Public Hearing & Presentation of MISD Annual Accountability Report 2009 MILLSAP ISD Prepared by Lois Johnson in compliance with Texas Education Code January 18, 2010
STATE Accountability Guidelines State AEIS Report Ratings Subjects and Grades reported Met Standard for rating/subject* Student groups: All students Af. American White Hispanic Eco Dis. Exemplary Recognized Acad. Acceptable Acad. Unacceptable Reading/ELA Writing , 7, Mathematics Science , 8,10,11 Social Studies ----8, 10, 11 E: 90%, R: 75%, AA: 70%, AU: below 70% E: 90%, R: 75%, AA: 55%, AU: below 55% E: 90%, R: 75%, AA: 50%, AU: below 50% E: 90%, R: 75%, AA: 70%, AU: below 70% * Rating standards must be met for each student group and subject. * May achieve next level by Required Improvement or with Texas Projection Measure if within 5 % of the measure.
STATE Requirements Texas Education Code requires each district to: 1. publish an annual report based on the Academic Excellence Indicator System Report 2.hold a hearing for discussion of the report, and widely disseminate the report within the district.
MISD Annual Accountability Report Components District level AEIS report 2.Campus Performance Objectives for improvement as identified by AEIS data 3.Performance Rating Report for district and campuses. 4.Comparable Rating Report showing how student performance compares to that of 40 schools that are demographically similar. 5.Special Education Compliance Status 6.Violent or Criminal Incidents Report 7.Academic Performance in Post secondary Institutions. 8.Public hearing guidance for dissemination of AEIS report 9.Dissemination & explanation to Parents and Staff. 10.School Report Cards and requirements.
AEIS Report Indicators District Student Academic Performance TAKS testing Test Participation Student Success Initiative Attendance Rate Dropout Rate Completion Rate College Readiness Indicators AP/Dual Credit completion RHSP/DAP Graduation Plans TSI – Texas Higher Education Readiness SAT/ACT District-Student Demographic Data Total number of students by grade level, ethnicity, graduation plan, etc Retention Rate Class size District- Staff Demographic Data Total number of staff by profession, ethnicity, degree held, years experience, etc District Budget Information by Program Expenditures by program Budget overview
AEIS Performance Ratings 2009 Millsap District AEIS Rating: –Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgements: –Attendance –Texas Success Initiative: Mathematics Millsap Elementary AEIS rating for 2009 –Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgements: –Commended on Writing –Commended on Science Millsap Middle School AEIS rating for 2009 –Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgements: –Comparable Improvement: Mathematics Millsap High School AEIS Rating for 2009 –Recognized Gold Performance Acknowledgments: –Attendance –Texas Success Initiative Mathematics –Commended on Social Studies
Millsap District TAKS Data 2009 State, Region, District Comparison Summed across grades 3-11 for each subject.
Millsap District TAKS Results Prior Year Comparison Data summed across grades 3-11
Texas Annual Report of Student Performance in College for 07 Graduates 2007 Graduates who are enrolled in Texas Public Higher Education in 2008 and met Texas Success Initiative (TSI) passing standards in the areas of Math, Writing, Reading. MILLSAP- AEIS Report on College Readiness Component Percentage of Texas Higher Education Readiness, Math component compared to State percentage. *Gold Performance Acknowledgement for High School and District *
SAT/ACT Mean Score Comparison SAT ACT AEIS Report 09
NCLB School Report Card 09 SRC posted by TEA on December 15,2009 Each campus will send home a copy of the School Report Card for each family within 6 weeks from the posting date. A glossary and cover letter to parents will be included in the SCR. Section 1111(h)(1) and (2) of the NCLB Act describes the requirements for the annual reporting of student achievement and AYP information for the state, local educational agency, and school. In past years, this federal requirement was met through existing state reports, however, for reporting and beyond the US Department of Education requires that Texas’ state, district, and campus reports be accessible by stakeholders in one document. TEA is currently developing a web-based reporting system that will generate the required NCLB School Report Cards (NCLB SRC). NCLB report cards will be available at the state, district, and campus level for easy dissemination by school districts.