Report on Inclusive Growth Pillar work SEE2020 Strategy Report on Inclusive Growth Pillar work
Inclusive growth - place job creation and human development at the center of policy making Employment: promote decent jobs for all Competencies and Skills: ensure people receive the right mix of skills to succeed in the labor market Health: improve health and well-being of all
Competencies and Inclusive Learning Labor Market Governance Inclusive Growth Pillar Inclusive growth Pillar targets x. Increase the overall employment from 40.2% to 45.2% Pillar Dimensions Employment Competencies and Inclusive Learning Health Labor Mobility Labor Market Governance Social economy Dimension coordinator Social Agenda 2020 Working Group SEECEL SEEHN Other regional platforms involved in the dimension CPESSEC ERI SEE SEETUF AREC External partners World Bank; FES; LSEE; EC (DG Employment) ETF WHO Monitoring system RCC/OECD National administration participants Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs Ministry of Education; Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs Ministry of Health CPESSEC – Center of Public Employment Services of Southeast European Countries SEETUF – SEE Trade Union Forum AREC – Adriatic Region Employers’ Center FES – Friedrich Ebert Foundation LSEE – London School of Economics European Institute ERISEE – Education Reform Initiative in SEE SEEHN – SEE Health Network WHO – World Health Organization
Key actors and activities Since 2011 and with support from FES, RCC has organized and hosted regional meetings, which discussed important social development priorities for the region. In 2013 a working group, composed of representatives of ministries of labor and social affairs, was established with the specific aim to develop the inclusive growth component of SEE2020. Two meetings of this group have identified the priority areas for regional action. SEECEL – promotes structured cooperation in SEE on lifelong entrepreneurial learning since 2009. The Charter for Entrepreneurial Learning: The Keystone for Growth and Jobs, signed in 2012 confirms the commitment of governments to systematic development and progress in lifelong entrepreneurial learning through continued policy improvement, good practice sharing and regional cooperation. SEECEL has actively contribute to all RCC regional meetings on SEE2020. SEE Health Network, a political and institutional forum that promotes cooperation on public health. The Third Health Ministers’ Forum - Health in All Policies in South-eastern Europe: a Shared Goal and Responsibility in 2011, focused on enhancing partnerships towards achieving equity and accountability in health through implementing a whole government approach and a focus on non-communicable diseases. A working meeting of the health network in Sarajevo in April 2013, set the stage for the preparation of the health dimension chapter of the SEE2020 strategy.
Employment 1. Labor mobility 2. Labor market governance Establish a favorable regime for migrant workers from the region Maximize the development impact of migration and promote circular migration 2. Labor market governance Labor law reforms and balance between security and flexibility Targeted policies for addressing employment issues related to youth, females, disadvantaged groups, and those operating in the informal economy Participatory social dialogue
Employment (cont.) 3. Social economy Social economy initiatives can play an important role in addressing social needs. Set up an enabling environment for social economy initiatives, including legal and regulatory framework; policies, strategies and actions; incentives, support mechanisms and capacity building Networking and cooperation for strengthening dialogue, sharing knowledge and resources, and establishing social economy development clusters
Competencies and inclusive education Aim: bridge the gap between what the labor market needs and what the education and training systems provide Increased coordination and synergies among key stakeholders in the skills and labor markets Increase the level of entrepreneurial and financial literacy across the SEE region Entrepreneurship promotion across all levels and forms of learning systems Progress through partnership Entrepreneurship promotion in third-level education and links to innovation Reinforcing networks, sharing of good practice and peer learning
Health Aim: To improve the health and well-being of all those living in the SEE region Actions: - Harmonizing the cross-border public health and public health services legislation, standards, procedures and developing mutual recognition and trust to enable the creation of a Free Trade Area from public health perspective Institutional strengthening and improving the governance of the health sector at national, regional and community levels - Improving the health gain of the populations in the SEE region through strengthening the delivery of universal and high quality health promoting services by the primary health care, hospitals and public health services
Underlying priorities Data and research for evidence based policy making Capacity building for implementing programs and for monitoring and evaluation