WRC-11 Agendas for Radar & Amateur Issues 6-8 March, 2008 Joo-Hwan Lee Radio Resource Team, ETRI Republic of Korea
Broadband IT Korea 2 Introduction Agenda ItemResponsible GroupConcerned Group 1.14 (Res. 611)WP 5BWP 3L, WP5A, WP5C, WP7B, WP7D 1.15 (Res. 612)WP 5BWP 5C, WP 6D 1.21 (Res. 614)WP 5BWP 4A, WP 3M, WP 7D 1.23WP 5AWP 5B, WP 5C, WP 6D Chapter 2Radiolocation and amateur Issues (Agenda items 1.14, 1.15, 1.21, 1.23)
Broadband IT Korea 3 Agenda Item (1) Background WRC-07 CEPT (EUR/10A25/2) 1.18 RUS (RUS/19A1/19) WRC-11 AI 1.14 RCC (RCC/16/67)
Broadband IT Korea 4 Agenda Item (2) WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2 CEPT to consider requirements for new applications in the radiolocation service and review allocations or regulatory provisions for implementation of the radiolocation service in the MHz frequency range band, specifically in the MHz frequency band RCC examination of a 2 MHz primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the MHz band, preferably in the band MHz, and development of the necessary regulatory provisions RUS to consider a primary allocation of 2 MHz to the radiolocation service in the frequency range MHz, preferably in the frequency band MHz, and to develop the necessary regulatory provisions WRC-11 AI 1.14 to consider requirements for new applications in the radiolocation service and review allocations or regulatory provisions for implementation of the radiolocation service in the range MHz
Broadband IT Korea 5 Agenda Item (3) AI 1.14: to consider requirements for new applications in the radiolocation service and review allocations or regulatory provisions for implementation of the radiolocation service in the range MHz, in accordance with Resolution 611 [COM6/14] (WRC-07); Space Surveillance RADAR sharing - tracking the launch and manoeuvring of spacecraft - debris detection and tracking - aerospace surveillance, including for air traffic control Fixed, Mobile Service
Broadband IT Korea 6 Agenda Item (4) Resolution 611 (WRC-07) : Use of portion of the VHF band by the radiolocation service resolves 1.to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the portion of the band MHz for the implementation of new applications in the radiolocation service, with bandwidth no larger than 2 MHz; 2.that the introduction of new systems in the radiolocation service shall be avoided in the frequency bands MHz and MHz, Invites ITU-R 1.to continue to study, as a matter of urgency, the technical characteristics, protection criteria, and other factors to ensure that radiolocation systems can operate compatibly with systems operating in accordance with the Table in service in the MHz frequency range band; 2.to include the results of the above studies in one or more new or existing ITU R Recommendations
Broadband IT Korea 7 Agenda Item (5) Responsibilities Responsible group Maritime mobile, Aeronautical mobile, Radiodetermination Concerned groups WP5B SG3 (WP3L) SG5 (WP5A) (WP5C) SG7 (WP7B) (WP7D) Terrestrial services Radiowave propagation Science services
Broadband IT Korea 8 Agenda Item 1.14 – (6) Work done/progress in ITU-R WP5B Question ITU-R 237/8 Characteristics and protection criteria of radars operating in the radiodetermination service in the VHF frequency band Recommendation ITU-R M.1802 Characteristics and protection criteria for radars operating in the radiolocation service in the frequency band MHz
Broadband IT Korea 9 Agenda Item (1) background WRC-07 USA (USA/5A13/2) (USA/5A13/3) 2.XYZ APT (ASP/41A28/386) (ASP/41A28/400) 1.4 WRC-11 AI 1.15
Broadband IT Korea 10 Agenda Item (2) WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2 USA taking into account the results of ITU-R studies ensuring protection of existing services, if studies show compatibility with existing services, consider the creation of radiolocation allocations in bands around 4.5, 13 and 25 MHz; no larger than 300 kHz, 500 kHz and 600 kHz in bandwidth, respectively; for surface wave radar applications (refer to Resolution [USA-02] (WRC 07)); APT to consider a primary allocation for the radiolocation service in the band MHz in accordance with Resolution [ASP/AI7.2/3-XX2] (WRC-07); WRC-11 AI 1.15 to consider possible allocations in the range 3-50 MHz to the radiolocation service for oceanographic radar applications, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution 612 [COM6/15] (WRC-07);
Broadband IT Korea 11 Agenda Item (3) AI 1.15: to consider possible allocations in the range 3-50 MHz to the radiolocation service for oceanographic radar applications, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution 612 [COM6/15] (WRC-07) ; Oceanographic RADAR - HF ocean radar for sea surface Fixed, land mobile sharing
Broadband IT Korea 12 Agenda Item (4) Resolution 612 (WRC-07) : Use of the radiolocation service between 3 and 50 MHz to support high-frequency oceanographic radar operations resolves 1.to identify high-frequency oceanographic radar system applications between 3 and 50 MHz, including bandwidth requirements, appropriate portions of this band for these applications, and other characteristics necessary to conduct sharing studies; 2.to conduct sharing analyses between the radiolocation service applications identified under resolves 1 and incumbent services in the bands identified to be suitable for the operation of high-frequency oceanographic radar systems; 3.that, if compatibility with existing services is confirmed under resolves 2, to recommend that WRC 11 consider allocations to the radiolocation service in several suitable bands between 3 and 50 MHz, as determined in the ITU R studies, each band not exceeding 600 kHz, for the operation of oceanographic radars, Invites ITU-R 1.to complete the necessary studies, as a matter of urgency, taking into account the present use of the allocated band, with a view to presenting, at the appropriate time, the technical information likely to be required as a basis for the work of WRC 11,
Broadband IT Korea 13 Agenda Item 1.15 – (6) Work done/progress in ITU-R Question ITU-R 240/8 Technical and operational characteristics and spectrum requirements of high-frequency surface wave radar systems operating in the frequency range 3 to 50 MHz WD towards PDNRecommendation ITU-R M.[HF-RADAR]Technical and operational characteristics of high frequency oceanographic radars operating in sub-bands within the frequency range 3 50 MHz (5B/TEMP/8)
Broadband IT Korea 14 Agenda Item (7) Responsibilities Responsible group Maritime mobile, Aeronautical mobile, Radiodetermination Concerned groups WP5B SG5 (WP5C) SG6 (WP6D) Terrestrial services Broadcasting services
Broadband IT Korea 15 Agenda Item (1) background WRC-07 WRC-11 AI 1.21 USA (USA/5A10/2) (USA/5A/10/3) 2.Xh
Broadband IT Korea 16 Agenda Item (2) WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2 USA to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the band GHz, taking into account the results of ITU-R studies in accordance with Resolution [USA-6] (WRC 07); WRC-11 AI 1.21 to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the band GHz, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution 614 [COM6/19] (WRC-07) ;
Broadband IT Korea 17 Agenda Item (3) AI 1.21: to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the band GHz, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, in accordance with Resolution 614 [COM6/19] (WRC-07); Radiolocation RADAR sharing - New advanced radar with increased image resolution Radionavigation radar
Broadband IT Korea 18 Agenda Item (4) Resolution 614 (WRC-07) : Use of the band GHz by the radiolocation service resolves 1.to consider at WRC 11 a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the band GHz, taking into account the results of ITU R studies, Invites ITU-R 1.to study, as a matter of urgency, the technical characteristics, protection criteria, and other factors to ensure that radiolocation systems can operate compatibly with systems in the aeronautical radionavigation and fixed-satellite services in the band GHz, taking account of the safety nature of the aeronautical radionavigation service; 2.to study, as a matter of urgency, the compatibility between the radiolocation service in the band GHz and RAS in the adjacent band GHz; 3.to include the results of the above studies in one or more new or existing ITU R Recommendations;
Broadband IT Korea 20 Agenda Item (6) Responsibilities Responsible group Maritime mobile, Aeronautical mobile, Radiodetermination Concerned groups WP5B SG3 (WP3M) SG4 (WP4A) SG7 (WP7D) Satellite services Radiowave propagation Science services
Broadband IT Korea 21 Agenda Item 1.21 – (7) Work done/progress in ITU-R Question ITU-R 226/8 Characteristics of and protection criteria for radars operating in the radiodetermination service Recommendation ITU-R M.1730 Characteristics of and protection criteria for the radiolocation service in the band GHz 4 WD towards PDRRecommendation ITU-R M.1730Characteristics of and protection criteria for the radiolocation service in the band GHz (5B/TEMP/15)
Broadband IT Korea 22 Agenda Item (1) background WRC-07 CEPT (EUR/10A25/2) 1.13 (1.10) APT (ASP/41A28/390) 1.8 WRC-11 AI 1.23
Broadband IT Korea 23 Agenda Item (2) WRC-07 Agenda Item 7.2 CEPT 1.13to consider a secondary allocation to the amateur service in parts of the frequency band kHz; 1.10to consider an allocation to the amateur service in the range MHz in Region 1; APT 1.8to consider allocating the band kHz to the amateur service on a secondary or primary basis, taking into account the need to protect existing services; WRC-11 AI 1.23 to consider an allocation of about 15 kHz in parts of the band kHz to the amateur service on a secondary basis, taking into account the need to protect existing services;
Broadband IT Korea 24 Agenda Item (3) AI 1.23: to consider an allocation of about 15 kHz in parts of the band kHz to the amateur service on a secondary basis, taking into account the need to protect existing services ; Amateur Service Maritime mobile service protection - substantially decreased use of 500 kHz for distress and safety services as a result of the introduction of GMDSS
Broadband IT Korea 25 Agenda Item (4) Frequency Allocations Region 1Region 2Region MARITIME MOBILE 5.79 AERO. RADIONAVIGATION MARITIME MOBILE A Aeronautical radionavigation MARITIME MOBILE A Aeronautical radionavigation MOBILE (distress and calling) MARITIME MOBILE A 5.84 AERO. RADIONAVIGATION MARITIME MOBILE MARITIME MOBILE A 5.84 AERO. RADIONAV. Aeronautical mobile Land mobile MOBILE 5.79A 5.84 AERO. ADIONAVIGATION Considering secondary allocations to Amateur service
Broadband IT Korea 26 Agenda Item (5) Responsibilities Responsible group Land mobile (excl. IMT), Amateur & Amateur-satellite Concerned groups WP5A SG5 (WP5B) (WP5C) SG6 (WP6D) Terrestrial propagation Broadcasting services