The Big Conversation Wednesday 27 th March 2013
Why do we have The Big Conversation?
What did we say at our last Big Conversation? We talked about: 1)What was working well about our behaviour system in class and around school? (smileys, time outs, awards etc) 2) How could we make it even better? And 3) How could we make our lunch and playtime behaviour system even clearer and fairer, so that we can always be happy and feel safe outside as well?
What’s Working Well About Our New Behaviour System (Big Conversation November 2012) What’s working well? Being in Time Out is bad but is working good Smilies are great – if you are good you get them but you can still get them if you have done something bad ‘Naughty’ lunchtime club Trusted lunchtime club – if you get spotted you get to do nice things; it’s fair Time Outs – are fair Smilie cards and bronze, silver and gold stickers You get House Points every time you win a Smilie award (bronze, silver or gold sticker) Class of the week playtime You win prizes – it’s fair Jobs – you can’t have jobs if you are on Time Outs Strikes Awards Extra playtime for good people (class points) Housepoints Celebrations Smilie system rewards all positive social and learning behaviours and relates to our House system – pupils say it’s fair & they like the stickers Lunch Time Clubs Separate rewards and sanctions system for class and play / lunchtimes 3 strikes and Time Out system understood (and you can still be rewarded for good work) Class of the Week
What’s Working Well About Our New Behaviour System (Big Conversation November 2012) What’s not working so well? Make it different at playtimes – make it peaceful We should have detentions Time out bench / corner – people are distracting the PE equipment officers Have separate time out benches in calm down corner No swearing Be the best you can be Make the Time Outs longer (e.g. 30 mins) so they calm down easier Choose two friends for trusted lunch club if you want to Awards – take a picture altogether (it saves paper) KS2 get a shorter play so in lunch more supervisors Every teacher should be a helper at break instead of 1 or 2 If no one is on the board at the end of play, you all get extra play! 2 strikes instead of 3 Quick wins Restructure Lunch times to generate peaceful environment Challenges Develop Play / Lunch times Sanctions system & Calm Down Corner (not mentioned often) – using results of Pupil Questionnaire Morning Break cover
What kind of activities would you like to do in your House Teams? What is Today’s Topic?
After the Big Conversation, all of the staff will look at your ideas and plan for some more House Activities for the Summer term and next year. We will tell you at the beginning of next term what those activities will be. What will happen as a result of today’s Big Conversation?
Ground rules Take turns and listen Give good listening signals Respect other people’s ideas and feelings Help each other Everyone take part