Junio 20072
This is our school. It’s a Primary school in the North West of Spain, in the city of Ponferrada. We are 150 pupils from 3 to 11 years old. There are 15 teachers.
Junio This is the English room
This is the English room. Our English teacher’s name is Mrs. Begoña. Our English room is very beautiful. It’s decorated with posters and photos. Junio 2007
7 We are the sixth level class. We are eighteen pupils: twelve girls and six boys. Our names are: Raquel, Clara, Tamara, Alicia, Leticia, Raquel, Lucía, Paula, Reyes, Mª Amor, Aniel, Lucía, Iván, Alex, Daniel, Isaac, Etienne and Alexandru. We study: Spanish language, Maths, Geography and History, English, Music, P.E., Art and Religion. We like playing football, basketball and computer games.
Junio 20078
9 We are the fith level class. We are fifteen children: seven girls and eight boys. The girls’ names are Alba, Belén, Noelia, Anais, Inmaculada, Diana and María. The boys’ names are Pablo, Alexis, Yanier, Emidio, David, Frank, Alfredo and Juan José. In our school we’ve got a Computer Room with sixteen computers. We have some classes there every week.
Junio Sometimes we play in the English class. In this photo we are playing with recycle cars. You can do it too. You need a paper cup, two card circles (the wheels), a straw, a balloon and two rubber bands. And then, you can do a car race. It’s funny.