Identified Obstacles and Recommendations
Main Obstacles faced by Women Entrepreneurs Existing gaps in implementation of laws Insufficient regulatory framework Difficulties in accessing finance and property Existing gender stereotypes Lack of networks Insufficient trainings and education in entrepreneurship skills and knowledge Difficult access to child care Role models Insufficient information regarding how to start a business
Recommendations Introduce gender sensitive policies Introduce institutional support for women entrepreneurs in: Start up businesses Expanding of businesses Make financial support available to women entrepreneurs Provide education and well focused programs Enable networking Help women entrepreneurs acquire a network for working purposes Avoid activity or project overlapping amongst: Organizations Institutions NGOs Etc.
Recommendations Increase monitoring activities in order to have better information of the project development, results, etc. Avoid social gender blindness: evaluate how projects, microloans, activities, etc. differently affect: Men Women Include adequate social policies that ensure the reconciliation of womens professional and personal lives Provide specific information on how to start up and develop a business
Recommendations Use adequate indicators as instruments for programming, such as: Policy and data for female entrepreneurs Training for female entrepreneurs Improved access to finance on female entrepreneurs Networking and good practices Provide integrated consultancy Improve the quality of the existing data in order to have a more clear picture of the current barriers faced by women entrepreneur Fight stereotypes, through adequate education from a very early stage
Useful examples of how to implement some of the recommendations In order to improve Networks: European Network to promote women entrepreneurs Women Entrepreneurs Portal Small Business Act European network of female entrepreneurs ambassador Entrepreneurship skills for graduate women In order to ensure the reconciliation of womens professional and personal lifes: Provide childcare services