What Is Community Impact?. 2 What is Community Impact? Why United Way needs a new approach to improving lives The elements of “community impact” Changing.


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Presentation transcript:

What Is Community Impact?

2 What is Community Impact? Why United Way needs a new approach to improving lives The elements of “community impact” Changing community conditions to improve lives Final thoughts Topics

3 What is Community Impact? Why United Way needs a new approach to improving lives The elements of “community impact” Changing community conditions to improve lives Final thoughts Topics

4 What is Community Impact? To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities Mission of the United Way System

5 What is Community Impact? United Way’s Traditional Approach to Improving Lives Mobilizing communities DIRECT IMPACT financial resources of businesses and employees of program clients to  support services for individuals and families that  improve lives

6 What is Community Impact? Many Problems in Our Communities are Getting Worse Source: United Way State of Caring Index, 2004  Rent affordability  Children with a single parent  Low-birthweight babies  Hard drug use in high school  Cigarette use by adults  Trust in others  Community giving  Voter turnout

7 What is Community Impact? Many Factors Contribute to Pressing Community Issues Community Issue Personal choices Family characteristics System relationships Educational system practices Health care system practices Media messages Historical trends Economic conditions Public attitudes Public sector practices Private sector practices Neighborhood conditions

8 What is Community Impact? Most Direct-service Programs Address Only One or Two Factors Community Issue Personal choices Family characteristics

9 What is Community Impact? Addressing Those Pressing Issues Requires New Approaches and Additional Partners Economic conditions Public attitudes Historical trends Media messages Public sector practices Private sector practices Neighborhood conditions System relationships Family characteristics Personal choices Health care system practices Educational system practices Community Issue

10 What is Community Impact? New Model for Improving Lives Uses Two Approaches  to  Mobilizing communities that  DIRECT IMPACT COMMUNITY IMPACT people, time, talent, relationships, expertise, technology, money, etc. financial resources of businesses and employees of program clients of community populations support services for individuals and families  create lasting changes in community conditions improve lives

11 What is Community Impact? Why United Way needs a new approach to improving lives The elements of “community impact” Changing community conditions to improve lives Final thoughts Topics

12 What is Community Impact? Community Impact is... Mobilizing communities to  create lasting changes in community conditions that  improve lives

13 What is Community Impact? For example: Meeting with neighborhood residents to identify their concerns and assets Working with advocates for homeless families on setting priorities for action Partnering with residents and experts to pinpoint root causes of and promising responses to family violence Convening strategic partners to develop a plan to provide transportation for disabled persons Collaborating with opinion leaders to raise awareness of isolated seniors Engaging the service to enlist interested people and organizations in advocating for quality child care Linking investors concerned about health care access with efforts to address the issue Mobilizing communities... to identify pressing community issues, agree on priorities, create partnerships, develop change strategies, activate needed resources

14 What is Community Impact? For example: Four neighborhood banks change lending practices to increase the supply of quality affordable housing Eleven businesses provide regular and varied internship and apprenticeship opportunities for youth Junior League, Kiwanis, and other civic groups provide volunteers and other resources to early literacy efforts Neighborhood associations in three high-crime areas influence the city council to provide funds for improved street lighting State and city governments enact new policies and allocate added funds for quality early childhood education Public attitudes toward child abuse become less tolerant Mobilizing communities to  create lasting changes in community conditions

15 What is Community Impact? For example: Low-income children in pilot school districts reach targeted developmental benchmarks Families of workers without health insurance have preventive health care High school juniors and seniors demonstrate commitment to community involvement Homeless families are in quality transitional housing Workers laid off in company closings develop needed technical and educational skills Residents of high-crime neighborhoods experience increased safety Home-bound seniors in central-city high-rises have nutritional, social, and medical support to  Mobilizing communities create lasting changes in community conditions that  improve lives

16 What is Community Impact? Community impact is... Mobilizing communities to  create lasting changes in community conditions that  improve lives

17 What is Community Impact? United Way of Chittenden County, Burlington, VT The Burlington Truancy Project Mobilizing the caring power of the community... A Truancy Task Force – non-profit service providers, school district, police department, school administrators, juvenile court judges, attorneys, child protection agencies, and the United Way – c onvened to address the school district’s high dropout rates. United Way provided financial and other resources and leveraged funds from community stakeholders to support community dropout-reduction strategies. Task Force partners developed a coordinated response to truancy.

18 What is Community Impact? … to create lasting changes in community conditions... The Burlington School District instituted new truancy policies and procedures. It now tracks student absences closely and follows up with every student who drops out to offer alternative educational opportunities. The Juvenile Court, cooperating with the State’s Attorney, now reserves monthly court time to hear truancy cases. Vermont state agencies, such as the Department of Social and Rehabilitative Services, now provide all truant students with services that remove barriers to school attendance. United Way of Chittenden County, Burlington, VT The Burlington Truancy Project

19 What is Community Impact? …and improve lives. The Burlington School District dropout rate has fallen by two thirds, from 10% in 1999 to 3.5% in United Way of Chittenden County, Burlington, VT The Burlington Truancy Project

20 What is Community Impact? Why United Way needs a new approach to improving lives The elements of “community impact” Changing community conditions to improve lives Final thoughts Topics

21 What is Community Impact? Community Systems Individuals & families Personal networks Neighborhood environments Organizations

22 What is Community Impact? Program clients Direct-service strategy

23 What is Community Impact? change strategy Individuals & families Community

24 What is Community Impact? Community Systems Individuals & families Personal networks Neighborhood environments Organizations Community change strategy

25 What is Community Impact? Changes in Personal Networks -- Examples Parents and other caregivers use everyday moments to encourage early learning Friends and family members know to call for information about local resources Parents, teachers and friends know signs of serious depression in teens and how to offer help Neighbors routinely clear snow and ice from steps and walks of elderly residents Friends don’t let friends drive drunk

26 What is Community Impact? Changes in Neighborhoods -- Examples Vacant lots are cleaned up and outfitted with safe and sturdy playground equipment Neighborhood-based businesses are flourishing Housing is safe and complies with local codes Decent-paying jobs are available in the neighborhood Residents take action if they see suspicious or illegal activity

27 What is Community Impact? Changes in Organizations -- Examples Businesses make time and space available for financial literacy seminars Service providers have staff and materials appropriate to clients’ language and culture Faith groups provide vans to transport low-income citizens to prenatal and immunization services Pizza parlors serve as drop-off sites for ongoing books-for-children program Civic groups work with to develop year-long volunteer projects related to a pressing community issue

28 What is Community Impact? Changes in Systems -- Examples The human services system engages all service providers in connecting low-income families with services and supports to grow family assets Public, private, and nonprofit sectors join to develop a coordinated community crisis response system The juvenile court system helps prevent drop-outs by treating truancy as a serious offense The school board and dental association collaborate to operate dental clinics in schools A State senate committee votes to broaden access to rehabilitative services for persons with disabilities

29 What is Community Impact? Two Notes  We would not pursue these or other community changes because they seemed like “a good idea.” We would pursue them because careful analysis shows that they will be effective approaches to improving lives.  The choice is not either direct services or community changes. Both may be included in comprehensive strategies to improve lives.

30 What is Community Impact? Needed changes in community conditions Targeted community outcomes Institutions Corporations AssociationsNeighborhoods Faith community United Way Agencies NetworksIndividualsLabor groupsAcademiaetc.Foundations C o m m u n i t y a s s e t s / p a r t n e r s / i n v e s t o r s Coordinated community change plan Partnering to Achieve Community Impact

31 What is Community Impact? Why United Way needs a new approach to improving lives The elements of “community impact” Changing community conditions to improve lives Final thoughts Topics

32 What is Community Impact? Community Impact...  Is not just about improving lives of clients of United Way-funded programs Is about improving lives of people affected by pressing community issues  Is not just about influencing the health and human services sector Is about influencing whatever sectors, systems, networks, groups, or environments can play a role in improving lives in our communities  Is not just the job of certain United Way functions (e.g., fund distribution, community building) Is the business of the entire organization

33 What is Community Impact? United Way: Aligned to Achieve Community Impact Targeted community outcomes United Way’s roles in community-change efforts Aligned organizational resources Volunteers Finance Agency relations Community research Public policy Governance Resource development Marketing & communications Investor relations Community investment Staff Human resources

34 What is Community Impact? Related Resources on United Way Online Aligning for Impact (keyword: Alignment) Community Initiatives: Tracking Progress and Results (keyword: CITracking) Community Investment Triangle: A Tool for Transformation (keyword: CITriangle) Connecting Program Outcome Measurement to Community Impact (keyword: POM-CI) Hometown Literacy Partnership Experience (keyword: Hometown) Ogre Story (keyword: Ogre) Redefining Agency Relationships for Community Impact (keyword: RedefineAgency) The Road to Community Impact: Changing Direction (keyword: ChangingDirection) Six That Got Results and How They Did It (keyword: SixThatGotResults)

35 What is Community Impact?