Risk assessment of mental job strain at the workplace in Austria Johanna Klösch Department of safety, health and work Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour 1040 Wien, Prinz-Eugen-Straße Telefon: Terms and law Occupational safety and health in Austria is understood as the protection of life and health of employees at the workplace Amendment of the Austrian Workers Safety and Health Protection Act (1st of January 2013) Employers must ensure the (physical AND psychological) health, safety and well-being at work of their employees Focus on prevention of work-related psychosocial risks Main tool - risk assessment of mental job strain Primarily occupational psychologists as special experts (in addition to Physicians and Safety Technicians/Safety Experts) 4 dimensions which have to be considered in the risk assessment of mental job strain job requirements, social and organizational climate, working environment, workflow and organization of work Risk assessment of mental job strain – the process Risk assessment is a process which aims to continuing improvement of working conditions. 30% concept/planning 20% identification and assessment of risks 40% determination and implementation of measures and control of effectiveness 10% documentation Quelle: Julia Steurer, ZAI Adequate measures to prevent psychosocial risks have to … combat risks at source (Sec. 7 ASchG) Adequate measures to prevent psychosocial hazards must have an … collective impact (Sec. 7 ASchG) Adequate measures to prevent psychosocial risks have to be … conform with the state of the art in work design (Sec. 7 ASchG) Adequate measures to prevent psychosocial risks have to …reduce or eleminate psychosocial risks (verifiable!) …be implemented, verified and if necessary adapted (Article 7 ASchG) Examples of physical and mental work load and countermeasures Examples of work load Physical: Forced postures Noise Heat Glare Moving heavy loads Examples of countermeasures Physical: Ergonomic workplace design Noise reduction Design of indoor climate Lighting design Handling equipment Examples of physical and mental work load and countermeasures Mental: Poorly maintained work equipment User-unfriendly software Lack of information Insufficient communication Lack of attitude Monotony Discriminatory working conditions Insufficient qualification Poor working climate Examples of countermeasures Mental: Repair replacement of work equipment Sufficient information Communication planning Creation of freedom of action Equal opportunities Activities rich in variety Upskilling measures Appreciative working climate Examples of work load Finding the right key… Which key fits in which lock? Inappropriate measures Fruit basket, work life balance training, coaching, team events, … „better communication“ – not specific enough how can communication be improved? Publication: Healthy workplaces The world of health, safety and well-being at work (german) Thank you for your attention!