Comets and Asteroid By: Jowb Borja and Alyanna Sharyce D. Aparilla
What are Asteroids? rocky-metallic to small to be planets Planetoids (minorplanets) leftover material Solar System Asteroid Belt dangerous
Types of Asteroids (primary) M-TYPES-TYPE C-TYPE
Carbonaceous Common variety 75% of known asteroids Much darker C-TYPE
Moderately bright Made of nickel-iron Third most common M-TYPE
Second most common Moderately bright Consists of iron-magnesium Dominant Inner asteroid belt S-TYPE
leftovers formation of solar system birth of Jupiter Prevented planetary bodies from forming gap between Mars and Jupiter Causing small objects collide with each other fragment into the asteroids seen today. leftovers formation of solar system birth of Jupiter Prevented planetary bodies from forming gap between Mars and Jupiter Causing small objects collide with each other fragment into the asteroids seen today. HOW ARE ASTEROIDS FORMED?
snowy dirtballs Inhabit the Oort cloud, Kuiper Belt Asteroid Belt What Are Comets ?
Physical characteristics -Solid nucleus consist -ice (frozen water) - dust coated with dark organic material - ammonia - carbon dioxide - carbon monoxide - methane Coma Dust tail Ion tail
material left over from formation of planets solar wind pushed remains into the outer region remained to form lumps of frozen gas and dust. temperature :cold enough Formation
Orbital Characteristics Elliptical Orbit Perihelion Kepler’s Law Main Belt comets Short Period comets (periodic comets) Long Period comets Single apparition comets Sun grazers
Main Belt comets Comets in the Asteroid belt
Short period comets (Periodic Comets) 1 orbit takes 200 yrs or less originate from kuiper’s belt active comets dragged by the gravitational interactions with inner planets
Long Period comets 1 orbit takes 200 yrs or more originate from Oort cloud get slung inward by gravitational pull of passing stars
Single apparition comets Comets that are not bound to the sun
Sun grazers Comets that smash into the sun
Naming Named after their discoverer
History Thought to be traveling the earths atmospere 1577 astronomer Tycho Brahe revealed that comets travels far beyond the moon Isaac newton a. comets orbit around the sun b. predicted it will return again and again
Reference For Comets Davis.jpg
racing/posts/ racing/posts/ earth-potentially-hazardous earth-potentially-hazardous References For Asteroid