Dejan Komatina, Ph.D. Civ. Eng., Secretary, ISRBC IWRM in the Sava River Basin – a basis for sustainable development of the region
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar
3 Background Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASRB) –Signed in 2002, ratified in 2004 –The first multilateral agreement in the region signed after the Agreement on succession –International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) established in June 2005 –Secretariat of the ISRBC started to work in January 2006 –Provides the ISRBC with the broadest scope of work among European basin organizations (i.e. river commissions)
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Overall objective Transboundary cooperation for sustainable development of the region –Issues of sustainability: Improvement of water quality Maintenance of water quantity Protection of aquatic ecosystem Protection against the harmful effects of water (due to floods, ice, droughts, accidents) –Development activities: Different kinds of water use (navigation, hydropower generation, water supply, sewerage, irrigation and drainage, fishery, tourism and recreation)
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Structure Governmental sector –Officially nominated national institutions –Other national institutions Non-gov. sector Academic sector Business sector
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Activities Coordination of: –Development of strategic plans for the Sava River Basin (RBM, FRM) –Establishment of integrated systems for the Sava River Basin (GIS, RIS, HMIS, FFWS, AEWS) –Preparation of development programs for the Sava River Basin Rehabilitation and development of navigation Development of tourism –Harmonization of regulation (national EU) –Creation of additional protocols to the FASRB Cooperation / stakeholder involvement / public participation
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Example Rehabilitation of the Waterway on the Sava River –Planning phase (studies, design) –Technical standards (rules harmonized with EU and UNECE regulation) –Protocol on prevention of water pollution caused by navigation –Sava RBM Plan –Climate Adaptation Plan –Sediment Management Plan –Initial phase of the RIS development
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Example Rehabilitation of the Waterway on the Sava River –Joint Statement (ICPDR, DC, ISRBC, and EC) –Manual on Integrated IWT Planning (EU FP7 PLATINA Project) –WANDA (SEE TCP Project) Cruiser Victor Hugo, Sisak, June 2010
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Added value Key features of the approach –Cohesive, providing conditions for: Cooperation of the countries after the conflict Implementation of joint, basin-wide projects Harmonization of national regulation, methodologies, procedures … –Integrated (whole basin; sustainability and development) –Transparent (public participation) –Aligned with the EU and UNECE regulation (EU Directives, UNECE Water Convention,...) –Subregional (finer resolution of results than on a regional scale) –Pragmatic and practical (offering concrete products to the Parties – joint plans, development programs, protocols, harmonized regulation, integrated systems)
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Added value Indicators –Interest in the Sava model Central Asia (Tajikistan; UNECE) Europe (Conf. on Conventions on Intl Waters; Parl. Assembly of the Council of Europe) Mediterranean (Lebanon; GWP- Mediterranean) –Recognition of the Joint Statement Process EU (e.g. in the European Parliament resolution on EU Strategy for the Danube Region) Similar processes to be launched in the fields of hydropower and agriculture
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Relevance to EU 2020 Sustainable growth –Programs for sustainable development of the region (navigation, tourism) –Climate change adaptation (two ongoing projects) –Use of hydropower as a renewable energy source Smart growth –Involvement of academic sector –Establishment of information systems for the Sava river basin Inclusive growth –Fostering contribution of SMEs to sustainable development of the region
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Key challenges Differences between the countries –Status with respect to EU & eligibility for approaching funds –Level of economic development (financial resources) –Organizational structure in decision-making process –Environmental awareness of the public Financing priority projects / strategic studies, establishment of integrated systems Resolving conflicts of interests of different users of water (within a country / between countries / climate change)
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Funding of the activities Funding of projects from external sources improving steadily (share of the projects funded from international programs / funds increasing) Funding for the priority projects needed EU Strategy for the Danube Region expected to be an appropriate framework Roundtable on fund raising activities for the ISRBC projects (Sarajevo, B&H, 17 May 2011) 3 rd Meeting of the Parties to the FASRB (Brdo near Kranj, Slovenia, 31 May – 1 June 2011)
WB and EU 2020, Regional Coordination Conf., Brussels, 31 Mar Detailed information