January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for 2005 Divisional Alignment & Promotion/Relegation Rules for the East Region Soccer League
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Purpose 1.Approve the 2005 Divisional layout including team assignment 2.Establish fair and effective Promotion & Relegation rules to be followed at the completion of the 2005 Season 3.The Divisional alignments and Promotion & Relegation rules will be reviewed after each year
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Some Guidelines Emphasis on having the highest calibre of competition, not the highest number of teams participating at the Regional and Premier levels Each club shall be limited to a maximum of two Regional teams, regardless of OYSL relegations, Regional performance and possible Premier promotion At the completion of the 2005 season, teams eligible for Promotion will be identified and offered promotion. If promotion is refused, the next team within 6 points will be offered the promotion. Promotion will continue to be offered until teams do not meet the 6 point criteria. When all possible promotions have been taken into account, relegation will take place as necessary to maintain the Division sizes identified in this document. Divisional Groups at Premier will be balanced with an equal number of teams regardless of East/West/South. All teams within a Division will play an equal number of games. This is essential for fair Promotion & Relegation. It shall be the exception that there are 5 or 7 team Divisional Groups. All new teams, U13 and older, start in the lowest Division for an age group. This will normally be Division 1 unless Division 1 is not offered for the age group. For 2005 no ten team Divisional Groups at Regional or Premier. At this level it is mandatory all teams within a Divisional Group play each team the same number of games against each team. With ten teams this would mean an eighteen game schedule. Given our short season it is not felt this can be achieved for the 2005 season. These proposals assume that a team movement model will continue
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Definitions & Explanations For the purpose of this presentation, Division will de defined as one level at one age group. i.e. U11 Boys Premier East, West and South would be a single Division. U11 Boys Premier East would be a Group within a Division and will be defined as a Divisional Group. Explanation: Throughout the presentation you will see boxes similar to those at the left. Yellow represents Regional, green represents Premier and blue represents Division 1. Regional: In this example there were 0 Boys and 0 Girls U12 Regional teams in 2004 and there are 7 Boys and 6 Girls applications received for U13 Regional for Premier: In this example there were 17 Boys and 10 Girls U12 Premier teams in 2004 and there are 16 Boys and 12 Girls applications received for U13 Premier for Division 1: In this example there were 18 Boys and 18 Girls U12 Division 1 teams in 2004 and there are 15 Boys and 16 Girls applications received for U13 Division 1 for U12 B0(7) G0(6) 2004 U12 B17(16) G10(12) 2004 U12 B18(15) G18(16)
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U10 – U11 Premier East Division 8 teams Premier West Division 8 teams Premier South Division 8 teams Division 1 East 16 teams Division 1 West 16 teams Division 1 South 16 teams No promotion or relegation in this age group. Clubs may apply at have up to 2 teams at the Premier level and unlimited at Division 1. Assumes Clubs will make good choices based on the calibre of their teams. Premier teams will be limited to 24, 3 divisions of 8. If more than 24 applicants the following process will be used to reduce numbers to 24. (1)Limit all multiple team applications from a Club (2)If not all multiple team applications are required to be limited, use the previous year's performance at U10 as the determining factor for the teams being placed in Division 1 (3)There will be no previous year history for U10, so if there are too many applications at Premier, a draw will be help to reduce the number of teams.
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U12 Premier ‘A’ Division 8 teams Premier ‘B’ Division 8 teams Division 1 East 8 teams Division 1 West 8 teams 2004 U11 B30(23) G22(22) Promotion to U13 at end of Season Top 4 teams from each Premier division promoted to Regional with the following exception:. Clubs shall be limited to 1 Regional team regardless of how teams finish at U12 Premier. U12 teams are entered at the club's choice, and there may be teams at Division 1 that are very good. With only 8 teams at Regional, if we start with a couple of clubs having 2 teams, there may be less long term viability for the 8 team Regional divisions. Promote teams as necessary and equally by Division 1 division to fill U13 Premier No Relegation from Premier No promotion or relegation to this age group. Premier ‘A’ and Premier ‘B’ are not tiered Divisional Groups. Premier Divisions will be a balance of teams from East, West and South. Team placement will be by a random draw ensuring a balance of East, West and South teams in each Divisional Group. Clubs may apply at have up to 2 teams at the Premier level and unlimited at Division 1. Assumes Clubs will make good choices based on the calibre of their teams. Premier teams will be limited to 16, 1 divisions of 16. If more than 16 applicants the following process will be used to reduce numbers to 16. (1)Review previous years performance, and if clear distinctions, use as the determining factor for the teams being placed in Division 1 (2)Limit multiple team applications from a Club (3)If not all multiple team applications are not required to be limited, random draw to be used 2004 U11 B19(24) G18(19) Division 1 South 8 teams
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U13 Regional Division 8 teams Premier ‘A’ Division 8 teams Premier ‘B’ Division 8 teams Division 1 ‘A’Division 1 ‘B’ 2004 U12 B0(7) G0(6) 2004 U12 B17(16) G10(12) 2004 U12 B18(15) G18(16) Promotion to U14 at end of Season Top 2 teams to OYSL 1 team from each Premier division promoted to Regional 1 team from each Division 1 division promoted to Premier Relegation to U14 Relegate as necessary to have 8 Regional and 8 Premier teams at U14 Example 1: 2 teams accepts promotion to OYSL, 2 teams accept promotion to Regional from Premier, no relegation from Regional Example 2: 1 team accepts promotion to OYSL, 2 teams accept promotion to Regional from Premier, one team relegated from Regional Premier Divisional Groups will be a balance of teams from East, West and South Division 1 will depend entirely on the number of teams and where possible the Divisional Groups will be geographical
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U14 Regional Division 8 teams Division 1 Promotion to U15 at end of Season 1 team to OYSL 1 team from Premier division promoted to Regional 1 team from each Division 1 division promoted to Premier Relegation to U15 Relegate as necessary to have 12 Premier teams at U15 Premier Divisional Groups will be a balance of teams from East, West and South Division 1 will depend entirely on the number of teams and where possible the Divisional Groups will be geographical Premier ‘A’ Division 8 teams Premier ‘B’ Division 8 teams Division U13 B7(8) G8(8) 2004 U13 B16(16) G12(18) 2004 U13 B12(14) G8(6)
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U15 Regional Division 8 teams Promotion to U16 at end of Season 1 team to OYSL 1 team from Premier division promoted to Regional 1 team from each Division 1 division promoted to Premier Relegation to U16 Relegate as necessary to have 12 Regional and 8 Premier teams at U U14 B6(7) G8(11) 2004 U14 B13(14) G7(14) 2004 U14 B8(7) G8(11) Division 1 Premier ‘A’ Division 6 teams Premier ‘B’ Division 6 teams Division 1 Premier Divisional Groups will be a balance of teams from East, West and South Division 1 will depend entirely on the number of teams and where possible the Divisional Groups will be geographical
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U16 Regional Division 8 teams Promotion to U17 at end of Season 1 team to OYSL 1 team from Premier division promoted to Regional 1 team from each Division 1 division promoted to Premier Relegation to U17 Relegate as necessary to have 8 Regional and 12 Premier teams at U17 Premier Division 8 teams Division 1 Division 1 will depend entirely on the number of teams applications received 2004 U15 B8(9) G6(7) 2004 U15 B12(8) G11(9) 2004 U15 B2(3) G8(8)
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U17 Regional Division 8 teams Promotion to U18 at end of Season 1 team to OYSL 1 team from Premier division promoted to Regional 1 team from each Division 1 division promoted to Premier Relegation to U18 Relegate as necessary to have 8 Regional and 12 Premier teams at U18 Premier Division 8 teams 2004 U16 B7(8) G6(8) 2004 U16 B12(11) G4(5) 2004 U16 B6(5) G0(1) Division 1 Some restructuring will be required to align these three groups Division 1 will depend entirely on the number of teams applications received
January 24, 2005 Draft Wayne MacDougall Proposal for U18 Regional Division 8 teams Premier Division 8 teams 2004 U17 B8(6) G8(6) 2004 U17 B4(7) G6(6) 2004 U17 B0(2) G0(0) At U18 there would be no Division 1 and all Clubs are entitled to enter a U18 Premier team