All organisms use energy to survive Cells in your body use energy to maintain the organism in which they make up Examples of different forms of energy
Cells get energy when the chemical bonds in food are broken such as glucose and starch. The main form of cellular energy is Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP
ADP: 2 phosphate groups
What goes in What comes out
ATP is the molecule we use to get energy. Now, we need a process in order to get a bunch of ATP so we can use it as energy.
Starts in the cytoplasm with glycolysis Take one molecule of glucose and through a series of chemical reactions, we get 2 ATP molecules. Glucose = C 6 H 12 O 6 Glucose Chemical Reactions 2 ATP
Before step 2 takes place, you must ask a question. “Is oxygen present?”
Step 2 if oxygen is present goes to a process called Aerobic Respiration Aerobic literally means ‘living in air’ Aerobic Respiration is divided into 2 parts
Part 1 is called the Krebs Cycle This takes place in the mitochondria and produces 2 more ATP
Part 2 of Aerobic Respiration is called the Electron Transport Chain Take place in the mitochondria as well but produces 34 more ATP Total ATP produced: 36 Calculate: = 36 GlycolysisKrebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain Amount used up during process
ReactantsProducts36 ATP
If no oxygen is present, then Part 2 of Cellular Respiration goes to a process called Anaerobic Respiration Produces only 2 ATP from one glucose molecule Occurs in the cytoplasm Two types of Anaerobic Respiration
Lactic acid builds up in your muscles after you do exercise.
Used by plant cells and some microorganisms such as yeast Produces ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. Other names are ethanol, pure alcohol, drinking alcohol, and grain alcohol
Wine through grapes Mead through honey Beer, whiskey, vodka through grain Rum through sugarcane Bread rises due to the formation of carbon dioxide
Glucose Lactic Acid Fermentation Lactic Acid Alcoholic Fermentation Ethanol and Carbon Dioxide
Aerobic RespirationAnaerobic Respiration Oxygen must be presentOxygen NOT needed Takes place in mitochondriaTakes place in cytoplasm Produces 36 ATPProduces 2 ATP
Cells get their energy from converting glucose into ATP. Glucose gets its energy from the main source, which is the sun. Living things are divided into two categories
Heterotrophs: organisms that must eat other organisms to survive (consumers) Autotrophs: Organisms that use the energy directly from the sun (producers)
The process that uses the energy from the sun to change water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen. The equation for Photosynthesis Inorganic: cannot consume Organic: CAN consume
Photosynthesis ‘fixes’ carbon so we can eat it though a process called carbon fixation
Light dependent reactions Must have light Chlorophyll, the green pigment in chloroplasts, absorbs sunlight. This energy is used to convert ADP to ATP Water molecules are split to form oxygen, hydrogen ions, and electrons
NADP: a molecule similar to ADP that carries hydrogen ions to the next step which then becomes NADPH CO 2 H+ 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O O2O2 NADP
This stage is called the Calvin Cycle also called light independent reaction Light is NOT needed here CO 2 + H+ C 6 H 12 O 6
Cellular RespirationPhotosynthesis Takes place where?All cellsCells with chlorophyll Occurs when?All of the timeIn the presence of light What goes in? (the reactants) Glucose and oxygenCarbon dioxide and water What comes out? (the products) Carbon dioxide and water Glucose and oxygen Energy source?Chemical bonds in glucose Light Result?Energy is stored as ATP Energy is stored as glucose