared and bound for post secondary Education College = Postsecondary Education College = Necessity for All College = A Public Good
Michigan College Access Network Mission: Dramatically increase the college participation and completion rates in Michigan, particularly among low-income students, first- generation students, and students of color. Vision: Economic vitality and community health is dependent on postsecondary educational attainment. Therefore, we believe: GOAL: 60% by 2025
MCAN Strategies Statewide Strategies Policy Advocacy and Leadership KnowHow2GO Public Awareness Campaign & Michigan College Access Portal Annual Conference: April 30 th, East Lansing Local Strategies (Resources for ISDs) Local College Access Network Development Professional Development of High School Counselors & Other College Advisers College Application Week National College Advising Corps Promise Zones Data Collection & Analysis (National Student Clearinghouse & FAFSA Completion Data)
Local College Access Networks What is a LCAN? Community-based college access coordinating body. Highly structured collaborative effort, as opposed to isolated efforts of individual organizations. Supported by an alliance of cross-sector leaders representing K-12, higher education, nonprofit sector, government, business, and philanthropy. What do LCANs Do? Commit to building a college-going culture in community. Create a strategic action framework (establish clear goals & execute proven interventions) to increase college readiness, going, and completion rates. What support does MCAN provide? Seed funding and extensive technical assistance. To date, MCAN has provided over $1.5 million to 43 communities in Michigan.
Michigan Early Middle College Association Alliance of 25+/Programs Schools & Partners, ISDs, or Districts 17 Entity Codes Others-Early Implementation or Planning 10 New Tech Highs (Affiliate Members) Re-Invention is the Focus of Work Three-Fold Purpose
MEMCA History in Michigan Implementing for over 20 years Creation of a Technical Assistance Center o MDE, Mott MC, Mott Foundation & Genesee ISD partnership o Professional Development, Technical Certificate, Entity Code Process
MEMCA Partnerships National research data collection project with NCREST School Profile Report Graduate Student Survey Transcript Analysis Development the first national MCNC state chapter, established 2012 New Tech Network-MEMCA Affiliate Status Enhanced Dual Enrollment System
Contacts Holly Heaviland: Brandy Johnson: Chery Wagonlander: New Tech Network-ignitED Partnerships 1. Early College Planning & College Readiness Curriculum 2. Aligned Curriculum Materials, such as Project Lead The Way 3. Leadership Networking & Coaching, as needed 4. Critical Gap Analysis, University of Michigan 5. Middle Grade Pilot & Development of Training Center
Resources for ISDs Exploration of Model Sites Technical Assistance on Early College Planning Future Training for Inquiry & Project Based Learning Connections to Other State Thought Partners on 21 st Century Learning & Community Conversations Pilot for Enhanced Dual Enrollment System
12 Credits x 12 th Grade
Collaborative Efforts Among Networks Presenting at each others conferences to provide technical assistance and awareness of compatible resources Enhanced Dual Enrollment System: 12 x 12 Sharing technical assistance sessions Potential to seek additional competitive funding
Contacts Chris Baldwin, Holly Heaviland: Brandy Johnson: Chery Wagonlander: