WRC-11 Agenda on Satellite Issues APG March, 2008 Republic of Korea
Broadband IT Korea 1 Introduction Agenda ItemResponsible GroupConcerned Group 1.7WP 4CWP 5C (WP 4B), (WP 7B), (WP 7C), (WP 7D) 1.13WP4AWP5C, WP6X, (WP3M), (WP4B), (WP6D), (WP5A), (WP6G), WP7D) 1.18WP4CWP 5A, WP 5B, WP 5C, (WP 3L), (WP 4A) 1.25WP4CSG 1, SG 3, SG 5, SG 6, SG 7 7WP4A (Technical), SC (Regulatory) WP7B, WP7C, (WP4C) Chapter 5Satellite Issues Agenda Items : 1.13, 7 (WP4A) 1.7, 1.18, 1.25 (WP4C)
Broadband IT Korea 2 Agenda Item (1) Responsibilities Responsible group Mobile-satellite, Radiodetermination-sat. Concerned groups WP4C SG4 (WP4B) SG5 WP5C SG7 (WP7B) (WP7C) (WP7D) Science services Terrestrial services
Broadband IT Korea 3 Background WRC-07 WRC-11 AI 1.7 Cuba (CUB/44/52) Indonesia (INS/33/10) APT (ASP/41A28/394) CEPT (EUR/10A25/2) Arabic states (ARB/39A23/2) Canada & USA (CAN/USA/49/3) Agenda Item 1.7 (2)
Broadband IT Korea 4 CUB/44/52 EUR/10A25/2 ARB/39A23/2 to consider results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution 222 (WRC-2000) to ensure spectrum availability and protection for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service, and to take appropriate action on this project, while retaining the generic allocation for the mobile-satellite service INS/ 33/10 to consider results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution 222 (WRC-07) on the spectrum requirements of AM(R)S, the advance technology and the mechanism to ensure the feasibility for the prioritization and inter-system pre-emption for AM(R)S systems in the bands MHz and MHz, and to take appropriate action on this subject, while retaining the generic allocation for the mobile-satellite service ASP/ 41A28/394 to consider results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution [ASP/AI7.2/6-XX5](WRC-07) on the methods to ensure long-term spectrum availability and priority for the aeronautical mobile-satellite service CAN/USA/49/3 to consider results of ITU-R studies to assess the long-term availability and access to spectrum for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service with respect to No A considering the potential growth of aviation traffic and to take appropriate action on this subject in accordance with Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-07), while retaining unchanged the generic allocation for the mobile-satellite service and the current use of the bands MHz and MHz WRC-11 AI 1.7 to ensure long-term spectrum availability and access to spectrum necessary to meet requirements for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service, and to take appropriate action on this subject, while retaining unchanged the generic allocation to the mobile-satellite service in the bands MHz and MHz, in accordance with Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC 07) Agenda Item 1.7 (3) Agenda Item 1.7
Broadband IT Korea 5 Agenda Item 1.7 (4) Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-07) : Use of the bands MHz and MHz by the mobile-satellite service, and studies to ensure long-term spectrum availability for the aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service resolves that, in frequency coordination of MSS in the bands MHz and MHz, administrations shall ensure that the spectrum needed for distress, urgency and safety communications of GMDSS, as elaborated in Articles 32 and 33, in the bands where No A applies, and for AMS(R)S communications within priority categories 1 to 6 of Article 44 in the bands where No A applies is accommodated; that administrations shall ensure the use of the latest technical advances, in order to achieve the most flexible and practical use of the generic allocations; that administrations shall ensure that MSS operators carrying non safety-related traffic yield capacity, as and when necessary, to accommodate the spectrum requirements for distress, urgency and safety communication of GMDSS communications, as elaborated in Articles 32 and 33, and for AMS(R)S communications within priority categories 1 to 6 of Article 44; this could be achieved in advance through the coordination process in resolves 1, and, when necessary, through other means if such means are identified as a result of studies in invites ITU-R
Broadband IT Korea 6 Region 1Region 2Region – 1530 SPACE OPERATION (Space-to- Earth) FIXED MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to- Earth) Mobile except aeronautical mobile 1525 – 1530 SPACE OPERATION (Space-to- Earth) MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to- Earth) Earth exploration-satellite Fixed Mobile 1525 – 1530 SPACE OPERATION (Space-to- Earth) FIXED MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to- Earth) Earth exploration-satellite Mobile 1530 – 1535 SPACE OPERATION (Space-to- Earth) MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to- Earth) Earth exploration-satellite Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile 1530 – 1535 SPACE OPERATION (Space-to-Earth) MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to-Earth) Earth exploration-satellite Fixed Mobile 1535 – 1559 MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to-Earth) – 1660 MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) 1660 – MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) RADIO ASTRONOMY Agenda Item 1.7 (5) Frequency Allocation (International)
Broadband IT Korea 7 AllocationsUsage 1525 – 1530 SPACE OPERATION (Space-to-Earth) FIXED MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to-Earth) Earth exploration-satellite Mobile INMARSAT 1530 – 1535 MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to-Earth) Earth exploration-satellite Fixed Mobile except aeronautical mobile INMARSAT 1535 – 1559 MOBILE-SATELLITE (Space-to-Earth) INMARSAT Distress and Safety – 1660 MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) INMARSAT Distress and Safety 1660 – MOBILE-SATELLITE (Earth-to-space) RADIO ASTROMY Agenda Item 1.7 (6) Frequency Allocation (National)
Broadband IT Korea 8 Agenda Item 1.13 (1) Responsibilities Responsible groups Broadcasting Satellite Services Concerned groups WP4A SG5 WP5C SG6 WP6X Fixed Wireless Systems Access to Broadcasting Services
Broadband IT Korea 9 Agenda Item 1.13 (2) Background WRC-07 (Res. 551[COM6/13]) ASP/41A28/392 WRC-11 AI 1.13 WARC-92 (Res. 525) WRC-03 (Res. 525 Rev.) RCC/16/68
Broadband IT Korea 10 Agenda Item 1.13 (3) Agenda Item 1.13 RCC/16/68 examination of planning principles and technical parameters for possible future planning for the broadcasting-satellite service in the GHz band in Regions 1 and 3, taking into account Resolution 507 (WARC 79) ASP/41A28 /392 to consider the results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Res. [ASP/AI7.2/5 XX4] (WRC-07) and decide the spectrum usage of the GHz band and the associated feeder-link bands in Regions 1 and 3 (planning methodologies, coordination procedures or other procedures); WRC-11 AI 1.13 to consider the results of ITU R studies in accordance with Res. 551 [COM6/13] (WRC 07) and decide on the spectrum usage of the GHz band for the broadcasting-satellite service and the associated feeder-link bands in Regions 1 and 3 ;
Broadband IT Korea 11 Agenda Item 1.13 (4) Resolution 551 [COM6/13] (WRC-07) : Use of the band GHz for broadcasting satellite service and associated feeder-link bands in Regions 1 and 3 resolves that ITU R continue technical and regulatory studies on harmonization of spectrum usage, including planning methodologies, coordination procedures or other procedures, and BSS technologies, in preparation for WRC 11, in the GHz band and the associated feeder-link bands in Regions 1 and 3, taking into account c onsidering h) and i); that WRC 11 review the results of the studies and decide the usage of the GHz band and the associated feeder-link bands in Region 1 and 3, invites administrations to participate in ITU R studies by providing contributions
Broadband IT Korea 12 Agenda Item 1.13 (5) Region 1Region 2Region 3Rep of Korea BROADCASTING SATELLITE 5.347A FIXED MOBILE FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING SATELLITE 5.347A FIXED MOBILE BROADCASTING SATELLITE FIXED MOBILE Telecommunication M/W (K176) Frequency Allocation 5.347A : Res. 739 (WRC-2003) applies to the band : The use of this band by BSS is subject to Res. 525 (WARC-92). In the Republic of Korea, - Operation of FS terrestrial stations (K176) - Consideration to use for BSS
Broadband IT Korea 13 Agenda Item 1.18 (1) Responsibilities Responsible group Mobile-satellite, Radiodetermination-sat. Concerned groups WP4C SG3 (WP3L) SG4 (WP4A) SG5 WP5A WP5B WP5C Satellite services Radiowave propagation Terrestrial services
Broadband IT Korea 14 Agenda Item 1.18 (2) Background WRC-07 (Res. 613[COM6/17]) WRC-11 AI 1.18 EUROPE 22 Countries (D/AND/…/TUR/ 155/1)
Broadband IT Korea 15 Agenda Item 1.18 (3) WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2 EUR 22 Adm. to consider extending the existing primary and secondary radiodetermination-satellite service (space-to-Earth) allocations in the band MHz to make a global primary allocation, and to determine the necessary regulatory provisions based upon the results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution [RDSS/MCP] (WRC-07) WRC-11 AI 1.18 to consider extending the existing primary and secondary radiodetermination-satellite service (space-to-Earth) allocations in the band MHz in order to make a global primary allocation, and to determine the necessary regulatory provisions based upon the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution 613[COM6/17] (WRC 07);
Broadband IT Korea 16 Agenda Item 1.18 (4) AI 1.18: to consider extending the existing primary and secondary radiodetermination-satellite service (space-to-Earth) allocations in the band MHz in order to make a global primary allocation, and to determine the necessary regulatory provisions based upon the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution 613[COM6/17] (WRC 07); Radiodetermination Satellite sharing - position and time determination - expand the existing allocation for Global usage Fixed, Mobile(IMT-2000)
Broadband IT Korea 17 Agenda Item 1.18 (5) Resolution 613[COM6/17] (WRC-07) : Global primary allocation to the radiodetermination-satellite service in the frequency band MHz (space-to-Earth) noting 1.that the proposed allocation is not intended to prevent the development of other services in the same frequency band but for this to be done in a regulated manner; 2.ITU R may need to develop the appropriate sharing criteria, taking into account other in-band services, resoves 1.to conduct, and complete in time for WRC 11, the appropriate technical, operational and regulatory studies leading to technical and procedural recommendations to the Conference enabling it to decide whether a global primary allocation for the radiodetermination-satellite service in the frequency band MHz (space-to-Earth) is compatible with other services in the band,
Broadband IT Korea 18 Agenda Item 1.18 (6) Frequency Allocations Region 1Region 2Region – FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (space- to-Earth) 5.351A Radiolocation – FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (space- to-Earth) 5.351A RADIOLOCATION RADIODETERMENATION- SATELLITE(space-to-Earth) – FIXED MOBILE MOBILE-SATELLITE (space-to- Earth) 5.351A RADIOLOCATION Radiodetermination- satellite(space-to-Earth) In the Republic of Korea, - user link of GMPCS
Broadband IT Korea 19 Agenda Item 1.25 (1) Responsibilities Responsible group Mobile-satellite, Radiodetermination-sat. Concerned groups WP4C SG1SG3SG7 Radiowave propagation Spectrum management Science services SG5SG6 Terrestrial services Broadcasting propagation
Broadband IT Korea 20 Agenda Item 1.25 (2) Background WRC-07 (Res. 231[COM6/21]) ARB/39A23/2 WRC-11 AI 1.25 Report ITU-R M.2077 EUR/10A25/2
Broadband IT Korea 21 Agenda Item 1.25 (3) Agenda Item 1.25 EUR/10A2 5/2 to consider possible additional allocations to the mobile-satellite services in accordance with Resolution[EUR/10A25/9] (WRC-07) Predicted spectrum requirements for the satellite component of IMT ARB/39A2 3/2 to consider possible additional allocation for mobile-satellite services in bands between 1-6 GHz; WRC-11 AI 1.13 to consider possible additional allocations to the mobile-satellite service, in accordance with Resolution 231[COM6/21](WRC-07)
Broadband IT Korea 22 Agenda Item 1.25 (4) Resolution 231 [COM6/21] (WRC-07) resolves to complete, for WRC 11, studies of possible bands for new allocations to the mobile-satellite service in the Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth directions, with particular focus on the range 4 GHz to 16 GHz, taking into account sharing and compatibility, without placing undue constraints on existing services in this band, Invites administrations to participate in the studies by submitting contributions to ITU R.
Broadband IT Korea 23 Agenda Item 1.25 (5) Relevant Report Report ITU-R M.2077 Traffic forecasts and estimated spectrum requirements for the satellite component of IMT 2000 and systems beyond IMT-2000* for the period 2010 to 2020 * The nomenclature for systems beyond IMT-2000 is contained in draft Resolution [IMT-NAME], which will be considered for adoption at the Radiocommunication Assembly 2007 (RA-07). Future revisions to this Report should takeany decisions of the RA-07 in this regard into account.
Broadband IT Korea 24 Agenda Item 1.25 (6) Frequency allocation Between 4 GHz and 16GHz : - There are many services in this frequency band.
Broadband IT Korea 25 Agenda Item 7 (1) Responsibilities Responsible groups Satellite Networks Concerned groups WP4A SC SG7 WP7B SG7 WP7C Space Radiocomm. Application Remote Sensing System
Broadband IT Korea 26 Agenda Item 7 (2) Background WRC-07 Res. 86 (Rev. WRC-07) WRC-11 AI 7 PP : Res. 86 (Rev. 2002) WRC-03 : Res. 86 (Rev. WRC-03)
Broadband IT Korea 27 Agenda Item 7 (3) Agenda Item 7 WRC-11 AI 7 to consider possible changes in response to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference: Advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures for frequency assignments pertaining to satellite networks, in accordance with Resolution 86 (Rev.WRC 07);
Broadband IT Korea 28 Agenda Item 7 (4) Resolution 86 (Rev. WRC-07) : Implementation of Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002) of the Plenipotentiary Conference resolves to invite future world radiocommunication conferences to consider any proposals which deal with deficiencies and improvements in the advance publication, coordination, notification and recording procedures of the Radio Regulations for frequency assignments pertaining to space services which have either been identified by the Board and included in the Rules of Procedure or which have been identified by administrations or by the Radiocommunication Bureau, as appropriate; to ensure that these procedures, and the related appendices of the Radio Regulations reflect the latest technologies, as far as possible, invites administrations to consider, in preparing for PP-10, appropriate action with regard to Resolution 86 (Rev. Marrakesh, 2002)