EPOS & EarthScope 1 Progress report WP5 Torild van Eck (ORFEUS/EPOS) Tim Ahern (IRIS/EarthScope/SAGE) Chuck Meertens (UNAVCO/EarthScope/GAGE) Fran Boler (UNAVCO/EarthScope/GAGE) WP5 Solid Earth Dynamics
European Plate Observing System & EarthScope 2 Objectives: - Integrating EU-US solid earth RI elements in EPOS and EarthScope - Coordinating EU-US solid earth RI planning and implementation - Coordinating EPOS and EarthScope data and e-infrastructure visions - Promote multidisciplinary interoperability (specifically seismology and GPS) - Discussion future planning deep-drilling initiatives (ICDP) Tasks: 5.1 Interoperability cyberinfrastructures in solid earth, specifically seismology 5.2 Interoperability standard data formats and services in solid earth sciences 5.3 Best practise integration Euro-GPS, GNSS 5.4 Long-term vision global Deep Scientific Drilling Deliverables: - Current status report (M6) √ - Cyberinfrastructure report (M24) - EU-US workshop report (M12) pending - EU-US workshop report (M30) - Data interoperability (M18)- Deep scientific drilling report (M30) WP5 Solid Earth Dynamics
European Plate Observing System & EarthScope 3 Primary tasks completed SEISMOLOGY (EIDA and IRIS) coordinated FDSN standards in web services XML formats for seismic events, station metadata, and time series simple text format definitions coordination of request parameters Web services in operation 5 European and 3 US data centers have web services in operation Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for seismic networks Methodology agreed across entire FDSN (broader than just COOPEUS partners) WP5 Solid Earth Dynamics
European Plate Observing System & EarthScope 4 Primary tasks completed Coordination: Geodesy (EPOS institutions and UNAVCO) coordinated seamless archive (GSAC) standards in web services installation of protype GSAC service at individual archives across Europe including EPOS and EUREF COOPEUS/EPOS workshop on GSAC in Portugal and identification of need for EPOS “Federated” GSAC indentification and adoption of GEO Supersites for user scenarios GSAC services in operation 6 European and 3 US data centers (Federated) have GSAC services in operation Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for seismic networks UNAVCO has implemented a DOI process for geodetic data (broader than just COOPEUS). This is under consideration with other models for EPOS. WP5 Solid Earth Dynamics
European Plate Observing System & EarthScope 5 Plans Moving Forward Seismology Promote standardized web services in Asia Pacific region Promote use of FDSN DOIs across the globe Extend federated seismological data centers using a turnkey system standard quality assessment techniques Geodesy Continued coordination between EPOS GNSS community specifically between UNAVCO, EUREF and EPOS WG4 Remote support for additional GSAC instatllations in Europe EPOS WG4 agreement on common developments of the GSAC Planned Spring 2015 workshop (venue to be decided) to facilitate these activities and coordinated new developments including the European federated GSAC WP5 Solid Earth Dynamics