Information Society Technologies Programme ISTAG Orientations for Workprogramme 2000 and beyond
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 2 ISTAG: A need for further focussing Workprogramme’99 is broad Y2000 budget is 800 MEuro (66% of 99) Focussing is needed: –to avoid fragmentation of effort and ensure necessary coverage of important promising areas –to mobilise critical mass of key players –For Europe to be in leading positions to seize opportunities offered by the convergence of IST
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 3 Driving Forces, Markets and Opportunities Technological: –Computing power doubles every 18 months, transmission capacity every 12 months, IP every 6 months. 30 Million Chips per year are produced for PC’s, > 250 Million go to other devices Economic: –The rapid growth in the mobile communications market is reinforcing the EU leadership in this area. Half of EU companies are expected to have Internet e-commerce activities in Social and Personal: –Widen access from so called prosumers (producing consumers), to the general and also the disadvantaged citizen
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 4 Basis for the vision We can make huge numbers of inexpensive computing devices which can exchange data very fast If we could integrate fixed and mobile communication / services in a seamless way And if we could link these devices to the basis infrastructure, embed them in our surrounding, incorporate value added services, and make them to understand the people they serve, we would have: An integrated and intelligent platform for the delivery of Services and Applications in Europe
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 5 ISTAG Vision Statement "Start creating the ambient intelligence landscape (for seamless delivery of services and applications) in Europe relying also upon testbeds and open source software, develop user-friendliness, and develop and converge the networking infrastructure in Europe to world-class"
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 6 The notion of “Ambient Intelligence” the convergence of Ubiquitous Computing/Communication + Intelligent User-Friendly Interfaces The resulting Ambient Intelligence Landscape is Embedded, Personalised, Adaptive, and Anticipatory. It is presponsive instead of being simply responsive
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 7 Ubiquity Commonplace appliances-seamless services,... Dialogue laid-back mode, enjoyable,... NetworkingDistribution Embedded Fixed/mobile integration Broadband/all-optical Mobile IP Interworking/interrupt. Mobile processes Scalability Embedded internet Light weight OS’s InterfacesContent Multi-modality Learning systems next generation interfaces Multi-linguality converging media Trust generation Security Privacy Dependability ISTAG vision: Technology perspective The technology is all around us but almost invisible
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 8 ISTAG vision: Applications/services perspective UbiquityDialogue Seamless access to services/applications At homeAt work...CommutingSpecial needs World class converging infrastructure
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 9 Benefits of the Vision The benefit of the vision to the citizen is to enhance the quality of our life by providing universal access to services : based on interaction that is relaxing and enjoyable: otherwise stated… –the dominant mode of interaction is: laid-back(relaxed, enjoyable) –rather than: lean-forward(tense, concentrated).
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 10 Benefits of the Vision (cont.) For industry, –The vision provides a path to the next generation of computing, communication and media products and services. –Builds on Europe strength in: Mobile Communications, Infrastructures, Cons. Electronics, electronic appliances, software integration,.. –Places Europe in a competing position in core businesses: For the delivery of, and access to applications and services (e.g. Mobile and embedded systems, integrated infrastructure, advanced interactive environments, ) For the development and provision of applications and services (E-Commerce, Finance, banking, Tourism, Media production, entertainment,...)
Information Society Technologies Programme FK-ISTAG-WSmay 11 Key Action 1 Systems and Services for the Citizen Stress services that offer ubiquitous, natural presponsive multi-faceted dialogue modes with the citizens A natural home for testbeds which concentrate on particular services e.g for supporting tourism The issues of fixed/mobile integration and value added services are of direct relevance for transport / mobility Other examples: Health systems, Persons with special needs focus on systems capable of recognising individuals, and learning their specific needs and abilities over time.