Exploring Collaborations: Successful Strategies for Increasing Equity and Access to STEM Tayloe Washburn 12/04/13
Mission Partners #GAMES4STEM
Problem Statement National STEM graduate shortage By grade 9, over 80% of girls make a decision to pursue careers other than those which involve science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) While many good STEM programs like NGCP are in place to tackle this challenge, the tool of video games has not been effectively used at scale Girls + boys under 18 spend 2.1 hours a day in some form of video experience #GAMES4STEM
GAMES Mission Develop one or more really fun and engaging games that will, along with other STEM strategies underway, make a real impact in helping to influence girls to pursue STEM careers. #GAMES4STEM
Launch Video
Key Steps + Timetable to GAMES Initiative 1.Launch – June Organize 5 working groups, leadership structure, NGCP role, and GAMES Logic Model Planning Tool 3.Develop fund-raising strategy for campaign 4.Conduct initial research/review as well as NSF grant proposal on GAMES STEM Community 5.Carry out national Game Jam process to NGCP. Girls member + others to develop great game ideas + plots – Spring-Fall GAMES Judge: Select game proposals to select 20 game prototypes; develop and field test prototype games with NGCP girls – Jan-December Evaluate results of field tests; GAMES judges select 2-3 games for production and FREE distribution 8.GAMES girl players move into GAMES community; long-term monitoring begins #GAMES4STEM
Logic Model #GAMES4STEM
GAMES Working Groups 1.Research/Assessment 2.Gamers 3.Networkers 4.Fund-raisers 5.Girls Expertise and Advocacy #GAMES4STEM
GAMES Initiative and NGCP Collaboration Co-founders and executive leadership NGCP girl members participate in: o Surveys + limited research o Ideas/stories for games o Testing 20 game prototypes o Playing 2-3 final games o Optional participation in GAMES/STEM Community o Long-term monitoring #GAMES4STEM
Who’s Involved in GAMES Network
Next Steps Join the GAMES Network and one or more working groups Help develop strategies + grow our GAMES Network How can we integrate GAMES mission into other NGCP and STEM initiatives Your other ideas + comments #GAMES4STEM