18 Years to Change a Life District-Wide Continuum for Instructing Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Who Are We? Dr. Chris Daniels – Director of Special Services Mrs. Shayla Mendy – Autism Consultant Dr. Celeste Ortega – Lead Process Coordinator
Park Hill Encompasses 71 square miles just north of downtown Kansas City, Missouri. 10, 713 students in SY Ten elementary schools Three middle schools (including a sixth grade center) Two high schools A day treatment school (Russell Jones Education Center) An Early Childhood Education Center (Gerner Family Early Education Center).
Growth 21% population grown since % Free and reduced lunch last year 2005 Free and reduced lunch was 18.3%
The focus should be on teaching people with autism to ADAPT to the social world around them while still retaining the essence of who they are, including their autism. - Temple Grandin
Continuum of Services Early Childhood Services 504 Services and Resource Setting provided in every Home School Transition Resource Classroom Specifically Designed for Students with Autism (Elementary) Classrooms Specifically Designed for Students with Autism (K-21) Public Separate Day Facility Private Separate Day Facility (2 students)
Classrooms Specifically Designed for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Language-focused teaching environment that utilizes a variety of tools/strategies to increase verbal behavior and functional communication Social skills training directly taught and embedded in instruction throughout the day Access to sensory tools and supports Specially trained staff to work with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders High teacher to student ratio Positive-based behavior reinforcement programming derived from informal and formal functional behavior assessments Systematic and individualized process of integrating students into general education and fading level of supports to increase independence
Transition Resource Classroom Behavior and social interventions provided throughout the school day Academic interventions, if needed Access to a home base for calming, processing, sensory breaks, etc. Support in general education classrooms via specially trained teaching assistants (the level of support is systematically faded over time) Utilization of peer models to increase social skills and social awareness Ongoing collaboration between general education and special education teachers. IEP team monitors progress to determine if/when the student is ready to transition back to his/her home school
Trend Shows Success Year 1 – 1 students transitioned to home school resource setting 1 student transitioned to an Essential Skills classroom Year 2 – 3 students transitioned to home school resource setting 1 student transitioned to Essential Skills classroom
Training Staff Full-time Autism Coach & part-time consultants (BCBA) TA Trainings: Initial and Ongoing Teacher Training & Support Bus Driver Training Encore (Art, Music, PE, Computer, Library) Teacher Training MANDT Parent Support Future Training – Administration Training
District Investment in Autism Built specific classrooms designed for students with Autism Provide exceptional support at district level for teachers and teacher assistants Outlines systematic procedures for placement in Autism program Visionary support from a board of education
Universal Design Identify limiting factors Capitalizing on resources you already have Building bridges with other districts Early interventions Partnering with parents
Contact Information Dr. Christopher Daniels-Director of Special Services (816) Mrs. Shayla Mendy- Park Hill District Autism Coach (816) Dr. Celeste Ortega-Lead Process Coordinator (816)