Women and gaming A visit to an internet café... An investigation on female gamer in public space
Interview with café’s employee - on female customer issue Do girls/women come to the café? Yes, but not many... How many are girls/women? About 1 of 7... Do they play games or use internet? Mostly internet How many are girls/women play games? About 1 of 20...
Interview with café’s employee(con.) - on female gamer issue What do they play? Hm, there aren’t really many ”girl-games”... Wow, fps... Do they come alone or in groups? 1 of 20 groups can be a girlgroup, but often alone... Do they seek help about how to play a game? No, not like boys/men do...
Interview with café’s employee(con.) - on female gamer issue What ages are they? They are women, i.e. - at least over The smaller cafés attracts the younger kids... When do they come to the café? Hm, there aren’t so many so its hard to tell, so hard to tell... Sometimes they come in a lot for a period of time and then they don’t come again... Caféguests: women, us included...
Interview with a WOMAN... - And yes, She was Playing WoW How much do you play? 5 times a week... Are you here alone? Yes, had an other to spend inbetween appointments... Have you played a lot of games? Yes, DOC, Diablo... Do you go to cafés regularly? On and of with friends...playing at nights - at the smaller cafés...
What do you think about the environment? Boom Town is very male dominated, normally I play in the smaller café’s at Nørrebro, there are a bit more women there. Usually I come in with a group of guys (friends) so then I do not really notice…
Saterday night, 2 cafés... More women? A few more women... Surfing the net, chatting etc. But no player Same questions asked... Not many girls/women in the cafés If they play, they play Wow el. Fps... A funny thing happens twice... We make reservations of machines, and we automatically get the ones with internet only...? - men are asked if they want to use Int or play...
Sum up the investigation Despite the fact that there are lots of female gamers, the number of female player at the internet café is still outnumbered by men. Most female customers are internet users. From the service provider point of view: Female gamers are rare, though they have seen more and more of them lately, but still a rare sight… Because of the the small number of females, they admit that females are misunderstood as the internet users. Would love to have more female customer…
Sum up the investigation (con.) But they do not have any plan for attracting more female customer.