Calderglen High School
Calderglen High School What is PHOTOSYNTHESIS? answer The process by which plants make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water using light energy 1
Calderglen High School What factors can change the efficiency of enzymes? Change in pH or temperature answer 2
Calderglen High School What gas is released as a by-product of photosynthesis? Oxygen (O 2 ) answer 4
Calderglen High School What is respiration? The process by which livings things obtain their energy by breaking down carbohydrates answer 5
Calderglen High School Give examples of alcoholic drinks and the number of units they have. Small glass of wine – 1 unit Spirit measure - 1 unit Pint of beer or lager – 2 units answer 6
Calderglen High School The alcohol produced during fermentation is ……….? Ethanol answer 7
Calderglen High School The water and alcohol mixture formed in the fermentation reaction be separated by ……? Distillation The process can also be used to increase the concentration of fermentation products answer 8
Calderglen High School The reactants in respiration process are ………? Carbohydrate (glucose) and oxygen answer 9
Calderglen High School How are alcoholic drinks made? Alcoholic drinks are made by fermenting any fruit or vegetable which is a source of sugars. An enzyme produced by yeast acts as a catalyst for the reaction answer 10
Calderglen High School The elements in carbohydrates are……..? carbon hydrogen oxygen answer 11
Calderglen High School Fermentation is…….. ? The breakdown of carbohydrates to form alcohol answer 12
Calderglen High School Give examples of alcoholic drinks and the source of carbohydrate from which they are made. Wine = grapes Cider = apples Whisky = barley Vodka = potatoes answer 15
Calderglen High School Give some products (apart from food) which can be made from plants? Medicines Alcohol answer 16
Calderglen High School Name a plant used to make ethanol for fuels? SUGARCANE answer 17
Calderglen High School Name a product you could get from poppies? Morphine (medicine) answer 18
Calderglen High School Which of carbohydrate is found pasta and bread? Starch answer 19
Calderglen High School Describe the effect of changes in pH and temperature on the efficiency of an enzyme? An enzyme works best at a certain pH and temperature (their OPTIMUM pH and temperature). Above and below the optimum their efficiency is reduced. answer 20
Calderglen High School What does a drug do? It changes the way the body works answer 21
Calderglen High School ENZYMES are ……? Biological catalysts answer 22
Calderglen High School Name one of the most commonly used legal drugs. ALCOHOL answer 23
Calderglen High School The molecular formula for GLUCOSE is…………..? C 6 H 12 O 6 answer 24
Calderglen High School Which plant can ASPIRIN be derived from? Willow answer 25
Calderglen High School What happens when carbohydrates are burned? They release energy and produce carbon dioxide and water. answer 26
Calderglen High School The test for starch is …… ? Starch gives a blue-black colour with Iodine solution answer 27
Calderglen High School What is the test for GLUCOSE? Reducing sugars gives a brick-red colour with BENEDICT’S solution answer 28
Calderglen High School What is the test for glucose? answer Glucose gives a brick-red colour with BENEDICT’S solution 29
Calderglen High School How is soap made? OILS or FATS are reacted with an alkali. answer 30
Calderglen High School Why must starch be broken down to smaller molecules during the process of digestion? Starch molecules are very large and must be broken down until they are small enough to pass through the gut wall into the bloodstream to be used in digestion answer 31
Calderglen High School How does the structure of starch relate to glucose? Starch is a polymer molecule made from many glucose monomer units joined together answer 14
Calderglen High School Why is starch a polymer? Because many glucose molecules link together to form the polymer starch answer 13
Calderglen High School Why can alcohol above a concentration of about 15% not be made by fermentation? Above 15% the alcohol poisons the living organisms in the yeast and stops the reaction answer 3