Members Showcase Presentation Template To be put on the Company/Organisation background
Introduction Company/Organisation Name Type of Organisation Activities – List / Summary Organisation chart including ownership structure Key Financials: Sales/Turnover EBITDA Net Tangible Assets
Brief on Current Activities Principal locations of offices and manufactories Principal markets and/or territories Current scope of activities/products offered: Brief scope of each activity In house skills, knowledge, expertise related to each activity Methods employed entering new markets, developing new services/products Methods employed in developing existing markets, services/products Extent and type of collaboration with 3 rd parties in new and existing markets Current challenges in developing new markets/products and/or expanding existing in markets
Brief on existing skills/knowledge and potential for collaboration An outline of skill sets and USPs that the organisation offers Capabilities in areas such as R&D, innovation, technology, technical expertise and operations General areas of interest for the organisation for the next few years in terms of new markets and service areas, products they want to develop/market further In line with above areas, where the organisation sees opportunities to collaborate with others to assist in achieving these objectives
Case Study As a Case Study: Give an example of a recent or potential project /business transaction/development which outlines how the organisation’s skills, knowledge and expertise have been or will be utilised. Outline the actual or expected outcome in terms of achievements and the development of capability Show or estimate the degree of actual or potential collaboration with other parties necessary to achieve or enhance the outcomes of the project/business transaction/development and outline what third party input or knowledge will be required Provide a recap of the areas of expertise the organisation can offer to and the likely benefit which can obtained from collaboration with other organisations in future projects
Conclusion Any Questions? Contact: [Name] [Company] [Land Line] [Mobile] [ ]