Rethinking Youth Employment Coordination Youth Employment Knowledge Sharing Forum 19-22 July 2015 Harare.


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Presentation transcript:

Rethinking Youth Employment Coordination Youth Employment Knowledge Sharing Forum July 2015 Harare

Why better youth employment coordination is needed? A national priority and of interest to several players Complex problem with no clear answers Cross cutting issue involving many players No single entity has resources or autonomy to address alone Better use of limited resources To avoid overlaps and duplication since numerous interventions at micro, meso and macro level To exploit untapped potential for synergies and cooperation Poor documentation and systematic dissemination of information


Several efforts… Creation of enabling policy environment Mainstreaming youth employment into development frameworks Resources allocated to address youth employment Establishment of institutions addressing youth employment Implementation of youth employment interventions

Coordination is many things: The establishment of a Ministry or agency dealing with youth employment Youth policies Employment policy frameworks

But have any of these worked and resulted in the coordination of youth employment?

The Collective Impact approach Propose one approach to address coordination Requires a commitment by a group of actors to a common agenda for solving youth employment Requires five components 1.Common agenda; 2.Shared measurement 3.Mutually reinforcing activities 4.Continuous communication 5.Backbone support